My Servant System Chapter 62 61: Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Slimes, Oh My!

We trudged through the forest, reaching deeper than we had gone before.

Jahi and I had already warmed up by killing dozens of goblins, using both our blades and magic so that our muscles and reflexes were prepared for the monsters deeper in the forest.

From what the Marquess said, the monsters we would see would be Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and various animals that had evolved due to the mana.

Her example was the rabbits, which now had stronger muscles in their legs that could crack bone if they landed a clean hit.

As for the Hobgoblins and Kobolds, they were what they sounded like.

Hobgoblins were taller, stronger goblins, standing now at around five feet. They also were smarter, as they now made weapons from from the stones and flint found around the forest, making crude axes, spears, knives, and clubs from the available resources. There were even reports of talented Hobgoblins making bows and arrows, however they were extremely rare.

As for Kobolds, they were doglike creatures that stood on two legs, using their speed and strength to hunt the various animals and adventurers that ventured into their territory. Unlike the Hobgoblins, Kobolds tended to use their brute strength to kill things, rarely using any weapons other than their teeth and claws.

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Both were dangerous in their own right, however the Marquess admitted that she believed the Hobgoblins were more of a threat due to their weaponry, as well as the higher rate of magic users among them.

Both Jahi and I took this hunt seriously, as the Marquess told us that compared to the goblins from the forests edge, these monsters were the real deal, and one wrong move could easily be the death of us.

We crept through the forest, and I made an effort to try and learn how to lighten my steps and avoid all kinds of debris on the forest floor, like twigs and leaves.

After a while of doing so I even managed to get myself used to the walking lightly over the ground, and I could refocus most of my attention on my surroundings.

It took around half an hour, but eventually we reached an area where the trees had been marked, much like the markings around the goblin encampments.

"Alright, so just like the first goblin encampment you saw, I’ll snag you both two Hobs, and you will take them on one at a time."

We nodded at the Marquess, before following behind her.

Not even a minute later we saw a few twig teepees arranged around a small fire.

A dozen larger, darker goblins hunched around the fire, chittering quietly to one another as they chipped away at some rocks.

Just like last time, the Marquess let a few small fire balls hurtle towards the camp, instantly killing all but four of the Hobgoblins.

The remaining Hobs jumped to their feet, drawing a variety of weapons as they looked around the forest warily.

However, they were quickly wrapped in a mana rope, dropping to the floor as we walked towards them.

They let out loud chitters and screeches when they saw us, their beady red eye blazing with anger.

"Who’s going first?"

Without letting Jahi speak, I stepped forwards, my dagger drawn as I looked at the Hobs.

Chuckling, the Marquess let one free, which instantly scurried to retrieve its weapon.

I watched as it scooped up a long flint dagger, the blade chipped and jagged.

It looked at me, dropping into a low stance as it slowly moved forwards, its eyes fixed on my own.

I waited a few moments, letting it get closer before erupting forwards, my dagger aimed for its throat.

However, it managed to stumble to the side, chittering in surprise.

Before it could react, I punched its chest, grunting as I felt my fist connect with tough muscle.

It grunted as well, before slashing its knife towards me.

Swaying, I sent my dagger lancing towards its throat, just for it to tilt its body to the side, my blade piercing its shoulder instead.

However, as it grunted in pain, I twisted the blade as I ripped it out, watching in glee as a large chunk of flesh was sent sailing through the air.

Jumping back, I grinned when I saw the Hob clutching its shoulder, growling at me in anger before charging straight at me.

Meeting its charge, I ducked below its clumsy swing and moved behind it.

Wrapping my arms around its neck, I shivered as I felt the sensation of my dagger gliding across flesh.

It gurgled on its own blood, before dropping to the ground.

I heard the familiar system notification, and upon looking at it I grinned again.

[Hobgoblin killed! 422 xp]

They were worth so much experience...

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Leaning against a tree, I watched as Jahi’s sword cleanly severed the head of the charging Hob, blood spurting everywhere before the body shriveled up.

Looking at the Marquess who was watching with pride, I asked "Why do they shrivel up? I forgot to ask last time."

Turning, she shrugged when she said "They just do. If I remember correctly, its because they are creatures of mana, and when they are killed it leaves their body. When someone with a core dies, they also shrivel up just like that."

"Theres nothing we could take from the bodies either?"

The Marquess chuckled, saying "From these weak things? No. When we reach deeper into the forest, yes, monsters have some important parts that can be used, like eyes or scales. However, it takes skill to harvest parts from monsters, since the reason those things are valuable is the lingering mana inside them. If you make one small mistake that mana can easily escape, rendering the ingredient or material useless."

I nodded at that, wondering how difficult it could be. Would it be just annoying difficult, or actually something that needs skill and experience to do?

Jahi flicked the blood off her blade, sheathing it before walking over to us. I quickly used my water magic to clean her off, before turning to look at the Marquess.

She gestured deeper into the forest, and we followed behind her.

It didn’t take long, as we eventually encountered a roaming group of three Kobolds.

They looked like Terriers that were stretched out and stood on two legs.

With a snarl they turned towards us, saliva flying around as they charged towards us.

Jahi rushed to meet them, her blade in hand as she met two of them head on.

Seeing that, I drew my dagger and prepare to receive the last one, who was growling as it hurtled towards me.

Swiping its large paw towards my face, I rolled to the side before having to pivot to avoid the next swipe.

It continued growling at me, sending another swipe towards my chest.

This time I met its arm with my dagger, grunting in surprise as my blade was lodged into its bone.

Letting out a yelp, it yanked its arm away from me, my hand slipping off the daggers handle.

Quickly tracing a rune in the air, I created a few spheres of water and sent them flying towards the kobold, watching as they burrowed into the monsters flesh.

It let out another yelp, staggering backwards as the spheres continued digging into its flesh.

Letting the spell continue, I dashed forwards and ripped the dagger from its arm, before quickly stabbing the blade into the Kobolds temple, watching as it fell limp after removing the blade.

[Kobold killed! 418 xp]

Turning, I saw Jahi had disemboweled one, which was whimpering on the ground as it tried to shove its guts back into its stomach, while the other one was missing an arm.

Bringing her sword down, I watched as the blade sunk from the kobolds neck all the way down to its stomach, before Jahi twisted the blade and yanked it out, the kobold dropping to the ground, dead.

Taking a deep breath, Jahi slid her sword into the wounded kobolds heart before yanking it back out, flicking her blade clean again.

We looked at each other, smiling, before turning to the Marquess, who was clapping in approval. 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

"Well done you two! Though Kat, you need to make sure that blade stays in your hands, hmm? However, I will admit your quite versatile, since that spell allowed you to close in quite quickly..."

I nodded, understanding her point.

Losing a weapon mid fight could easily lead to your death. However, that was exactly why I practiced my magic, so that I could always have a ’weapon’ on me.

I quickly cleaned my blade, sheathing it before drawing it out quickly as we heard something hop into the clearing.

We watched in interest as a small blue slime laid on top of one of the corpses, slowly dissolving it.

Jahi chuckled, before saying "Should we continue?"

Nodding, the Marquess led us further in, where Jahi and I fought together to kill a Hobgoblin encampment.

Currently we were leaning against a tree, panting as I healed a small scratch on Jahi’s forearm, where a Hob had scored a lucky blow.

She winced slightly as her flesh reknit itself, before smiling at me in thanks.

Before we could speak, we blanched when we heard a loud roar from nearby, the trees shaking as it got louder.

And closer.

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