My Servant System Chapter 157 156: Banquet (4)

Jillian grinned at me as she leaned forwards, her voice low and seductive as she whispered "What if I told you that Ayla has a way to remove that bond between you and Jahi?"

My eyes widened slightly as I stared at the Elf, her features twisting into a deranged smile as she continued whispering to me.

"Yes~ Ayla and I can grant you true freedom; freedom of choice, freedom to do as you please with your life..."

Pulling me slightly closer to her, she pressed her body into mine as she whispered "I can do all of that for YOU, Katherine... I can give you more than you could ever imagine. More than that overblown Demoness."

My body stiffened as I heard her badmouth Jahi, however she squeezed my hand, her fingers pushing my bones against one another.

Remaining silent, I stared at her as she said "Ayla and I want you, Katherine; as a partner in both the professional and private sense. You are the only natural Ice mage of this generation, and your talent rivals that of the heirs to the larger houses; you just don’t seem to apply yourself as well as everyone else.

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You’re too focused on your commitments to Jahi to capitalize on your talents, on your ability. I would like to give this opportunity to you, before others realize how much of an unpolished gemstone you are. I want you to shine brighter than you do now...

So, how about it, Katherine? Will you accept? Will you join me? Will you take the freedom I can give you, the freedom to control your life on your own terms, no longer bound to someone else’s whims?"

Her eyes were expectant, her lips pulled into a small smile as she laid such an attractive offer at my feet.

If I had been born here, with no other memories from a few decades of living another life, I might have just taken such an offer.

However, I knew full well that this offer was little more than bait painted with a gilded exterior.

If I accepted I’d find myself a slave to another woman’s dark whims, and unlike Jahi, who treated me with kindness and love behind closed doors, all that lay with this Elf’s honeyed words was a life behind locked doors, subject to her ghastly and sadistic whims, becoming little more than a toy to be used by her and her fiancee for the rest of my life.

All kinds of terrible lives could happen if I accepted; I could find myself bound back to someone, but this time as little more than an outlet for their lust.

They could prop me up as a new noble, just to use me to their advantage by marrying me off to someone else, deepening their relations with other houses.

It was something that I knew, and that I wouldn’t accept.

Taking a breath, I stared deep into her heated, expectant brown eyes, and I spoke.

"Respectfully Lady Sariel, I shall have to decline; I’m content with my life as is, as is my mother. Thank you for the offer, and have a wonderful birthday. Now, if you’ll excuse me..."

Releasing her hands, I was about to turn away when she said "Wait, Katherine."

Looking at her, I saw her hardened expression as she hissed "You don’t know what you’re turning down, Katherine. I’ll only ask you one more time... Will. You. Join. Me?"

Her tone was filled with a mixture of anger and desperation, and it made my heart soar.

Giving her a small smile, I shook my head, saying "I am very much aware of what I am turning down, Lady Sariel. However, I still have to decline; I am content- no, happy with my life as a servant to House Asmodia, and that shall never change. Thank you for the offer, but I shall have to decline it again, Lady Sariel. Good day."

I turned around and started walking towards Jahi, who was staring at me with narrowed eyes.

Enjoying her heavy stare, I prepared myself for a very passionate reminder of my ’owner’ when Jillian’s voice entered my ears, making me freeze.

"You’ll regret this, Katherine. I’ll make damn sure of it, bitch."

Peeking over my shoulder, I stared at the Elf, who’s lips were pulled into a twisted smile, her eyes crazed as she mouthed ’I will have you’ to me...

Turning back, I walked to Jahi, who swiftly grabbed my arm and led me back to our table, where Leone and Anput sat.

The other two women were staring at me with shimmering eyes, Anput’s deep obsidian switching to silver while Leone’s crimson flared, making me shiver slightly before grinning at them.

Jahi sat down, and I stood beside her, meeting all three women’s gazes.


The Demoness’ voice was low and guttural, making me shiver again, small jolts running up my spine.

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That tingling also travelled... elsewhere.

Looking up at me with narrowed golden eyes, Jahi tilted her head as she asked "What was that?"

Moving around the table so that I could be facing away from Jillian, I stood between Anput and Leone, both women still staring at me.

Anput grabbed another glass of wine, just for Leone to mirror her.

Both women drained their glass swiftly, and I saw both of them glare over at Jillian for a moment.

Chuckling, I said "Jillian wanted to know if I was interested in terminating my employment to House Asmodia."

That made Jahi freeze, before she clenched her fist on the table, making us freeze.

The other two could feel the raw anger rolling off her giant body, but for me...

My bond with her ran deeper than theirs, so I could feel the almost unending pit of wrath that Jahi had formed exclusively for Jillian, making me shiver again.

Feeling something drip, I bit my cheek as I held myself back, only to frown as I felt that anger tinged with something else.


She wasn’t staring at me again, and while others might assume that she was directing her attention to the one she hated...

Sighing, I stared at her hard, before saying "Jahi, again? Are we really doing this... again?"

Turning her eyes back to me, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting her roaring emotions simmer down, as well as getting rid of the worry that plagued her oh so easily.

Opening her eyes, she smiled at me as she shook her head, saying "I’m fine. What else did she say?"

Recalling the conversation, I frowned slightly as I leaned closer and lowered my voice, whispering "She told me that Ayla had a way to terminate the Soul Bond between us..."

Furrowing her brow, Jahi frowned as she lifted a glass of wine, taking a sip of the purple liquid.

"That... should be impossible, unless they managed to bind a Fiend like the Empress and Mom... there are NO ways to break such a bond besides going through a Fiend... and even then, it’s still borderline impossible."

Leone nodded, a frown in her cherry lips as she added "Soul Bindings are rather strong, and considering the fact that it is Ka’Hondi that you have bound, it would take an equally strong Fiend to break that bond, and there are just a handful of them in existence..."

Staring at Jahi, Leone added "In fact, Ka’Hondi should have never been able to be bound in the first place; that’s just how strong they were. It just shows how strong your House has been, as well as how accommodating you’ve been to them."

Nodding, the Demoness sighed as she looked at Leone, her lips drawn in a line.

"I... simply can’t think of a way the Kameiel Family have discovered a way to break a bond like that... do you think it’s a bluff?"

I shook my head, making Jahi’s frown deepen.

"She seemed adamant about getting me on her side; she wouldn’t have even asked if she was incapable of removing the bond. That would be a beacon to guide you to her, as well as a way to use me against her should I still be bound to you. Which means..."

"They figured something out. Hah... why can’t we just kill them now?"

Hearing Anput, we all stared at the bored Jackalkin, who was sipping on another glass of wine.

Leone leaned forwards and snatched the glass from her hands, glaring at the olive skinned woman as she growled "I said no more drinking! Besides, I’ve also explained it to you, you dolt!"

Seeing the normally reserved Vampire growl at Anput was surprising, but she just smiled at Leone as she replied "Fine, fine~ still, I think it’d be easiest to just... off this bitch before she becomes a problem."

Jahi nodded, only to sigh as she said "Sadly, we’d be the first to be investigated, and it’s hard to get away with something like that, not only against a Duchess, but also inside the Capital. Not worth it..."

However, she grinned as she said "But if we get her to provoke us enough to warrant a duel, then that’d be a different story~"

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