My Servant System Chapter 314 313: New Tattoo

Following Eyoli and Valaka outside of their house, we stepped out into the cold air and snow covered city of Scythiara; better known to them as home.

The Arese were already up and about, walking around the city with purpose as they laughed with their friends, family, or mates.

Many gave Eyoli and Valaka nods, while the rest came up to clasp forearms with the two women, congratulating them or greeting them after not seeing one another for a long time.

Some of the Arese that stopped to chat with Eyoli or Valaka looked my way as well, their eyes narrowing for a second before they would approach me, asking if I was ’in the market’.

Turning them down, I noticed quickly that they all rather civil about their rejections, giving me a smile and a nod before walking away.

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Sensing my confusion, Eyoli said "If we got hung up on being rejected, the entire Tribe would be in shambles; remember, while there are many of us Arese, we still rely on one another to survive. For instance, if I got hung up about one of my past flames choosing someone else to mate with and held that grudge, I would be risking the composition of our expeditions through unneeded jealousy.

Most of us warriors take rejection as motivation to better ourselves; obviously, if we were rejected, that meant we weren’t as desirable as we believed ourselves to be. As for the women, they tend to be the ones to pick us warriors out, so they don’t run the risk of rejection most of the time, but if they do, they do the same as us."

Letting out a sound of acknowledgment, I looked around the bustling city for a little longer, still walking behind my two guides / guards.

It was interesting how different some cultures were, and it was something I had always wanted to experience in my previous life; how one thing in one place was either desirable or frowned upon, only to be viewed in the opposite light somewhere else.

For instance, I had been a woman with pronounced curves, so where I was from I had no problem finding partners, but if I traveled to some of the other countries in the world, I would be viewed as ’ugly’ because I wasn’t slim.

That difference in perspective was always intriguing, and seeing that it was still around in this world made me curious about what else was waiting to be discovered...

Maybe, when I returned home, Jahi would be open to-

"Katherine! Look, look! Ah, I didn’t think we would be this lucky!"

Eyoli grabbed my shoulder, pointing off towards a roaring bonfire.

Frowning for a moment at being dragged from my thoughts, I followed her finger and noticed that there were many women covered in writhing white tattoo’s lounging around the fire, one of which was Priestess Liana.

"Haha! Valaka, do you think we might be able to convince one of the Priestess’ for a new tattoo?! Do you?!"

Hearing the excitement lacing the large woman’s tone, I raised a brow as I glanced at Valaka, who was sighing.

"Doubt it. Most likely their doing some ritual tattoo’s for the new warriors, maybe even some rewards for the outstanding hunters or warriors from last year. Remember, we didn’t participate in the border patrol, nor did we have any significant contributions on the hunts."

Watching as Eyoli visibly deflated, Valaka and I chuckled as more Arese gathered around the fire, staring at the various Priestess’ with curious eyes.

Looking up, Priestess Liana smiled widely as she met my gaze, prompting her to stand up as she said "Ah, there she is! Come here, Katherine... the others wanted to get a look at you. Quite rare that we have an opportunity like this..."

Tapping her finger against her nose, I raised a brow before stepping forwards, looking around the gathered Priestess’ as they moved towards me as well, curiosity filling their black eyes.

"Hmm... yes, I can almost taste it Liana. That bitter tang followed by a dry, flat scent... I remember it well..."

The one who spoke was older, and she looked me up and down before nodding to herself.

"See? None of you believed me. Besides that, she herself has never made a deal with them, and yet the smell permeates her very being. Intriguing."

The gathered Arese looked at me in confusion, only to shrug as the Priestess’ gestured to a stool, sitting down around it.

Taking the seat, I looked around before focusing on Priestess Liana as she began to speak.

"Fiends. Most know them as deceitful, terrible amalgamations of the worst emotions mortals are capable of. Unquenchable desire to understand everything driven to the brinks of insanity. Uncontrollable bloodlust. Raw despair and torment. Insatiable lust turned unto undeserving victims. To us Arese, we are all familiar with the Fiends of the Cimmerian Mountains. Ka’Kon, Tza’Tul, and Sla’Siki.

Ka’Kon the Murderous, born of our founders destruction of her enemies and genocide of those tribes.

Tza’Tul the Inquisitive, born from our own desires to understand ourselves and our pasts, as well as the desire to shape our own future.

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Sla’Siki the Dominant, born from the very night that Areseta and Sayik conceived the Arese.

Three Fiends that hunt and despise our Tribe for binding them to the very mountains behind us, and the three beings that we must keep chained away from the rest of the world. Aspirants and Veterans alike, remember that fact. Our Tribe is responsible for keeping those Fiends locked away, to better protect the world around us, no matter how they may view us.

When the people from Nevrokopi or the Hoarfrost Sect call you names or try to rile you up, ignore them. They know not what we do for them, and they will never understand. They deride us for being primal, for being uncivilized, but they don’t understand that we are the reason they have what they have. Don’t forget that, and hold your head high when stepping foot outside of Scythiara. You are Arese, and you are better than them."

Listening to her speech, the assembled Arese all nodded; some were grinning, others wore serious expressions, and some let out low sighs.

"Aspirants, step up towards Priestess’ Hoga and her sister Gaho to receive your warrior crests. Veterans, if you wish to barter for new tattoo’s, Priestess’ Kiki, Nike, and Olipa are available. When I am done, I will announce who may approach me next."

Everyone nodded, and the Priestess’ all spread out, lines forming instantly in front of them.

As for me, I was left beside Priestess Liana, who smiled softly at me as she said "For the time being, since you provided an excellent excuse to settle a few debts of mine, I’m willing to gift you a tattoo. If you desire one, anyways."

Glancing around, I noticed that many Arese were already showing some of their bare skin, which was being inspected by the Priestess’.

Pursing my lips, I rolled up my left sleeve and stared at my upper arm, before glancing back at Priestess Liana.

"What kind of tattoo’s are you capable of?"

Smirking at me, Priestess Liana said "I can draw more mana from your core, enhance the potency of your mana when it reaches a certain limb, improve the resilience of your flesh, make you more agile... I can do many things."

Nodding, I continued to look at my upper left arm; so far, I had a plan for where I wanted certain magical tattoo’s to reside, and I had just been waiting on ways to apply them to myself after perfecting the spell itself...

For example, I wanted to create blades of mana that would sprout from my forearms, like mantis blades; specifically, I would have two tattoos that would collide at a certain point, allowing me to use all three of my elements.

A Wind and Water tattoo that could be ’combined’ at a specific part of each tattoo to create the Ice ’tattoo’.

That was just one of many tattoos that I had planned out, but I had a blank canvas for my left upper arm.

There was no real plan for that area just yet, so I needed to pick something that would fit that limb.


"The increased resilience tattoo; does that only impact my arm, or..?"

Priestess Liana shook her head, still smirking.

"Nope, not at all~! it just needs a place to activate before spreading to the rest of the body, hardening the skin it affects. It’s a rather common tattoo for our warriors and hunters, for obvious reasons."

"Then let’s go with that; better to be safe then sorry, hm~? It’ll only take this portion of my arm though, right?"

Stroking my pale flesh, I gestured to the area that I thought it might occupy, and Priestess Liana nodded.

"Yes, but I must warn you it is rather painful and large. Besides that, the materials we use are white in color, so..."

Chuckling, I shrugged as I said "That doesn’t matter to me, and as for the pain, I’ve likely felt worse. So..."

"Alright, alright... just don’t start crying when I begin, okay~?"


Might do a second chapter later, dunno tho lol cause it’s my birthday~!


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