My Servant System Chapter 535 534: Battlefield... Again

Chapter 535 534: Battlefield... Again

"Anput! Clear out the left side then regroup with me at the front! Leone, cut them down from afar! Kat, hold off the right side! Nirinia, just remain back for now!"

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We all nodded as the Demoness shouted out her orders, each of us springing into action to fulfill her desires as we hefted our weapons and readied our spells.

Back at the clearing again, we burst forth from the forest and emerged into the battlefield that was once more being torn apart by legions of monsters and undead, all of whom turned and began to stream towards us as soon as we emerged.

The Goblins were taller and bulkier, while the Skeleton’s had a thicker set of bones laden with bumps that acted as a sort of armor, while their incisors were lengthened and sharpened into fangs.

They still wielded the simple weapons and some basic armor like they had before, but all things considered...

Darting into the cluster of Goblins and Skeletons making their way towards us from the right, I pulled back my rapier and shrouded it in a gale of sharp winds, which eviscerated the bodies of the Goblins that I attacked.

Their torsos exploded into a shower of blood and gore as the rapier punctured their hearts, dropping them to the ground before they faded to dust.

As for the Skeletons, their bones cracked and exploded easily as the rapier slammed against their skulls, dropping them as well as I weaved from side to side, dodging the various attacks sent my way as I held back the wave of chaff that came towards us on the right, before I clicked my tongue and sent a burst of ice towards a group of Goblins as I saw a feline leap over the horde and try to pounce on me.

My rapier flicked up and pierced the feline’s shoulder, making it yowl in agony before slipping free as I flung it to the side, the gale of wind shrouding my rapier tearing it apart from the inside as I pushed my mana into its body.

That single second that I had been occupied with the feline allowed the Goblins and Skeletons to push forwards and swarm me, their blades and clubs rising and falling as they tried to smack me down, but a wave of my hand and a burst of ice later, and I had freed myself from the temporary prison as I pushed them back again.

The two hordes were numerous in number as they continued to swarm towards us, and I kept my rapier dancing as I stabbed and slashed at the enemies before they could get too close to me, taking advantage of the space between us as I cut down more and more enemies.

I could hear Anput and Jahi doing the same as I was, their blades hacking away at the various monsters and undead that made there way towards us as we used them to hone our edge.

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"This could certainly be doable, but we haven’t faced those elites yet!"

Jahi’s shout made me nod as I flicked the rapier to the side, slitting a Goblin’s throat and killing it quickly before shouting back "Let’s take one down to see how they’ve improved before scouring the forest for their spawning grounds! If we can get rid of just one of them, we could easily make it to the mountain!"

The other three grunted in agreement as we waited for the nearest elite - a gigantic bone centipede - to scurry over to us, its razor sharp legs slicing through Goblins and other monsters alike in its rush to make it to our position.

The sheer amount of enemies between us and it made the construct slow down in the bog of enemies, giving us some time to prepare as we began to layer buff spells overtop ourselves before meeting it in battle, with the main spell being casted coming from Anput as she fell back, Jahi and I taking over broader swathes of enemies as we protected her as she began to cast.

It was only for a few seconds, but the weight of the waves of enemies increased exponentially as I unsheathed Shatter and lengthened the blade to allow me to dual wield swords, giving me the reach to keep them at bay.

The serrated blade of ice on Shatter and gale shrouded needle of my rapier made short work of the various chaff around me, the spreading of frost taking them down easily as I killed and killed.

When she finished casting her spell, the Jackalkin raised her hands and summoned giant gates of metal once more, the staple like gates falling hard on the bone construct and nailing it in place, making it screech as it tried to burst free from the prison around it.

The multiple gates slammed further into the ground as Anput pushed her hands down, before she took up her sword and shifted it into a heavy hammer, which she raised and slammed down towards the centipede’s head, shattering the skull and killing the elite in one hit, surprising us all.

All of the lower level monsters froze for a moment, the backlash of seeing something so powerful die so quickly making them stiffen up before getting cut down, Jahi and I taking advantage of that lull to kill some more.

Anput jumped back and took control of her gates again, yanking them from the earth and sending them towards another elite and pinning it down as well.

"Damn~! This bracelet is fucking great Kat~! Ah, it feels so~ good to be this strong now!"

Her bloodthirsty grin made me chuckle as I glanced back at her, before I turned back towards the chaff and continued to cut them down with prejudice, freeing up some space around me as I asked "We staying for a little longer or are we pulling out now?"

"Why would I ever~ want to pull out, my little puppy~? Let’s stay for a little longer, alright~!"

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