My Servant System Chapter 941 940: Take, Give, Take

Chapter 941 Chapter 940: Take, Give, Take

Kat PoV

"Anput~! Anput..!"

Moaning the name of my mate, I forcefully pushed her off and half glared at her as I pointed down at her loins and said "Listen, I know you want to keep going but you are literally unable to at the moment! Calm down! Please! We’ve been going at it for too long!"

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Pursing her lips, the Jackalkin looked down at herself before sighing as she muttered "Damnit... sometimes I dislike not having a humanoid version... could keep going if I did..."

I rolled my eyes at her as I began to clean myself off, washing away the seed that soaked my inner thighs and doing my best to wash away the scent too, so that I could walk around the Palace without feeling embarrassed; I could accept a lot of things, but even I was still not entirely ’slutty’ enough to openly parade myself after many, many vigorous rounds with my mate.

That was just asking for trouble in many different ways, so I wanted to avoid it as best I could, which made my mate pout as she watched me ’undo her hard work’ and get myself clean and sightly, before I started to get dressed as I said "Take some time for yourself, Anput... I think it’ll do you good. You were already planning on it, but uh... it seems that I can’t get you to talk about it and it also seems that me being here will just lead to more..."

Trailing off, I waved my hands at myself and at her nude body, before she let out a sigh and made her way back to the anvil, nodding and quietly saying "Yeah, I think it’d be best... Where are you going though? To rest, or..?"

"I was thinking of heading to the markets with Leone, have a look around and get some different things if I could. Find some inspiration, perhaps? Don’t know, but I want to walk around and do something besides just have sex, as surprising as that sounds, and I think I just want to be back inside the city, y’know? It’s... comfortable, in a way."

"Yeah, I guess it can be. Familiar and all that. Well, let me know if you find any ores that are interesting, or old weapons that can be smelted down and forged into something new. Keep adding to that stockpile of coin for the future."

"Ah! That reminds me, Jahi needs to start looking into that. Deciding which sectors we should invest in and get some ideas on what would do well for us at the moment. I doubt we’ll have much more peace in the upcoming years, but if we can accumulate more wealth whilst all this chaos is going on..."

"We’d be set for the rest of our lives and able to do whatever we want~! Working to get our future secured would be nice, but it’s also nice to know we can always make money no matter what; my forging, your enchanting, Leone’s alchemy... all of it is so lucrative~!"

I chuckled at that, pulling on my shirt and giving myself one final wash as I added "And Jahi’s strength and influence means we could secure good loans too if we were ever that desperate... and that stubborn as to refuse financial aid from someone close to us. Besides that, she could also make money selling her sword; someone’s always going to need something roughed up or killed."

Leaning against the anvil, Anput smirked as she crossed her arms under her perky chest, the Jackalkin’s obsidian eyes shining with an interesting combination of possessiveness and amusement as she said "And if we weren’t as... close to one another, I would dare say we could net a fortune selling her ’sword’ to someone too~!"

That made me snort as I raised a brow, my eyes meeting my mate’s as I replied "And if we weren’t as close, I could also sell my ’scabbard’ and net more than a fortune, but we both know that is impossible. Because I’d be chained up in some reclusive dungeon in the middle of nowhere before I had the chance to. Same with Jahi..."

Anput snickered at that, her eyes flashing silver for a moment as she nodded and let her overall expression speak for herself, something that made me shake my head as I added "Why even bother joking about it if it gets you slightly irritated, Anput?"

"I... Just go already and stop making sense woman! Jeez... can’t I just have a guilty thought every once in awhile? Hmph..."

"That’s not a guilty thought, its borderline masochistic and suicidal if you keep thinking about it around any of us, my love... you know that..."

She just waved me off and turned back around, looking down at her forge and fiddling with the chunk of ore that lay atop the metal surface, which was my cue to leave and head back into the Palace, walking through its magnificent corridors and finding my way back to the familiar room that we had associated with home, joining a small list of areas that I was comfortable enough to describe that way.

Inside, I found myself frowning at the lingering sweet scent of ozone and the various moans coming from the room that wasn’t ours, only to shrug my shoulders and head into the room that was, which... also had moans, though...

"Fucking... hells... I didn’t know you were... so good at this, Leone..."

Laying flat on her stomach, Jahi was sprawled out on the bed and moaning happily as the Vampire sat on her thighs and pressed her hands into the chiseled muscles of the Demoness’ back, working at the kinks and knots that had formed and loosening them up.

"I didn’t either..."

Seeing the confused, yet happy expression on Leone’s face as she pressed deep into the Demoness’ back and pushed forwards, I just coughed gently and grabbed their attention, with Leone blushing like she had just been caught doing something naughty whilst Jahi glanced at me curiously as she asked "Where’s Anput?"

