My Servant System Chapter 329 328: Some More Hunts

Kat PoV

After the first mammoth hunt, we called it a day as we bundled everything up and set up camp, Priestess Liana going over the various pieces of the large animal and taking note of each.

Valaka came away from the hunt with a few pounds of meat and a couple bones, which she seemed rather excited about.

As for me, the Arese decided that since I participated in the hunt, I was eligible to receive a reward as well, netting me a few pounds of meat and a large swathe of the furry pelt.

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Keeping some of the meat, I gave the rest to Eyoli, surprising her with the generous gift.

I made it clear that I was doing this so that she could have a little more to take back to the twins, which made the large warrior grin sheepishly as she nodded, taking the goods from me.

With the meat that I kept, I settled down and made myself, Valaka, and Eyoli food, surprising the Arese once more.

I could have sold it, but for the time being I was hungry, and mammoth tasted rather good, so I made us some juicy steaks.

That was how the second day ended.

Day three found us hunting down another herd of mammoths, and this time the Arese decided to better utilize my magics.

Laying out a plan, I was meant to slow and knock over two from the herd, allowing the Arese to move in for the kill.

Like the day prior, I started by having the archer wounding the animals first, before I layered some frost based Ice Magic on the open wound, seeping my mana into the mammoths flesh and freezing some of its muscles, hampering its movements.

Then, when the rest of the herd was scared away by that growling instrument, I utilized my Ice Magic once again, creating a large battering ram that would knock the mammoths over, forcing them to the ground where they would be helpless.

When that happened, the waiting Arese would charge forwards and pierce the mammoths flesh with their spears, bleeding the animals out.

With that done, we now had an additional two mammoths to harvest, and we set out to dismembering the carcasses for its parts once again.

However, the scent of blood in the air drew other curious predators over, namely a starved Polar Bear and three thin Wolves.

The Polar Bear snuck up on us, only alerting the archer when it had begun its charge towards the mammoths, loosing a roar as it tried to scare us away from the two large piles of meat.

Turning, we all scrambled to retrieve our weapons as the Polar Bear drew closer, only for the archer - who’s name I learned was Mirana - to shout "Three wolves behind you!"

Some of the Arese turned, their spears held out as they stared at the snarling wolves who observed from afar.

As for the rest of us, we readied our weapons and met the charging Polar Bear, its low growls and raised claws sending shivers down all our spines.

Valaka stood with two knives drawn, the metal gleaming in the light of the noon sun, while I readied my Breeze Fang, observing the beast that barreled towards us.

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Hundreds of pounds of muscle and flesh covered in a pristine white pelt snarled at us, its eyes hungry as it looked between the Arese and the mammoths.

Considered amongst the top apex predators in my old world, I grit my teeth as I saw one up close for the first time ever... and it was feral.

Of course, I was no longer some fragile human, powerless to stop such a creature.

Instead, I now had mana flowing inside my veins, but... so did most things in this new world.

Caution was still a word to live by, and I saw that the Arese thought so as well when they avoided the Polar Bears charge, not wanting to find themselves under those ginormous paws.

Of course, those mammoths were ours, so we weren’t about to just give up the corpses without a fight.

Those with spears slunk forwards and stabbed the Polar Bear where they could, twisting the bone spear tips inside its flesh and damaging it, only to retrieve their spears swiftly as the Polar Bear tried to snap the spears with its paws.

Avoiding the Polar Bears swipes wasn’t incredibly difficult, but a few Arese growled in annoyance as the bones they had so carefully crafted into weapons were smashed to pieces.

Raising my hand, I sent a hail of fist sized chunks of ice flying towards the Polar Bear, listening to the meaty smacks coming from its side as each chunk landed.

Growling in pain, the Polar Bear turned towards me in anger, only to let out a low whine as a final chunk slammed into its snout, fracturing the bone and knocking out some of its fangs.

With it distracted, Valaka rushed forwards and jumped onto the beasts back, stabbing her twin knives down into the muscly neck and twisting.

Blood spurted from the wounds, and the beast staggered around, spreading the red liquid over the snow and its fur.

Another Arese stabbed the Polar Bear in its side, lodging her spear deep into the beasts ribs and earning a roar of pained anger.

When it raised its paw to bat away the spear, Mirana landed an arrow on the beasts pad, eliciting a yelp from it as it tried to retreat.

Stabbing it once more, Valaka sliced a deep gouge into its neck, tearing open its flesh and letting its blood flow like water onto the ground.

Stumbling down to the ground, the Polar Bear wheezed as it coughed out blood, before falling silent moments later.

Retrieving their weapons, everyone stared at the dead beast with solemn eyes, before moving forwards to harvest its corpse as well.

Digging my hands deep into the Polar Bears flesh, I suppressed a grin as I slowly extracted the various organs on my side of the beast, moving it past the bones and remaining flesh.

Warm red liquid pooled around me, and my arms were stained in the beasts color.

Memories of more impressive ’hunts’ floated around my mind as I worked, until eventually we set out for Polaris once more.

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