My Servant System Chapter 557 556: Clean Up

Weaving between the trees at high speeds was a bit of relaxing fun after the ordeal with the Undead Queen, and it helped to ease the flow of adrenaline through our bodies and get us back to a normal state of both body and mind as we approached the mountain, where we would reunite with Anput and Leone.

As I ran I drank down half of a mana potion, deciding to replenish some of what I had lost now and use the rest later should I need it.

Considering we hadn’t even touched the Golems inside the mountain yet, I was rather curious about how they would react to our attacks and just how strong they would be; did they receive the same information that the Monsters and Undead collected through their defeats, which was then put to use adapting the Golems against us?

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Were they naturally stronger than the Monsters and Undead by a large margin that they didn’t need to adapt at all to what had been happening?

I couldn’t help but wonder what was awaiting us inside the mountain, cursing myself slightly as well when I realized we never once decided to try and fight just one of the Golems to get a grasp on their strength and resistances.

But, that was in the past, and worrying about it wouldn’t do me much good as we made our way towards the mountain, where the sounds of battle had begun to wane, but were still present.

Reaching the edge of the battlefield, we looked around before spotting Anput and Leone resting near the base of the mountain, the Jackalkin staring down over the battlefield from a small outcropping of rocks she had made for the two of them.

Anput was smirking as she glanced at the Vampire, who was blushing hard at whatever my mate had to say, making the rest of us glance at one another with small smiles as we made our way towards them.

They spotted us easily and dropped down onto the ground, making their way over as well.

"How was it?"

Anput looked at me first before turning towards Jahi, who pursed her lips and replied in a low voice "That construct was just guarding a really strong undead inside that sarcophagus. So... difficult, but manageable and fun too. What about the two of you?"

The Vampire stepped forwards and said "Easy; if we’re to assume correctly, the Ant Queen was trying to hatch a new batch of powerful ants to defend herself after seeing us last time, but they weren’t ready yet. A simple set of spells sent the place into an early grave..."

A slight snicker made us glance back at Anput, who just waved her hands and said "Nothing, nothing, sorry... Ahem, should we get going now? Clear out the rest of these stragglers before heading into the mountain?"

I didn’t miss the way Leone squirmed as Anput stepped beside her, the swift shift of the subject used to hide what the Jackalkin was doing as she glanced towards the mountain to emphasize her point.

Giving Anput and Leone a knowing look, I nodded as I gestured towards the cluster of enemies battling in the charred clearing, adding "Let’s use as little mana as possible and make quick work of them with our blades; save the energy for when we get inside. There isn’t anything incredibly strong remaining, so..."

My rapier slid quietly from my belt, and the others drew their own blades as we rushed towards the battlefield, splitting off from one another as we began to cut down the remaining Monsters and Undead.

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As we did so Anput appeared beside me, her obsidian eyes filled with mirth as she began to speak, all while her longsword rose and fell as she butchered the Goblins in front of us.

"I honestly can’t wait for this to be over... everything has been too easy - albeit fun as well - for me to entirely shake off the need for you, Kat. Really, when we get back, I just want to push you down and ravage you for hours on end~!"

I glanced at her from the edge of my vision, catching the way her lips curled into a proud smirk as she looked me over, the Jackalkin dealing with her enemies even as she ogled my body.

"Leone even agreed to be mine for a night because of a bet~! I just really~ want to return to the Palace now, y’know~? All the things I want to forge, the sex I want to have... it’s getting to be a little too unbearable here for my tastes..."

"Is the thing that you want to forge my gift?"

She froze for a moment before slashing her longsword across a Goblin’s throat, blood splattering on the ground as she pushed it away with her shoulder, freeing herself up to stare at me in confusion.

"Gift? The rapier was your-"

"Ah! I KNEW you’d say that, Anput! How is it a gift for ME if you were doing it because everyone needed new weapons? This is just... an obligation! Like me making sure your foods are seasoned with hotter spices! That’s not a ’gift’ to you!"

She frowned before scratching her cheek, muttering "I thought it was..." as she turned to look towards the rest of the enemies, before parrying the club of a Goblin and severing its arm.

"I... fine. I did have something else in mind, but to me that was a gift? So how about..."

Approaching me, she slipped behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, taking advantage of the lack of monsters around us as she whispered "I’ll make it up to you, Kat... I swear I will, so just be a tad more patient, alright?"

Her warmth as she gave me a quick squeeze made me melt a little, and I nodded before giving her a small smile as I replied "Sorry, but you did promise something for just me, and yet..."

"I know, I know... but, for now, let’s not worry about it too much, okay~? Besides, when we get back I can do something else to make up for it... Sound good?"

Releasing me, she flashed forwards and cut down the three Goblins and Skeleton that were making their way towards us, before returning to stand in front of me as she waited for an answer.

"There is something that you can do when we get back..."

Her lips curled into a smile as she nodded, her obsidian eyes heated as she understood exactly what I wanted, before she turned around and gestured towards the remaining stragglers, saying "Let’s get this over with then, hm~?"

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