My Servant System Chapter 388 387: Going Forwards

Jahi PoV

"Eh stop overthinking it brat! Trust me, mulling over something as complicated as this isn’t good for your mental health~!"

Mom clapped my shoulder once as she grabbed her blade and secured it on her back, a wide, toothy grin on her face as she looked down at me.

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"Wh- How-? No, of course I’m going to worry about it!? You just told me that Fiends are coming BACK into the world and that they are nearly unkillable creatures of sin that will utterly despise me and want to kill me! How in the ever loving fuck am I mean to NOT think about that fact Mom?!"

She continued to grin at me, her ruby eyes sparkling with amusement as she looked down at me from her nose, arrogance oozing off her muscular form as she proudly stated "You don’t need to think about it because, until you manage to become stronger, I’ll keep you safe~! So don’t sweat it~! Ka’Hondi is by far amongst the strongest Arch Fiends, and I’ve beaten that insufferably resilient prick dozens of times over the years~!"

I glared at her, swatting away her hand as I growled "If you’ll excuse me, I do believe I need to go begin asking my fiancee to tutor me some more on magic, so that I can protect them and myself going forwards!"

Mom’s chuckles followed me as I turned around sharply and stomped away, my mind whirling at high speeds as I tried to figure out what I needed to do going forwards.

She did say that they wouldn’t be back to power until a few years from now, meaning I had time, but I needed to go from my level to the level of a Knight; I needed to do what Nirinia did in a decade and a half and do it in two or three instead.

Which is utterly insane and almost completely impossible to do!

Though, as I continued to walk around the large pit and make my way back towards Anput and Leone, I don’t know about that...

On the magical side of my strength, I could utilize the Dual Cultivation method that Leone showed us all a long time ago; after this crusade is over, whenever we have sex - which is often - if we utilize the Dual Cultivation method and grow the potency of our mana, we get stronger through just having ’higher level’ mana.

Add on some more lessons in magic from Kolia or the others inside the Academy, and we could very easily increase our arcane prowess in a short period of time.

The problem was - for Anput and I - that we weren’t the most proficient casters in the world, like Leone was; sure, we could do magic better than most, but compared to Leone, we were like peasants to nobility - a nearly insurmountable pinnacle that we wanted to climb.

We also preferred the way of martial combat over arcane combat, so our magics and their uses would shift drastically from the norm as we tried to cultivate techniques that were more passive and complimentary to our bladework.

And in order to improve that, I know that the only way to do so is to either continue traversing the depths of Zhu’Rong Caverns and other dangerous areas, or train under the Knights of Cinder to learn all we can and refine our martial prowess.

Maybe even request training from the Captain of the Knights herself, Lady Fenryas, Leone’s Aunt and wife to the Empress of Ash.

Though, considering the fear that Mom displayed at her name, maybe we wait on asking her for now...

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Returning to the assembled Legion, I found Anput grinning as she stood beside Leone, the Vampire Princess flustered as she glared back at the Jackalkin, the two exchanging words.

The sparks that flew from Leone’s hair let me know just how animated she was, while the swishing of Anput’s tail was a dead giveaway to the enjoyment the woman was getting from teasing Leone.

"Oh~! Here she is~! Your oh so Valiant Knight, my dear Princess~! I do believe she deserves another reward for her heroic efforts today~!"

Anput’s exaggerated voice made Leone blush further, her red eyes snapping over to me as she glared harder, her brow furrowed cutely as she pouted.

Stomping over, the curvaceous Princess looked up at me and tapped her finger against my chest, saying "Never do that again, Jahi! It was so embarrassing!"

I grinned down at her, lifting my hand and pulling her into my chest as I leaned down and whispered "But you’re so adorable when I make you blush, my dear... red really is your color, you know? I just love when you blush so much..."

Anput grinned as she stood beside us, her obsidian eyes sparkling as she added "Besides, it’s not like the Legion wasn’t aware of what happened to us back in Goron~ We weren’t exactly... quiet about it."

Leone’s blush deepened, and she slammed her fist against my abdomen, pushing herself free as she let out a huff.

My chuckles joined Anput’s as we stared warmly at the Princess we both loved so much, before my smile faded as I gestured for them to follow me, leading them away from the rest of the Legion.

Stopping a good distance away, I smiled wryly as I said "Mom just told me something... interesting. Nua’Morte, the Arch Fiend that we just faced via proxy? Well, that was the first of many Arch Fiends awakening, and it seems that - in a few years time - the world is going to grow much more chaotic. And since my Light Magic seemed to be something that angered them, well..."

"The Marquess wants you to get stronger - around Nirinia’s level, I would assume - so that when the Fiends are back, you can defend yourself against them... Correct? Which would include us as well, since we WILL be by your side; if you even try to suggest I return to the Palace to hide behind my family, I will burn you."

I grinned at Leone, shaking my head as I said "I wasn’t even contemplating that, love. Besides, I’d be worried that something would happen to you where I couldn’t see it, even when I should know that nothing would get past the Empress and your family. No, I was going to say that from here on out, we redouble our training on all fronts...

Anput, you and I need to refine our magics some more, which means sex is no longer entirely about pleasure; we’re going to use that technique that Leone showed us.

Leone, you will be increasing your physical strength some more, just to reach a certain threshold so that we know that you can take care of yourself.

All of us will be training hard from here on out, and I would say that in two years time, we need to reach the same level as Nirinia in terms of power, if not higher. If the world is going to change that drastically, well..."

I looked towards the pit that the Fenghuang skulled creature had crawled out from, thoughts of the future floating around my mind.

"We need to improve as well... a lot."

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