My Servant System Chapter 350 349: Occupying Goron (3)

Jahi PoV

Sauntering down the hall, I smirked as I watched the lavishly robed man scurry away, his chubby little legs propelling him as fast as they could.

Way ahead of him was a rather gorgeous human woman, her long flowing blue hair and voluptuous breasts bouncing as she ran, soft blue hues radiating from those long, sleek legs of hers as she lifted her dress for better movement.

How a woman like that ended up being tied to such an ugly pig is beyond me, and the fact that she had born him three children - two of whom were currently little more than chunks of flesh a few rooms back - made me shiver in disgust.

Sure, the Empire had its fair share of unwanted marriages, but few races - or people - let themselves get that... hideously fat for no reason.

Most Nobles had some form of required strength, and the few who didn’t tended to either be researchers or merchants, and even they understood the need for a good appearance.

Vanity is a good and bad thing, and the Empire has understood that for a long, long time.

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The couples other child, their last remaining son, scrambled in between his mother and father, slightly chubby but not hideously fat like his father.

Humming softly to myself, I took the time to take in the mansions decor as I waltzed towards them, my blood drenched great sword resting idly on my shoulders.

The echoing screams and shouts of the other Praetors spurred the three Nobles on, but I knew that they couldn’t even reach the end of the hall.

Since that was currently little more than a barrier of Light Mana I had erected as soon as we entered this almost endless hallway.

The windows were made from beautifully stained glass, but the depictions made my skin crawl.

One panel was depicting an Orc raping a woman, before the next panel had the Orc gathering a horde of Goblins - yes, the actual monsters that have zero intelligence - around themselves.

The third panel had them leading their horde to war against who I am presuming is the founder of this House.

The fourth had their victory over the Orc, beheading them and raising the head proudly.

The fifth was a panel showing the founder mourning the now pregnant woman, who was weeping at his feet.

The sixth showed her burning at the stake.

After wards, the stained glass displayed the other ’glorious deeds’ the House had committed over the years, but I turned away before I could view them.

On the other wall were paintings and shelves laden with trinkets, all of which looked really valuable.

A portrait of the woman I was currently corralling towards the Light Barrier hung on the wall, and I nodded in appreciation of her beauty, before chuckling at the low cut dress she wore inside of it, display an ample amount of cleavage.

Tacky on most women, but she had the looks to pull it off.

Next was an elaborate chalice laden with gemstones that was incredibly tacky, made from gold and engraved with small runes and symbols.

Then there was a display sword made from gold as well, a large sapphire embedded in its pommel, while the blade itself was faceted with various smaller sapphires and amethysts.

All very valuable, but all very worthless.

Turning my attention back to the hall, I saw that the woman was slamming her fists against the Light Barrier, her blue hair bouncing as she constantly glanced over her shoulder.

A moment later her son reached her, and they tried to work together to breach the barrier, all while the man shouted for them to break it and wait for him.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced at the various doors that they could have entered, likely leading towards singular rooms, but rooms filled with those disgusting stained glass panels...

Herding them towards the wall, I stopped a few feet away and stared at them, before watching as the son desperately turned towards me, his eyes filled with hot tears.

"Y-You damnable Demoness! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Raising a brow, I watched as he drew a dagger from his cloak and charged at me, even as his mother shouted for him to stop.

Staring at the dagger with interest, I took in its pure silver blade before sighing, lifting a hand.

Intercepting his slow, sloppy strike, I watched as his face blanched as the blade shattered against my palm, a thin gold circle preventing it from piercing his flesh.

"Oddly courageous, but... not enough."

Closing my fingers down into a fist, I backhanded the boy and splattered the wall with his skull and brain matter, earning a shrill scream from the woman while the man slumped to the ground, his eyes dull.

Wrinkling my nose, I glanced at the man as I saw a small puddle forming under him, while his wife continued to scream.

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Shaking the leftover gore from my hand, I looked over the two humans before watching in amusement as the woman gulped, her scream trailing away as she looked me over.

