My Servant System Chapter 936 935: Traces; New Faces

Chapter 936 Chapter 935: Traces; New Faces

"Ahem... well, yes, the current climate of the world is currently on a rather sad descent, and I simply want you to understand that the outside world is experiencing a general regretful trend of sorrow and depression. To make sure you understand just what the difference is between us and them, as crass as it might sound."

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The Empress gave us a wry smile before adding "It is important that you know this now and understand it, so that if you are outside of the Empire’s borders - or outside of any of our allies borders - that things are vastly different, and not just culturally either. Some countries are still rather... primitive, some are ruled by glorified warlords and dictators, and others are entirely set up for the benefit of the few and the detriment of the many."

Jahi just grunted in response, waving her hand idly as she said "Wouldn’t want to compare other places to the Empire anyways; what’s the point? Besides, I might think and believe that we’re superior, but I won’t be stupid and act like everywhere should be like us... I’ll just judge them silently~!"

Everyone stared at the Demoness with conflicted gazes, though the Marquess just snorted and said "Well, as long as you don’t go looking for trouble, silently judging everyone is alright~! But again, don’t be stupid, and don’t go flaunting your pride so readily, alright?"

I just let out a sigh as the Marquess turned towards me and confidently added "Kat, make sure to keep her in line, yeah? And I trust that you’ll do better at talking to people than she ever will, so it only makes sense..."

That made both the Countess and Mother give the Marquess a dry look, but the Demoness just ignored them as she asked "Well, can we get to the real juicy stuff now, or are we gonna continue to beat around the bush?"

"Patience, Chordeva... patience should have been learned already, and yet it seems you have ignored that lesson altogether over these years... but yes, let us stop ’beating around the bush’ and tell you what exactly we learned during your absence."

Draining the remainder of her wine, the Empress placed her glass on the table and smiled at Lady Igna as she refilled it, drawing out the silence for as long as she could and making both the Marquess and Jahi lean forwards, waiting for the news... despite the Marquess already having heard of it clearly, considering her excited grin.

I have to admit that the drawn out wait was making me more curious too, and it made me realize that the Empress still seemed to have that mortal tendency of being as dramatic as possible with certain things, which made what she had to say all the more surprising to hear.

"Whilst you were away, we received a letter from someone familiar, but someone who hasn’t really been around for all that often. With the awakening of the Fiends and all the chaos of the world, it would seem she’s decided that it’s time to come out of whatever place she’s been hiding in and rejoin us in the real world again. It’ll be your first time meeting her, and it’ll be amongst the few times you’ve even heard of her...

Well, no need to draw it out any longer I suppose. Lilith, the ’Mother of all Demons’, sent a letter letting me know that she is going to be making her return now, after however many years its been. How long it’ll be till she shows up is still unknown, just as the meaning behind her appearance is unknown. What I do know is that she will quite appreciate getting to see that the Asmodia line has made some progress in repopulating itself, and that the daughter that Chordeva had is on the right path."

The smug grin on the Marquess’ face as the Empress said that was enough to make Lady Fenryas growl "Stop being so damn excited about it, Chordeva... she’s just an old hag, like this giant bitch here..."

"She is around my age, yes, but I would like to remind you that she is not appreciative of being told that, Fen... I believe the last time you even so much as joked about that, she put you in bed for a week straight even with potions and spells working overtime to heal you. Besides, she is worthy of your respect."

The Demon Wolf just grunted and looked away, but she didn’t refute the Empress’ words at all, nor did she try to reprimand the Marquess again as the Demoness looked towards her daughter and spoke excitedly, trying to make Jahi understand just how important this was.

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"Lilith is the oldest Demon alive by... I don’t even know how many centuries. Each of our Clans have had our Elders killed off either through battle or simple illnesses that they could no longer battle against - old wounds and the failing of their bodies making it impossible to sustain their lives - so having another person who was alive during the time of Durukti and earlier..!"

She seemed so giddy as she grinned, and Jahi’s amethyst eyes began to glow too as she grinned alongside her Mom, the history buff inside her likely becoming more excited than her usual self at being able to meet someone as mysterious and important as Lilith.

"The things she knows... maybe I can pry some secrets from her that you refuse to share, Empress~? You aren’t worried about that at all?"

"I would be surprised if she deigned to share any of them. You don’t reach our age and forget how to hold a secret, Chordeva. Least of all Lilith; I have no idea where she’s been or what she’s been up to, and yet now I found a letter informing me that she should be arriving sometime soon. I am as curious as you are, and doubly so since it is during a time like this. Perhaps she has news about the Fiends, perhaps she simply learned that you had a daughter, perhaps she heard about Jahi obtaining Light Magic... who knows. We won’t truly know until she is here, which could be tomorrow, or it could be in a month."

"Either way... Lilith will be here? What is she like? What is her actual relation to the Demon Clans?"

Lady Lorelei and the Countess just smiled at me, whilst the Empress smirked as she said "Wouldn’t you like to know beforehand, little one? Sorry, but I’d rather not spoil that surprise. The library is open to you... All you need to do is find the right book if you are that curious~!"

Pursing my lips, I looked between the three women before turning towards the Marquess as I asked "Would she know the old forging method of the Asmodeucian’s, perhaps? Or maybe the intricacies of the Cimeriesa’s spell casting abilities? Speaking of, are they aware of her return as well?"

"Maybe, maybe, and not yet. Trust me, when she gets here that forging method is the first thing that I want to see if she has! But..."

Letting out a sigh, the Marquess frowned as she tapped her finger against her wine glass, glancing at the smiling Empress as she regretfully said "I doubt she’ll give that up without a hefty price, and it isn’t one that will be paid in coin... Honestly, she could come here and be really open and helpful, of she could be really reclusive and secretive... I have no idea at all..."

Coughing gently, the Countess grabbed everyone’s attention as she spoke next, looking specifically towards Jahi as she said "It isn’t as exciting as the arrival of Lilith, and since you can’t do anything besides speculate, I thought it’d be time for you to meet your grandparents, Jahi? My Mother and Father are coming around to finally meet you, now that they have a lull; as well as to meet Lakshmi and Alessandra, of course. They should be here in two days time."

Jahi blinked a few times, the word ’grandparents’ slowly registering in her mind as she just stared at the Countess blankly, something that made the Elf shake her head softly and smile wryly as she added "Yes, you heard me right dear... After all these years, they’ve finally been granted a reprieve from work..."

"I will just say that I gave them ample opportunity to take a break, but they refused, so do not blame me for their actions or lack thereof, Ria."

The Countess just glanced at the Empress and smiled, though it wasn’t warm nor cordial as she remained quiet on the matter, something that made the Empress look away as she instead focused on the amused faces of her wives.

"Now that all of this has been abruptly dumped on your laps, how about you go to your room and sleep, hm? You all look exhausted, and we can talk more in the morning when you’ve properly rested."

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