My Servant System Chapter 506 505: Feast For Many*

Kat PoV

With my arms bound behind me and attached to the rope snaking around my waist, I could only writhe around as a knotted piece of rope cracked against the exposed flesh, making me bite harder into my gag as the Demoness behind me snickered as she whipped me.

"Oh my fucking~ Goddess above..! Kat... Oh Kat, Kat, Kat... Why do you enamor me so?! I was content with just keeping this roughly vanilla, but then you had~ to get playful! You’re a conniving little bitch aren’t you..?"

I cried out in blissful pain as the knotted rope struck my inner thigh again, leaving a thin gash that stung as my pussy juices and semen dripped over the wound, only adding to the pain.

My Demoness lover was grinning behind me, her eyes golden as she stared down at my raised ass, which was covered in red marks and splattered with semen, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I - perhaps - made a mistake in nipping shoulder when she had been pounding me into the bed, her face buried into my neck as she entered my womb repeatedly.

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That singular nip had made the Demoness glare at me before slapping my cheek, slipping us instantly from lovers into the roles of dominant and submissive, the both of us sensing that shift and acting on it as Jahi slapped me again, before tugging on the rope and having it dig into my flesh as a punishment for my act.

With her shift to dominant secured, the woman grabbed the remaining rope and created a makeshift whip with it, using it to punish me further and display her authority over my body, making me cum like crazy as mark after mark appeared on my skin.

The entire time her cock was deep inside my womb, spraying semen irregularly when she would begin to ejaculate from the euphoria of dominating me and from the tightness of my pussy as I came.

That singular nip sparked a fire inside the Demoness, and she used me to quell it as she fucked me for hours, never stopping as she used and abused me to her hearts content, only allowing me rest when she stopped to heal us both and let me drink some water.

Though, she only fed me her cum for sustenance, and as delectable as that sweet cream was, I was eventually going loopy from the hunger and constant pleasure, making the Demoness stop for the moment.

Jahi wiped her cock off on my face before moving to unbind me, freeing me from the ropes and only stopping once to fuck my breasts, filling my cleavage with semen as she unwound the rope around my waist.

When she was truly finished, I sprawled out on the bed and watched tiredly as she cleaned herself off and dressed, going out to get us some food - it took her a few moments to calm down her impressive ’dragon’ that still yearned for more, though me rolling onto my back and showing her my cum soaked breasts certainly didn’t help...

After she left, I summoned a sphere of water and drank from it slowly, soothing my sore throat and rejuvenating my mind as I rehydrated myself properly, before I just shrugged as I splashed myself with the water.

Scooping the semen from my breasts, I drank it before cleansing myself entirely, leaving myself clean as I prepared to at least don a robe, not wanting to surprise anyone who might walk in...

The last thing I needed was for Mother to see me like this; we both KNEW that the other was sexually active and proactive, but we didn’t want to see that...

And honestly, that extended to the Marquess and Countess; I didn’t want to see them nude ever again, nor did I want them to see me nude again, least of all after their daughter just got done railing me for hours on end...

With that in mind, I loosely tied a robe over my body and lounged in a chair, waiting for someone to return first.

What I didn’t expect was for Sla’Caligo to drop into my lap, the pink skinned Arch Fiend poking her cock against my stomach as she caressed my face.

"Oh my, Kat~! That. Was. Delectable~! The way she fucked you in the ass on that stool!? Oh, or the time she pushed your head down and raped your throat despite having just choked you for so~ long?! I... I’m honestly so~ wet right now..."

Cali’s eyes locked onto mine, and the Arch Fiend leaned down as she whispered "Kat, please... can I eat her cum out of your pussy? I just want a taste of that Demoness... I swore not to seduce her, but... come on, baby... Just a taste?"


Her hands dropped towards my robe, and I bit my lip as the Arch Fiend rubbed her impressive cock against my chest, her snakes hissing hungrily above us both.

