My Servant System Chapter 608 607: Slinking Around

Chapter 608 Chapter 607: Slinking Around

"So how do we plan to pay our dear friend a visit, hmm? Surprise them, or announce ourselves and let them come to us? Both have merit, just as they have their own downsides..."

Budan - the other Knight of Cinder that the Empress had join us - was an indiscreet bald man with sun kissed skin and a gentle expression, his only defining feature being the eight pronged wheel that was tattooed onto his brow, the vivid green ink standing out rather well on his darker, brownish skin.

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His simple soft green robes and long metal staff were the only things that the man brought with him for this trip, and considering that the Marquess didn’t seem too concerned about it, none of us doubted that he was prepared for whatever was to come.

"Get a feel of the city first; find some points of interest and peruse for a bit before making a true decision. Maybe we’ll hear something from the locals to give us a better idea, maybe we won’t. Either way, I think the rest of today should be spent settling in and getting some preliminary tasks out of the way. Perhaps some shopping?"

The Wisp who spoke glanced at Leone, Anput and I, adding "If the Ladies would like to, that’d be an excellent use of your time today. Get to see the sights and sounds of Vulpe City yourselves? Mister Budan, I do believe there is a temple here as well, if you’d like to visit it."

The monkish man smiled softly as he nodded, his brown eyes holding intrigue as he said "Ah, that would be nice... Learning more about the people’s religion is always an excellent time; so much can be understood through faith, through belief."

"Mm. Miss Kolia, if you wouldn’t mind accompanying the Ladies for their shopping..? I do believe they still require a chaperone despite their age..."

We raised a brow at that, before shrugging as Kolia gave us a grin, the Serpentkin woman’s green eyes sparkling as she said "Oh most certainly~! They can still be so~ mischievous sometimes, can’t they~?"

Giving my former teacher a dry look, I sighed before glancing over my shoulder as I heard the Dogkin return, her happy humming filling the room before she spoke, dancing over to our table with the food.

"Aye, it’d be best to keep an eye on any youngsters inside Vulpe~! Too many ’fun’ places they could get lost in. Wouldn’t want them to be exposed to anything too~ unbecoming at that age, no? Ah, if it’s shopping you’re looking for though, go down the road just across from the entrance and browse those stores!"

She chucked as she laid out the two platters she was carrying, one holding what looked like a cauldron and the other laden with breads and fruits.

"If you want something besides water or the initial cup of juice, it’ll cost extra~! We do have some terrific pomegranate wines, or some sweet ales if you’d like~?"

The Dogkin looked around expectantly, before she shrugged and grinned at us as we all shook our heads - Anput reluctantly - and made her way back towards her counter, saying "If you have any questions at all, dears, please feel free to ask me~!"

We ate quickly before migrating back to the rooms for a moment, where we handed the two Demoness’ some bread and a small sphere of stew each that I transported up with magic, making sure it didn’t spill anywhere; after feeding them, we informed them that we were heading out, and that was when one of the Wisps told them that they’d come back soon with some body paint to help them blend in.

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It was something that made us all stop for a moment before smiling wryly as we never even thought of something like that, making us appreciated the Wisps just a tad more as we began to make our way back outside.

Honestly though, it was partially entertaining to think of the Marquess and her daughter sort of like puppies for a moment; left inside a room with food, water, and told not to break anything or cause any trouble.

It was a thought that made me chuckle quietly to myself, and when we stepped onto the streets of Vulpe with our ’chaperone’ in tow, it made the others laugh too.

"Don’t EVER let the Marquess or the Lady hear you say that, Kat~! Haha~! That’s too funny~!"

Kolia was the one to get the most enjoyment out of it, nearly tearing up as she held her sides, which only made us laugh harder as we made our way down the street, attracting only a little attention as we walked side by side.

Eventually reining herself in, Kolia chuckled some more before looking around, asking "What do you girls want to see first then~? Clothes, jewelry? Walk around for a bit, go see a play?"

I pursed my lips before smiling, my eyes landing on the various racks and mannequins of a storefront, specifically the colorful, intriguing pieces of clothing.

Following my gaze, the others blinked a few times before they displayed a few different expressions; Anput was excited, Kolia neutral, and Leone slightly embarrassed.

Like we had already noted, the clothing here in Vulpe was scanty and racy most of the time, and I was rather curious to see the others in it, as well as myself... honestly, this city seemed perfect to sit back and relax, even if the woman who was a large threat to us currently resided here.

It just felt like a good excuse to let down my hair and have some fun, since we needed to act like tourists and all anyways, I was just thinking ’why not?’

Especially when I saw how red Leone’s cheeks got as she took a look at the clothing available for purchase; it was similar to the extremely casual, low material articles of clothing, which consisted of tight tube tops, short skirts, hot pants, revealing dresses...

Everything here screamed ’look at me’, with a few of the more covering articles of clothing still being far from what was considered the norm back in the Capital.

Which was why I enjoyed dragging Leone over towards the store with a grin, not giving the Vampire much of a chance to react as I began to rifle through the clothes, looking for something that would suit her.

Of course, I wasn’t going to let this be a ’waste’ of time as well, so I grinned at the shopkeeper - a sensual Rabbitkin proudly displaying her toned abs - and began to ask a few questions, keeping them indiscreet as I opened a dialogue between me and her.

All while I browsed the clothes, of course~!

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