My Servant System Chapter 335 334: War Never Changes

Nirinia PoV

Lifting the edge of my Dadao slightly, I allowed the human’s steel blade to slide off of mine before stabbing forwards gently, impaling them in the chest and piercing their heart.

Precise stab wounds were the evidence of my kill; quick, clean, and efficient, as is deserving for dealing with pests.

Lady Sker, on the other hand, left her victims broken and mangled on the ground, bleeding from a deep puncture wound, shattered bones and ruptured organs, alongside the potent poisons resting within her Gurz’s hollow head that were injected into her victims as well.

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Completely opposite of me, Lady Sker dispatched the humans with extreme prejudice and brutal lethality - just as deserving for pests.

Flicking the blood from the tip of my Dadao, I sighed as I looked around the second gate, taking in the ’battle’ being waged.

Humans desperately fought back against the collective might of Lady Sker, powerful mages, and some of the Empire’s finest soldiers from the Ashen Legion.

All of them were well trained, honed killers, molded into the people they are today by Adelina Leonisa, their Commander.

"What’s the sigh for, Nirinia? Not enough of these damnable humans to kill? There’s more hiding behind this gate, waiting for death; I can smell their fear..."

Glancing at Lady Sker as she slammed her Gurz into a woman’s skull, I shook my head as I replied "I’ve never been one to enjoy the kill itself. I prefer a challenge, or at least the ability to exercise my skill and hone my technique against a worthy opponent. These humans? Far from worthy..."

Cackling, the Scorpionkin grinned, those red eyes of hers glowing with bloodlust as she used her sharp tail to skewer a man, pumping him full of her venom as she lifted him into the air.

"Yes, they are rather weak, aren’t they? Pathetic little creatures, humans. Devolved, brainwashed trash that doesn’t know its place. But, that’s what makes them so fun to cut down... they so desperately cling to the belief that they can rule the world, standing above the rest of the races and ordering us around to do their bidding, but they’ve lost all the advantages that come with being from any of the other bloodlines.

Magic flows weakly inside their pitifully weak veins, their Cores rarely form at all, their physique is barely at par with even the sickliest Elf... really, they have nothing beneficial besides potent seed and fertile eggs. That, and the amusing decisions they make as they try and find a place for themself in this world!"

Lady Sker cackled again, her eyes crazed as she flung the man from her stinger, his corpse slamming into the stone wall and splattering, his back turning to paste.

Slamming her Gurz into the ground, Lady Sker allowed the weapon to rest as she grabbed another human and tore them apart with her hands, showering in the poor souls blood.

"Oh, but they die so easily~! There’s just something satisfying about tearing these vermin apart... it’s so... soothing..."

Growling softly to herself, Lady Sker grabbed her Gurz and rested the blood soaked weapon on her shoulder, turning to stare at me.

"Well, you should find plenty challenge not in the humans living inside the Kingdoms, but instead in the beasts that call this land their home. Such weaklings can’t possibly eradicate the Crystal Serpents that occupy their mountains, nor could they hunt down the vicious Fenrika Wolves that roam the southern forests.

Either way, this isn’t some training exercise or simple skirmish, Nirinia. It’s war. We WILL be conquering this land, for our people and our Empress. No matter how tiresome and boring the fight may become, this city - and the others - will be bequeathed to our Empress in due time. Remember that. For the Empire, war never changes; few can challenge us, few can call themselves a threat, and those that can, will never desire to be on the receiving end of the Empire’s Legions."

The entire time she spoke, Lady Sker allowed arrows and swords to plink off her armored form, ignoring the screams and shouts from the humans that tried to harm her.

Some spells splashed harmlessly against her plate as well, and I widened my eyes slightly as I saw the small bursts of her mana that she activated at the last second to block the spells.

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"Now, help get this gate under control; I might enjoy killing these nuisances, but even I tire of their blatant disregard for their superiors..."

Saying so, she turned and crushed the skull of a woman who was swinging her sword desperately at the Skorpionkin’s tail, showering herself in more blood.

Nodding, I hefted my blade and made swift work of the remaining humans, putting them out of their misery with practiced ease.

"Good! Now, we wait for Chordeva and Jahi to finish their tasks... hopefully that brat doesn’t fuck everything up for us..."

Leaning on the heavy Gurz, Lady Sker looked out towards the residential district, her eyes bored.

Coated in blood and gore, the Scorpionkin was given a wide berth by the various soldiers that we had with us, each taking position to fortify and occupy the gate, with some of the mages and archers taking positions on nearby rooftops to provide cover.

"Jahi won’t mess anything up, at least not on purpose; she has a good head on her shoulders, and is a good mix of both the Marquess and the Countess."

Scoffing, Lady Sker smirked at me as she said "Aye, she might have a good head on her shoulders, but saying she’s a healthy mix of an insatiable walking natural disaster of a Demoness and a slightly crazy Saintess of an Elf is not the compliment nor reassurance you believe it is. Besides, saying that she is a ’good mix of both’ is the same as me saying that of both you and Leonisa, and we’ve seen how well the both of you have turned out~!"

Grinning, the Scorpionkin stared at me as she searched for a reaction, sighing when I provided none.

"Well, take it from a perpetually single, slightly deranged Knight, but the loneliness does sneak up on you sometimes, Nirinia. I envy Chordeva for finding such a good match so early on; most of us never find our special someone’s for many decades. Sure, I’ve had my slew of partners - male, female, futa, whatever - but the temporary warmth is chased away by an ever growing chill of being alone. So don’t make the mistake of letting this one walk from you, Nirinia."

Frowning, I stared at her for a few moments, listening idly to the sounds of warfare breaking out around the city.

"Is everyone that damn interested in my love life?!"

Hearing my mutter, Lady Sker grinned widely at me as she said "That we are, little Djinn~! You and Leonisa are the prime entertainment for those of us at the top. I mean, what else do we have to distract ourselves with in between battles? You two are rather fun to watch!"

Glaring at her, I sighed as I made my way over to the wall, leaning against it as I stared up into the smoke filled sky.

It was slightly irritating, knowing that everyone was so hyper focused on Adelina and I, but I could understand it...

Especially Jahi and her fiancees; I mean, anything to distract themselves from losing Kat would be extremely welcome...

I couldn’t even imagine actually losing Adelina; having her almost killed in front of me was already so... scary.

For the first time in my life, I had felt true, genuine fear as I watched her bleed out.

And now, my heart was tight as I thought about the few moments I had with the out-of-it Adelina in the medical ward; the one that rekindled so many dwindling memories of our childhood.

It grew tighter as I wondered if that might be the last I ever saw of such a gentle, caring Adelina...

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