Despite the addictive scent surrounding her, or the heat I felt in my womb as her tip oozed precum, I shook my head at her, making the woman pout.

Though, I decided to throw her a slight bone for this, after keeping my bases covered...

"If I let you lick it from my fingers, can you swear to me that this is purely a pleasure thing? That there is no use for this besides your lust?"

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"On Reincantra? Oh baby, I would make that oath every waking moment... Yes, on Reincantra that is the ONLY thing I want from this... I just want a taste of her seed..."

The desire in her eyes was heavy, and those pink orbs only widened with glee as I gingerly scooped some of Jahi’s leftover cum from my pussy, letting it drip from my fingers.

"Thank you for the treat, Katherine..!"

Grabbing my hand, Cali brought her lips close and began to suck eagerly on each digit, her tongue swirling around them expertly as she cleared everything off.

Her lips were incredibly soft, her tongue so dexterous, and the noise she made as she sucked on my fingers was downright lewd; it didn’t take much to wonder what she would look like with a penis instead of a finger...

Of course, what would be a better time for Jahi to walk in then right then?

Seeing the pink skinned Fiend on my lap, the Demoness raised a brow as she looked towards me, her golden eyes letting me know this wasn’t the best scene for her to see, but...

"Jahi, really, I didn’t do anything past... this. I didn’t even know she would appear here..."

She looked at us for a few moments more before smirking, her amethysts returning as she said "It looks like your feeding a pet, honestly. A really horny, busty pet..."

That made me narrow my eyes as I saw the Demoness trace out the Arch Fiends curves, but I just sighed as I squashed that jealousy down early; we both knew that she was just looking, and that she wouldn’t do anything, just like she knew I wouldn’t do anything past this... ’feeding’ of Cali, who was still extremely absorbed with my fingers.

Though, when Jahi lifted the tray off of the cart and took off the cloche covering the food, revealing a juicy steak and mound of creamy pasta, I looked at Cali and freed my fingers from her mouth, ’kindly’ smiling at her as I said "Cali, that’s enough."

She frowned at me, before pouting as she floated into the air, muttering "You sound like a mother scolding her child... though, I guess you d-"

"Cali, don’t make me hit you."

I didn’t even glance at her, yet I could tell that the Arch Fiend was smirking as she puffed herself away, leaving just Jahi and I in the room again.

Sitting down beside her, I dug into the food with the Demoness, the two of us sharing and - sometimes - fighting over the food, getting our energy replenished as we enjoyed our personal feast.

Leone returned a few minutes later, a basket laden with potions in her arms, and the Vampire excitedly told us about her day, showing us each potion and telling us what it did, before eventually handing Jahi a vial only half filled with red liquid, saying "T-This is for tonight..."

The Demoness stared at the liquid curiously, raising her brow as she saw Leone blushing hard as she squirmed around in her chair, trying her hardest to not look at Jahi.

"And? What does it do?"

Jahi was already smirking, the woman knowing damn well what that potion was meant to do all things considered, but seeing Leone so embarrassed was as adorable as ever.

Before she could answer, Anput strode into the room with a grin, which only grew as she saw all of us together.

"Ah, are we using potions to make tonight better~? Leone, you horny Vampire you~! Brewing aphrodisiacs..."

The Jackalkin’s brusqueness made us all laugh, with Leone only turning redder and redder as she listened to us all, her pout making her utterly adorable as she tried to snatch the vial back.

Catching her wrist, Jahi grinned down at her as she whispered "No no no, not so fast missy... You brew me a potion like this and expect me to NOT use it~? No, you had best prepare yourself Leone... If your skills with alchemy are really up to snuff, I’m not letting you sleep tonight... at least, not without a nice shower and some deep, intense loving..."

When Jahi uncorked that vial, we all shivered in anticipation, only to not be capable of remembering that night as the already voracious appetite of the Demoness was aided by the potent potion brewed by Leone...

I... think we may have woken the entire Palace, honestly...

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