"Still in the forge... She was... milking my kindness a tad too much, so I decided to escape for a little while. Wanted to see if Leone would accompany me into the city..? And before you ask, I think it’d be best if you get to planning, my love. Figure out what we should do with our money?"

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Jahi groaned at that, burying her face into a pillow that she grabbed as she grumbled "I don’t wanna be responsible... it sounds so boring and annoying..!", which made Leone smile wryly as she opened her mouth to say something, only to remain silent as I gave her a small smile.

"But you ARE supposed to be Head of our Family, are you not~? This is YOUR responsibility... and besides, surely you don’t want to be heading out to fight monsters every day to keep food on our table when we finally have children, right? To be away from them and have Anput, Leone and I working hard to provide as well, all while we care for YOUR children..." 𝖋𝔯𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝖇𝔫𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝖈𝔬𝖒

Placing emphasis on a few words, I listened to Jahi grumble and groan for a few more seconds with a smirk on my face, before I wiped it away and gave her a small, sweet smile instead when she looked at me with those dazzling amethyst eyes, making my smile widen somewhat with how she stared at me and how she peeked at Leone, who was blushing.

"I... hah... when you put it like that... yeah, I guess I need to start now, huh..? I really don’t want to... it sounds so boring and plain, but... it needs to get done... Fine!"

Shaking her legs, she signaled for Leone to move before sitting up, staring at me pointedly as she added "I’ll do it, but I want something for it! Motivation, not a reward! So promise me, while your both out..."

Her lips curled into a smirk as she looked between Leone and I, her amusement and lust spiking very noticeably even without the bond as she coyly said "I want you both to go to a boutique, right, and I want you to pick out a nice, elegant dress. One each, I don’t care how much you spend on it. Something for a ball or other kind of snobby Noble event, and I want you to come home wearing them..."

Leone blushed even more as she watched Jahi’s dragon rise for the occasion, ready to spray its fire once more as she envisioned Leone and I in some formal gowns ready to be unpackaged like dolls.

It was obvious she wanted to play with us and let loose some more despite how vigorously we had been going at it since we returned, and while any normal women might try to get out of this for fear of their bodies and minds, Leone and I weren’t going to deny this Demoness her due rewards, since we too were craving even more...

And besides, Leone was someone who was excited by that kind of thing, and I was more than open for more play of any kind, especially something that could very easily be a new version of the usual play Jahi and I have together...

A frightened Noblewoman being taken advantage of by someone bigger and stronger wasn’t much different than a frightened servant being taken advantage of, but that small shift was more than enough to keep it fresh and interesting for us~!

"But of course~! The only thing is... we need a guarantee that you keep up your end of the bargain properly, my love~! So how do we know you won’t just pick up a book, seek out Anput, go train or do something else, all while we go out and get pretty for you~?"

Teasing her was so much fun, since the Demoness was very unaccustomed to being doubted and otherwise told a variation of ’no’, so seeing her frown at me and lean forwards was amusing, especially when it came from us.

Her wonderful, supporting wives who never told her no and instead made sure to do what she wanted~!

To be fair though, she was rarely wrong or in need of being told no - the wonders of being wealthy, strong, and otherwise decently smart in most things - which made it all the better to watch her mind short circuit in person at this simple ask.


Biting her lip, she tried to first voice her emotional response for that question, only to have her logic oriented mind stop her and cause her to doubt herself for a moment, wondering if she should voice her very mild hurt at my doubt of her honor before realizing that this was actually a logical thing for someone to do in this situation, to ask for a guarantee.

Then she got to the very obvious logical answer that I was just messing with her, my smile and emotions very clear to her, to the point that she sighed quietly and hung her head, only to shake it as she said "Kat, I’m going to break you tonight. Manipulative bitch... Wanted to get me annoyed at you, huh?"

My smile widened, and I practically preened as I nodded and replied "The sex is even better when you are annoyed with me, my love~! You need to vent it in some way, and what better way then to vent it into me~?"

"Or I could just go workout? Hit the weights for a bit before setting pen to paper and coming up with ideas?"

That made my smile falter, and the Demoness smirked as she used my tactic against me, only to roll her eyes as I let out a huff and said "Fine, no dresses.", crossing my arms beneath my chest and pointedly looking away from her.

"Fine, no sex."


Looking back at her, I pouted again at the Demoness as she smirked straight back at me, adding "And don’t even think of asking Anput or Leone to help you tonight~! I’ll take real~ good care of them at the same time... you know very well that I can multitask in bed, my minx~!"

"Fine! I’ll get the damn dresses!"

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