My Servant System Chapter 632 631: Cult of Ambition (1)

Chapter 632 Chapter 631: Cult of Ambition (1)


"T-To what do I owe the pleasure, M-Marquess Asmodia..?"

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Baroness Witrani trembled for a brief moment as she stared at the towering Demoness, though she got herself under control a moment later - sort of, anyways - and asked "I apologize... I would have prepared something if I had known of your arrival, so again I apo-"

"There’s no need to apologize, Baroness. Truly. I came simply because I have a question to ask, one that concerns the Young Lady Vitra of House Renacla. She... gave me some troubling news. Do you know what I am referring to?"

The tanned skin woman shook her head, confusion gracing her sharp brown eyes as she furrowed her brow, replying "No... I didn’t have any clue that something happened to Lady Vitra. W-Wait..! Is she okay?!"

Baroness Witrani took a step forwards and almost reached out to grab the Marquess’ hand before stopping herself, though worry was clear on her face as she stared at the Marquess, waiting for an answer.

Raising a brow, the Marquess looked down at the tanned woman and replied "That is yet to be seen. She’s currently in a comatose state thanks to something that was given to her. Something that came-"

The Demoness leaned down and said the last part in a quiet voice, meant only for the Baroness to hear as she stared straight into the woman’s eyes, studying her expression closely.

"Straight from you. Someone hoping to court such an outstanding Young Lady like Lady Vitra... Why did you send it, Baroness? That letter seemed rather sincere. Was it just a farce?"

Blinking a few times, the Baroness eventually shook her head and took a step back, those brown eyes growing wet with tears as she said "I-I didn’t do it..! W-Whatever happened to her... I-I d-didn’t do it..! P-Please, b-believe me! Y-You have t-to believe me! I wouldn’t hurt Vivi! N-Never!"

Her distraught behavior seemed rather genuine, but who knew if it truly was, which was why the Marquess hissed "Really? That item you sent was something that poisoned that poor girl! You expect me to believe that?!"

"I-Item..? W-What item? I o-only sent a letter! I s-swear it upon the glory of the Empress! I only sent that letter..! That was all! P-Please, believe me!"

Tears pooled in her eyes now, her previous facade of confidence gone as she stumbled forwards and clung to the Marquess’ legs, having fallen to her knees as she sobbed to herself.

"A-Ask m-my maid, E-Erica! S-She sent it for me..!"

The Marquess gestured to Budan, who took a step forwards and spoke quietly to one of the guards, who nodded before leading the monk into the manor.

They returned a half minute later, a short Mousekin woman behind them nervously looking around as she stepped out, her eyes going wide as she saw her Mistress kneeling at the feet of a scowling Demoness.

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My eyes honed in on the maid Erica as she was herded forwards, clearly uncomfortable as she looked around the area, displaying obvious signs of nervousness as Budan remained standing behind her, cutting off any escape routes.

"Erica, yes? Your Mistress says that she only gave you a letter to send to the Renacla County, specifically Vulpe City so that it ended up in Lady Vitra’s hands. Is that true?"

The Mousekin licked her lips a few times as she wrung out her hands, staring down at the Baroness for a moment before shaking her head, saying "N-No, Mistress Witrani gave me a box too... it was a necklace for the Young Lady..."

"Hoh~? How’d you know it was a necklace? Took a peek inside did you?"

A grin split the Marquess face as she looked away from Baroness Witrani, who gasped as she stared disbelievingly at the maid, betrayal in her eyes as she said "W-Why are you lying?!"

Jahi took a step closer to the Mousekin as well, who blanched as she tried to take a step back, only to bump into the chest of the monk behind her.

"Was there something off about that necklace, little mouse? Since you saw it and all..."

The piercing amethyst gaze made Erica blanch even more as the blood drained from her face, only to flood back in as she glared at the Demoness, hissing "It was a gift from our Lord! A gift she should have cherished! Whatever has happened to her is her just desserts for spitting on such a gift!"

We all stared at the Mousekin before laughing, with Jahi saying "You actually..! Haha~! You realize there was still so~ much leeway for you to wander through? So many ways to deny your role in consorting with Fiends and save yourself? Yet you ADMIT it?! Not so bright, cultist."

Erica’s eyes widened while her cheeks burned with shame, though that was swept away by rage as she shouted "Our Lord of Ambition shall smite you down, you putrid, insufferable Demoness! Down with the Shield of the Empire, and down with the Empress! It’s time for the people to rule themselves, not some pathetic-"

Sadly for her, before she could continue spewing vitriolic drivel to us, Jahi slammed her fist into the Mousekin’s stomach and silenced her, before her fist crashed against her jaw and knocked her out cold.

Baroness Witrani let out a sharp gasp as she scrambled back, this sudden display of violence frightening the woman as she stared at the unconscious Erica blankly from afar.

Around us though, the citizens and guards turned and stared at us, their eyes landing on the unconscious form of Erica before some of them began to walk towards us, determination writ on their faces.

"Well, it would seem we found out cult... just not in the way I was expecting, I guess. Let’s see what the nice people of the Barony think about this, hmm~?"

We all unsheathed our weapons as we looked around us, the guards and farmers brandishing their weapons and tools as they closed in on us, making the Baroness squeak and shout as she watched Budan knock out the guard beside Erica as well, the man’s spear clattering to the ground alongside himself.

"This’ll be interesting..."

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