My Servant System Chapter 54 53: First Blood

I looked at Jahi, who simply shrugged when she heard the Marquess’ question. Sighing in annoyance, the Marquess pushed me forwards, into the center of the clearing.

"Alright, the pup first. I’ll release one of the goblins, so get ready."

Nodding, I palmed the dagger and stared at the goblins, watching as one of the mana ropes dissipated.

Standing up, the goblin looked towards me, its small eyes radiating fear and wariness.

Scooping up a rock and stick, the goblin remained still, before chittering at me.

Unlike before, this chittering was low and shaky, almost like the goblin was pleading.

Taking a step towards me, it looked up at me, a tear falling from its beady eyes.

I lowered my stance, watching as it got closer to me.

After taking another small step forwards, the goblin grinned widely as it jumped towards me, cackling as it swung the rock towards me and stabbed with the stick.

I sighed in annoyance, swaying to the side before flicking the blade upwards.

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My dagger connected with the goblins wrist, and I watched in detached interest as the blade cleanly sliced through the green flesh, blood spurting from the wound.

Crying out in pain, the goblin dropped the rock and clutched its new stump, before looking up at me in anger.

I looked down at the dagger, my gaze focused on the crimson blood dripping off the edge, before I looked towards the severed hand on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, I looked back towards the goblin, grinning.

It felt...


I watched as the goblin charged at me again, forgetting that it had dropped its weapon just a moment prior.

As it drew near, I dashed forwards, lancing the daggers tip towards the goblins throat.

I felt my blood rush as the blade dug deep into the soft flesh of its neck, and I watched in elation as it tried to claw at my hand, to remove the dagger that severed its windpipe.

Withdrawing the dagger, I swallowed hard when I saw it slump to the ground, shriveling up just like the goblins the Marquess killed.

Taking a shaky breath, I stared at the goblins corpse, pleasure rushing my system before feeling someone grab my shoulder.

Turning, I saw the Marquess looking down at me in worry, before her expression shifted to surprise.

"Did you... enjoy that?"

Hearing her question, I bit my lip before looking back at the corpse.

Turning back to the Marquess, I nodded slightly, however I started shaking.

All the euphoria I felt just a moment ago left my body, and I looked at my trembling hand, still holding the dagger.

Why was I so... happy about killing something?

Why did I enjoy watching as its blood dripped from its wounds?

Why was the panic in its eyes so... refreshing?

What was wrong with me?!

Wrapping me in a hug, the Marquess whispered "It’s alright Kat, it’s alright..."

I felt my body relax slightly, however I could still feel my heart racing.

Confusion coursed through my thoughts.

I was... both disgusted and excited.


The feeling of the dagger digging into the goblins flesh was satisfying, the cry of pain that followed made me feel...


However, the longer I thought about it, the more I found that the pleasure and ecstasy from killing the goblin outweighed my disgust.

Taking in a few deep breaths, I said "I’m fine now..."

The Marquess released me, before smiling down at me.

Her previous worry was gone, and as she looked down at me with a smile she said "It felt great, didn’t it? Taking a life..."

I looked at her with wide eyes, before nodding.

I didn’t even know how this truly benefited me, as I had blocked out the system notification, but...

Grinning at the Marquess, I nodded.

It felt so, so good~


Jahi PoV

Looking between mom looming over Kat, grinning down at her as she asked "It felt great, didn’t it? Taking a life..."

I bit my lips, gulping down my saliva as I watched Kat nod.

My body felt hot, and the longer I stared at Kat the worse it got.

Seeing her easily kill that goblin, a smile on her face as she did so...

She was so very beautiful in that moment.

The way her hair bounced...

How her skin contrasted with the crimson droplets on her face...

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That smile...

Biting my tongue, I had to hold myself back from rushing forwards.

I wanted nothing more than to take her somewhere private, and indulge in her body.

She only looked more beautiful when she was under me, but here?

With blood splattered on her face, her eyes that ghastly blue and her cheeks flushed...

I wanted her.

I wanted her so much...


Kat PoV

Looking over my shoulder, I felt a shiver run down my spine when I saw Jahi looking me over, her eyes the brightest gold I had ever seen.

However, before either of us could move, we flinched when the Marquess coughed.