An odd resolve filled her sapphire eyes, and she took a deep breath before stepping towards me.

Watching her, I held back the urge to roll my eyes as she blushed, understanding instantly what she was planning.


The light returned to the mans eyes as his wife approached me, and she flinched before continuing forwards anyways.

"L-Lady D-Demoness..."

Her shaky, yet subservient tone sent a shive down my spine, and I took a deep breath as I stared at her in silence.

"L-Lady Demoness... I... P-Please, s-spare me! I’ll do anything! Anything! E-Even warm your bed!"

Tilting my head, I felt deja vu as the woman offered herself to me, and I glanced at the man before smirking, an odd thrill surging through my veins as I saw despair and rage enter his eyes.

Reaching forwards, I laid my hand on her waist, before pulling her towards me as I stared down at her.

Looking into her sapphire eyes, I bit my cheek as she gave me THAT look, the one that... ’she’ used to play out for me.

That deep blush and shaky breathing, paired with the immense fear and despair in her eyes made my own breathing hitch, and I continued to stare into those sapphire orbs.

"Anything? Warm my bed..? A Noble Lady like yourself, reduced to my personal pleasure slave... oh, don’t tempt me so, my Lady~!"

My husky voice made her shiver again, but she nodded as she pressed her large breasts against my arm.

"I-If it means sparing me... t-then you can have my body, Lady Demoness!"

"M-Miranda?! Y-You would sully your body like that?! God would never forgive you for that sin!"

Gritting her teeth, Miranda glared over at her husband as she snapped "Sin?! My ’sin’ was being married to a pig like you! I deserved the Prince or a Duke, but I was stuck with the leftovers; YOU!"

They both glared at the other, and the mans eyes filled with more rage as he shouted "Y-You’ll burn in hell, whore! Leftovers?! I was top of my class!"

"Really Gary? Top of your class? What, in eating?! HA! Don’t make me laugh!"

With his face flushing red, he shouted back "E-Either way, w-what about the fact that this Demoness butchered our children?! Huh?! What about Billy, Gary, and Abby?!"

Sneering, Miranda snapped back "’Our children’? You mean ’my children’?! You think I ever gave birth to YOUR children!? Billy was your brothers, Gary was the painters, and Abby was that valiant Warrior who saved me from the monster outbreak! If I die here, I’ll still burn for ’sinning’, even though I was FORCED into this damned marriage!"

Blinking, I watched the two arguing, enjoying the fact that they seemed to have completely forgotten that they were about to die right here, right now.

"W-What?! Y-You cheating BITCH! I’ll-!"

"Oh, quiet! She’s mine now, little piggy~! Don’t worry... I’ll take very~ good~ care of her in your stead... Maybe I’ll see sides of her that you never saw... how she looks when I breed her, maybe? Sound interesting, Miranda? Having my babies in exchange for your continued existence?"

I held in a smirk as she leaned further into my body, all while Gary seethed off to the side.

"I-If that’s what it takes, Lady Demoness..."

Her resigned tone made me shiver, and I glanced at her former husband as I raised my hand.

Seeing his lips open, I shrugged as I sent one of my Light Discs through his skull, splitting it in two.

Miranda bit into her lip to stifle her scream, and I saw her fear increase twofold at the scene.

Biting my own lips, I turned my attention back to her entirely as I pulled her into a hug, stroking her blue hair.

Gasping, she stiffened as she ’felt’ me against her, and I smirked cruelly as I asked "Miranda... oh Miranda... are you ready, my new toy? I need you now... right here, right now..."

My voice made her shiver again, and I licked my lips as she tried to look up towards my face, only to gasp as I clasped my hand on the back of her head.

Lifting her up, I grinned as she squirmed in my grasp before murmuring "That was entertaining, but... I have a penchant for breaking things, Miranda..."

With that, I felt my grin widen as I tossed her to the side, her neck cracking audibly as her head crashed against the wall.

Taking a shuddering breath, I shivered as I felt a jolt of pleasure run through my body once more, and I found myself wondering if this was what she felt during her hedonistic bouts...

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