My Servant System Chapter 600 599: Conversation

Chapter 600 Chapter 599: Conversation

"Heya Kat~! Been awhile, hasn’t it~?"

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked back towards the violet skinned Arch Fiend behind me, her sinfully curvaceous body oozing sex appeal and lacking the modesty and reservation expected inside of a place of holy worship.

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As if sensing my thoughts, the Arch Fiend of Hidden Twisted Pleasures smirked as she allowed her thin pink negligee to dissipate, revealing her bountiful breasts and erect member to the world as she lowered herself to the ground, putting herself on display as she excitedly said "Believe me, my love, I’ve done MUCH~ worse inside a temple... Would you like to join me in desecrating this one~? How about it, my salacious Masque? Would you like to experience the throes of lust with me~?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, before turning back towards the altar of Reincantra in front of me and clasping my hands in prayer again, making Sla’Caligo roll her eyes and click her tongue.

"Fine, fine... if it bothers you that much... So prudent in such weird ways. Just last night you were taking it from all ends, and yet here you are acting as if you’re some reverent Nun! Wait... actually, that gap is kinda hot~!"

Kneeling beside me, Cali sighed and donned some robes again, covering herself up and glancing at the altar as she spoke again, her tone different from normal; no longer frivolous and jovial, but instead somber.

"Believe me, if the Gods and Goddesses of this world cared that much about it, no one would risk being sacrilegious inside of a temple. However, they aren’t hands on anymore. Haven’t been for millennia. Even when they were, they never touched us Fiends, not unless we did something egregious. We’re... a necessary evil of the world. A counterweight to the mortals. We all might be ruled by our respective domains and emotions, but few of us are truly stupid enough to provoke the Divine."

I looked over at Cali, the pink eyed woman staring intently at the altar before she smiled wryly at me, her snake hair hissing softly as they reached out towards me.

"Especially not Reincantra. Altering a story of hers is a death sentence in quite a few regards. After all, what are we all if not a story? Each of us a piece in the Epic that forms the world?"

My eyes widened slightly at her insinuation, and the Arch Fiend chuckled again before she let out a sigh, leaning over and resting her head on my shoulder, resulting in the snakes slithering over towards me and flicking their tongues out at my cheek.

"Anyways, your miniature existential crisis aside, I showed up because you finally accumulated an excess of pleasure inside of yourself. More than I need to feed, and more than enough to begin? tempering your own Core with it. Y’know, if you and your wives have foursomes like that more often, you could climb higher and higher faster than ever before~! Just saying~! Oh, and it’d be even faster~ if you and I got at it..."

The snakes hissed softly at the violet skinned woman, making her frown as she glared at the various creatures that comprised her hair, muttering "Traitors..." before removing her head from my shoulder when she saw my glare.

"Fine, whatever... you’ll be the first woman to continuously reject me, you know that? Kinda hurts, actually..."

Sighing, Cali pursed her plump lips before she stood up, gesturing for me to do the same.

"Let’s go somewhere less stuffy, hmm? There are a few gardens here that are quite beautiful~!"

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She held out a hand and smiled at me, which I stared at for a few moments as I wondered if I should take it, only to sigh myself as I reached forwards and laid my hand on hers, my vision swirling as she teleported us from inside the chapel over towards one of the gardens surrounding the Palace.

"See? I wasn’t lying. We DID ’sign’ a contract together my dear. Trust me a little more. Besides, if I wanted to kidnap you and ’force’ you into sex, I’d die, remember~? It’s better for us both if I just woo you instead with beautiful places and excellent wine~!"

Taking a seat at a picnic table, Cali snapped her fingers and summoned two glasses and a large bottle of wine, placing them on the table and gesturing for me to sit.

She began to pour out the deep purple liquid as she spoke, her skin glistening in the sun while her soft smile made the area around us feel warmer.

"To convert that excess pleasure inside of you into Lust Mana... it’s not a terribly complicated process, and it is something that you yourself will have to begin to work on. That is a gift wrapped tightly and locked away in a box for you to discover on your own, my dear. Not everything in this world can be given away... but that doesn’t mean I can’t help you with a little push, alright~? Don’t say I never do anything for you~!"

Cali placed her hand on the table again, palm up and awaiting my own as she lifted her glass to her lips, watching me intently with a smile.

"Come on, let me show you what Lust Mana feels like. Perhaps you can find it on your own, perhaps you can’t. Put that intellect to work, my lusty puppy, and figure it out~!"

Placing my hand on hers once more, I felt something warm and soothing flow from her hand to mine, the strands of mana that she sent towards me gliding through my veins and heating my skin up.

Not in the way that Fire Mana simply raises the temperature, but instead in a cozy, relaxing way that loosened my muscles and relaxed me.

When it began to creep past my shoulder and into my torso though, that relaxing feeling slipped away and was replaced by an all too familiar heat around my pheromonal gland and womb, while my heartbeat sped up and my breathing grew uneven.

Seeping into my head, I felt my mouth water while my eyes grew unfocused, my mind filled with thoughts of the night prior as my free hand unconsciously dropped from the table and landed on my thigh, sending jolts through my now sensitive flesh.

All of that was ripped away and left me feeling cold and empty as Cali pulled her hand away, the Arch Fiend smirking at me as she sipped on her wine again, clearly enjoying what had just happened as she watched me pant and rub at my eyes, trying to focus.

"Lust is a conniving bitch isn’t it? Is there not a worse feeling than being aroused and stimulated by the things you desire, only to have it ripped away and leaving you feeling empty and unfulfilled? Unsatisfied? Notice how you are so discombobulated and unable to do anything... If I did that to you in a battle, what would have happened? What would have happened if I heightened the sexual effect and made you think entirely about having sex? Would you have not accepted whoever’s - and sometimes whatever’s - penis with no hesitation?"

Cali’s smile became twisted as she continued speaking, her pink eyes flashing with dark mirth as she said "Can you imagine the horror one must feel when they come back around to learn that they had given in to lust so completely that they committed such a deep sin? Or what about having all of that lust poured into your body only to have it suddenly ripped away? How confusing must that be for someone to experience? Is that not something that makes you feel so... hot inside, Katherine Zara~? Dangling such a tantalizingly juicy piece of meat in front of someone, only to fling it away and replace it with some rotted, infested piece of flesh? That is my power... and I offer it to you. All you need to do is discover how to grasp it."

Draining her wine, she snickered as she stared at my shocked expression, her lips curling into a horrific grin as she said "Finally realizing just how potent lust is, my love? How it can ruin the world if left unchecked~? Sure, war, disease, and knowledge can cause chaos... but lust? People kill for less. What if they were told - for example - that whoever in the army has the most confirmed kills would be allowed to have baby making sex with the most beautiful princess in their kingdom? Would they not strive for that goal? Someone so beautiful and desirable could be yours! You just need to kill, and kill, and kill for it..."

Chuckling, she poured herself another glass and swirled it around, saying "Give it a thought. The mind is a fragile thing, and one of the emotions that everyone has is lust. Lust for the flesh is the most common, but lust itself can be for power, money, land, fame... anything. Sex is just the most widespread desire. Grasp it... and the world could be yours~!"

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