Looking back at her, we saw her grinning widely as she said "Well, it feels... fantastic knowing that both of you are as crazy as I am... That makes the future much more interesting!"

Laughing, she looked down at me, saying "Well, lets get you another one to play with!"

With that, I watched as one of the ropes dissipated again, the goblin instantly scooping a stick up as it charged at me.

Watching it, I felt my heart throb at the realization that I would feel that euphoria yet again.

Swinging the stick towards my skull, I swayed to the side before punching it in the stomach, enjoying the feeling of my fist slamming into its ribs.

Hearing a crack, I grinned before flipping my dagger, slamming the pommel into the goblins temple.

I watched in glee as its skull gave way, the pommel sinking slightly into the goblins head.

As it slumped to the ground, I heard two consecutive notifications, however I tuned them out again as I looked down on the goblins corpse.

Taking a deep breath, I turned and smiled at Jahi, my face flushing as I saw the heavy desire in her eyes, paired with a deep lust.

Walking over to her, I let her pull me into her arms, her lips quickly finding my own as she kissed me.

Leaning into her, I enjoyed the way her hands glided over my body as she slipped her tongue into my mouth.

Pulling away, she panted as she looked down at me, before moving towards the Marquess, who was watching with a large grin.

I licked my lips as she walked away, a rush of warmth spreading through my body before I bit my cheek.

Calming myself down, I finally looked at the three notifications as I watched Jahi play with the remaining two goblins.

[Goblin killed! 144xp]

[Goblin killed! 150xp]

[Achievement Unlocked! First Blood]

Seeing the large numbers, at least compared to my normal quests, I grinned.

Looking at the Achievement: First Blood, I opened it up, reading the specifics.

[First Blood: Unlocked for killing your first monster!

Reward: 1 Skill Point]

’Isn’t that too generous for such an easy achievement?’

[Eh. Honestly, it is, but hey, I didn’t design the system; I just run it. Anyways, congratulations on your first kill! Also, I do know a very good therapist if you think you need one...]

I chuckled at that, shaking my head slightly.

Turning my attention back to Jahi, I watched as she gracefully cleaved her blade through the goblins flesh, slicing the limbs clean off before bisecting the poor creature.

She avoided most of the blood spray, before quickly dispatching the second goblin.

When she finished, the Marquess looked between the two of us, her eyes glowing with pride and anticipation.

"Oh, I really can’t wait for the future... you both are such good children~"

She wrapped both of us in a hug, trembling slightly from excitement.

If this had been before today, I would have been slightly terrified of how accepting and proud the Marquess was that two kids just easily killed two humanoid monsters, but after the ecstasy of today?

Well, I guess we’re just one large, happy family with a few... quirks.


So, lets just... discuss this, shall we?

I can already hear one question: Is Kat going to become a crazy killer?

Answer: No. Think about it, this world is INFESTED with crazy monsters and evil people. She can very easily get her... ’fix’ from them, and not the common populace. Additionally, I was reading many books and found a glaring similarity between all of them; the MC is usually either A) Disgusted and averse to the idea of killing anything in the beginning, or B) A battle maniac.

Jahi and Anput are battle maniacs; they love the fight, but could truly care less about the kill. However, I wanted to make Kat the opposite; she does like the fight, but the kill is what she lives for.

Now, again, this doesn’t mean she is going to become a Murderhobo. Instead, I wanted to make my favorite kind of crazy from fantasy books/games: the innocent looking character who will absolutely lock you in a cell and drain you of your blood if you piss them off.

Remember Chapter 14: Eventful Day? Where Kat watched the Countess butcher a dozen men in a flash (hehe)? How Kat quickly accepted that she was alright with what had happened, and didn’t really care that she had just witnessed a massacre? Well, if that wasn’t a perfect setup for a crazy character, I don’t know what is.

This doesn’t mean I am changing her entire personality; think of this like a... switch that gets flipped, allowing this version of her out. I like crazy, but I love when its done realistically. After all, most prolific killers tend to be able to just... blend in with society, and I find that fascinating (and scary, but hey I’m a recluse so...)

So, Kat is now going to slowly walk down her own path of crazy, however it will be more like an... alternate self, or repressed self. She will continue to develop into the cold, resourceful maid, but if you piss her off or try something on Jahi...

Well, she has dagger proficiency for a reason...


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