My Servant System Chapter 419 418: Back Home - Kat Edition

Kat PoV

I... was embarrassed to admit that my moans had filled my room as Sla’Caligo applied her tattoo above my lower lips, which were slick with juices as pain coursed through me as each pink line layered into my flesh burnt and throbbed angrily in a way that was just...

Well, needless to say the Arch Fiend dealing in pleasures below me was rather happy with what happened, amusement and lust dancing inside her pink eyes as she cleaned off her fingers and face when she was done.

"I’ll take that over a kiss ANY day of the week, Katherine... oh my, that was excellent, my love... truly sublime..."

My teeth dug into my cheek as I blushed slightly, feeling well and truly embarrassed about showering her with fluids after she brought me to the edge...

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Interestingly enough, that brought my [Arousal] down to zero, though I was far too ashamed of what had just happened to notice.

So, I tried to focus my mind on the tattoo itself instead of the tattooer or the experience, my eyes tracing the pink lines that crowned my lower lips.

It... looked nothing like a succubus crest, surprisingly enough; there were no hearts or flowing lines that traced out the shape of a womb and ovaries.

Instead, it was a rather intricate cluster of snakes that formed the various runes inside of the dual Ritual Circle that now adorned my pubic area.

The larger of the circles was a filled with small runes that shaped the majority of the tattoo, while the second of the circles was nestled inside the larger one, but resting on the bottom; almost like it was a marble stuck inside a circular vase.

I traced out the lines with my fingers before looking towards Sla’Caligo, who was back up on the dresser lounging around like before.

"This... is not what I expected?"

She just chuckled, pointing towards her nest of snakes as she said "What were you expecting? A goat? Maybe a bat? Or just some cheesy lines that would look like your vagina? It’s magic made from my own creation, Katherine, so of course it’ll look like me."

I nodded at that, my fingers still tracing the lines as I familiarized myself with my second major tattoo, the sharp pink lines standing out on my paler skin.

"Well~! Time to get going~! We need to visit Ka’Hondi so that that bastard can fix your Soul Bond to your Mistress and so that I can ask him a few things, and I imagine that your Mistresses will be scrambling back to find you when that bond is fixed... Which’ll mean I get my first real~ meal in millennia~! Come, come~! Over here now... gather your things, dress yourself! Oh, I can’t wait~!"

Sla’Caligo was dancing happily in the center of the room, humming to herself as she watched me pack my equipment up and buckle on my armor.

"It’d be best if you... ’dressed’ yourself as well, Sla’Caligo..."

"Please, just call me Cali~! Hah... but I guess you’re right... I wouldn’t want to seduce your lovers away from you, now would I~?"

She grinned at me before waving her hands over her perfect curves, ignoring the low growl that reverberated from my throat.

Her violet scales began to grow along her body, slowly covering her breasts and sides in a layer of dark violet, while a long, flowing skirt made from thinner violet scales covered her toned legs.

Cali gave me a twirl as she asked "Better, my love~? I think it’s the perfect blend of sexy and elegant~!"

I rolled my eyes as she gave her chest a little bounce, thinning the scales out some more and allowing gravity to have its way with her breasts, all while her skirt began to shorten somewhat, revealing more of her soft, luscious thighs.

With my armor firmly strapped on and my daggers all hanging from my belt, I took a deep breath as I approached Cali, her grin growing.

"There’s something ravishing about a woman in armor, y’know~? So feisty and intimidating~!"

The Arch Fiend slipped her arm around my waist and pulled me close, smirking up at me as she began to use her free hand to trace out runes with incredible speed.

"You might want to hold on, my love. This could be a little bumpy~!"

A blinding pink light spilled out of the runes she traced, and I felt my head begin to spin as her sickly sweet scent permeated my nostrils.

Sharp giggling and seductive moaning filled the air, and Cali chuckled as the room around us began to blur.

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Shrouded in pink light, we teleported from the Burial City of Khanla to the Marquess’ Mansion in March Asmodia; specifically, the front entrance hall of the Mansion.

Cali groaned softly as she released me, her taloned hands moving towards her head as she staggered, while I barely managed to avoid crashing into one of the many suits of armor along the walls, my vision spinning.

Some of the maids and butlers shouted in surprise at our sudden appearance, but two of them stepped forwards with weapons drawn and spells at the ready.

Recognizing the twins, I raised my hand and managed to gasp "L-Lexi, Lexa, it’s alright..."

They thankfully lowered their raised weapons and spells, but the two women stared at me quietly, before one of them rushed off to inform the Countess - who most likely was already aware of our arrival, if I had to guess...

Casting a quick healing spell on myself, I managed to stand up without stumbling around, my vision back to normal.

I made my way over towards Cali, who was still panting slightly as she stood stock still, her pink eyes closed shut as she massaged her temples, seemingly in pain.

"You okay? What made you like this..?"

The Arch Fiend could only chuckle as she peeked over at me, her eye shining with power as she muttered "I’ll fucking kill that prick when I see him... Ka’Hondi, you hear that?"

Cali took a deep breath before standing up straight, her expression returning to normal as she said "I’m fine now. Just... winded."

"Well, this is not how I imagined seeing you again, Kat."

A smooth voice filled the hall, and I glanced up towards the top of the stairs to see the Countess looking down at us, her azure eyes sparking.

"Side by side with an Arch Fiend... How interesting. There had better be a good reason you seem so close with her, Kat. Otherwise..."

The Countess only sneered as Cali began to chuckle, her eyes flashing with amusement as she said "Otherwise what, Elf? I’ll admit you’re strong, but... well, you’re no Asmodia, that’s for sure."

"Oh I know. My wife is far stronger than I am. However, it wouldn’t be just me you’d face, Fiend. If you haven’t forgotten, another of your kin resides in these halls. One far stronger than you."

Cali and I looked around as the Banshee’s of House Asmodia made themselves known, their hands resting on their weapons as they stared at the Arch Fiend beside me.

Raising her hands in surrender, Cali just grinned as she said "I know~ Ka’Hondi is still resting in your basement, aren’t they~? Well, Katherine, this isn’t the welcome we expected, now was it?"

I had to purse my lips at that, and I looked around before shrugging, saying "To be honest, this is much more tame than I expected. I thought I’d need to defend myself and prove I wasn’t corrupted or something..."

Countess Ria just snorted, her eyes losing their azure luster and returning to sapphire as she walked down to meet us, her dark blue dress only ever adding to her elegance.

"I can tell that you aren’t ’corrupted or something’, Kat. That still doesn’t mean you needn’t defend yourself; you and I will have words after this. However, for now, I believe there is a more pressing matter to attend to..."

Standing in front of me, the Countess looked me over before smiling warmly, wrapping her arms around me as she muttered "Welcome home, Kat... We were all worried."

I returned her hug and nodded, the familiar scent of ozone still lingering around the Countess.

"Your Mother will likely be here in a moment; Lexa went to fetch her."

The Countess pulled away and smiled at me, before glaring over at Cali as she asked "So why are you still here, hmm? Shoo."

Cali stared at the Countess blankly before looking towards me, her cheeks puffing out as she huffed "No. I think I’ll stay!"

As the two women began to glare at one another, I could only let out a sigh as I wondered if Cali would only ever fight with the Countess, Marquess, and the others...

If so, the headaches going forwards were going to be numerous...

For now though, I was finally back home, and I looked up towards the top of the stairs and grinned once more, a more mature version of myself looking towards me with tears in her eyes.

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