My Servant System Chapter 947 946: Teasing

Chapter 947 946: Teasing

?"So besides them both being... unique, is there anything at all that I should know before they arrive? I want to be myself, yes, but..."

Mom got up and moved from the table to the couch, sinking into the softer, more relaxing embrace of the large seat as she shook her head before shrugging.

"A few things, but not many that really matter. Your Grandmother is a stickler for presentation, be it oral, physical, or emotional. Part of the reason she fell so damn hard for the old man was the fact that he was honest, well spoken, handsome and refined. Everything the knife ears love in their partners. So try not to be ’unsightly’ if you want to impress her. As for him, just be honest. Don’t over exaggerate things, don’t try to flaunt something that isn’t truly yours, don’t be disingenuous. I never really had a problem with him, though Ria swears that he dislikes me more than her Mother does, so..."

"That’s because he does. You’re pompous, arrogant, loud and crude. My Mother can tolerate it since she values strength just as much as you do, but he looks at your title and then looks at you; to him, a Marquess should be polished and noble, and yet you..."

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Hearing Mother enter the room, we both turned to see her shake her head and let out a long, low sigh, her shoulders slumping as she muttered something to herself, only to look back up and stare at me as she said "Just don’t be some brat and you’ll be fine, dear. Besides, I imagine they won’t be as strict with you since you’re my child; they don’t need to worry about raising you right since you’re our responsibility. Just... don’t be stupid, okay?"

That made me blink a few times as I watched Mother walk over towards the couch and take her place besides Mom, who was also blinking away her surprise as she tilted her head and tried to comprehend what was just told to us.

"Huh..? I thought he didn’t mind me..?"

"He doesn’t mind you; he simply prefers being away from you. There is a difference."

Grabbing Mom’s arm and pulling it onto her shoulders, Mother leaned against her side and stared at me some more, those sapphire eyes of hers sending small jolts throughout my body as I felt like I was being appraised not as a person, but as a thing...

A thing that she could ’fix’ and make presentable...

"What’s Jules doing?"

Thankfully Mom redirected Mother’s attention with that question, the blonde Elf raising a brow as she snidely asked "What do you think? The babies are awake and they’re hungry. No, sit down! THEY are hungry; you are just horny."

That made me roll my eyes as I turned back to the papers on the table again, ignoring them as Mom muttered "Same thing, aren’t they..?" and instead focusing on the issue at hand; getting something ready to show Kat so that I could earn my reward for tonight.

"What are you puzzling over, Jahi?"

"Ah, she’s trying to figure out what she should invest in or something. Apparently Kat asked her to start looking..? Probably put quite the incentive on it too if she’s so adamant about doing it now."

Mother just sighed before asking "And what did you come up with..? Please don’t say mercenary company...", only to sigh again as I stiffened and Mom snickered, earning me a voice that sounded both tired and exasperated.

"Why not try something in the weapon industry first, Jahi? Have Anput forge a large amount of things, then get Kat to enchant them with something basic? And if you REALLY want something unique, have Leone try to alter the metals with her alchemy; there are a few different spells and the like that you can use. Artificial metals that are stronger and more impressive to look at then things you can find naturally." 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

"That’s what I said, but who knows if she’ll listen to that... or if Kat would accept that as an answer? Since it technically isn’t an investment, just a current job? If she’s anything at all like Jules, you know she’s picky as all hell with things like this."

I frowned at that and sighed, glancing back at the two and asking "Is that something she inherited then?"

"What? Being as stubborn as a mule? Very much so. It is kind of impressive just how much of a replica she is of her Mother... Think that has something to do with her Father being just... bleh?"

Mother shrugged at that, though her blue eyes held a complicated light as she glanced at the door, something that made Mom slightly shake her head and roll her eyes as she looked at me instead, clearly poking fun at whatever Mother was thinking...

"What do you think about investing into a company here in the Capital? One that is already established? Is it too risky, or is it alright..?"

Leaning back into the couch, Mom shrugged this time as she answered in a bored voice, her eyes landing on the ceiling as she just lounged there with Mother nestled in her arms.

"Personally, I dislike it unless I am a majority owner. Hate having to deal with someone feeling like they can lord their shares over me to make my ideas invalid, or just how stupid some people can be now that they have me as one of their backers. I prefer to just own the company entirely so that I control everything that happens with it. Makes things so much easier...

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Honestly, I think the best thing you could do would be to talk with that bastard Belian and ask if you can purchase and develop some of the land over in the Kingdom. Slimy prick would probably sell it to you for a decent amount just to get you closer to the Clans, so you can take advantage of that. Then you just need to use the land for something... like farming, which is simple and easy enough to manage. Speaking of, that Hathor is supposed to visit..."

The slight twitch of Mom’s right lip as she peeked at Mother to her left was a clear indicator that this was a rather dangerous game she wanted to play, though considering the ever clearer frown and sparkling blue eyes Mother gave her in return, I could... understand why she loved to play it.

The rewards were oh so worth the risk, though I stopped thinking about that as the main door opened and Anput walked in, yawning and stretching as she shuffled towards me with eyes that were barely open.

Falling into my lap, the Jackalkin yawned again and turned herself so that she was nuzzling into my chest, her face buried between my breasts as she hugged me and drifted off to sleep, ignoring how this position hindered me and not caring about how utterly adorable she was with this behavior.

Embracing her back, I quietly turned the seat around and looked towards both Mom and Mother, who were watching us from the couch with varying expressions; Mom with a smirk, Mother with a small frown, though that was directed at Mom as she turned back to her and asked "Who cares that she’s supposed to visit?"

"Hm? Jahi cares, that’s who. She wanted to have me talk with Hathor to discuss acquiring that training golem thing, remember?"


"And I think it’d be a worthy investment anyways, especially for Lakshmi - and maybe for Alessandra too. Doesn’t hurt to at least hear her out, right?"

Mother’s frown deepened, and I saw Mom’s lips twitch again as she added "Besides, it’s been a couple of years since I last saw her... wonder how things have been over in the Clans. Curious to see if she’s changed at all."

The dangerous game continued on, and I couldn’t help myself as I smirked, though I just buried my smirk into Anput’s ears as I hugged the Jackalkin closer, hiding my expression and watching everything unfold in front of me.

"And why are you curious?"

"Wouldn’t you be curious to see how someone who once suggested experimenting on an unborn baby inside their own womb has changed? They’re either finally sane, or so clinically insane that you can’t help but feel some soul deep relief at dodging such a massive bullet."

Mother let out a huff as she placed her hand on Mom’s thigh, which made her jump slightly as Mother gave her a shock and a glare as she hissed "Stop trying to hide your smirk! Both of you!"

We both stared at her in surprise before guiltily looking away, only to flinch when she added "And if either of you try something stupid when ’Hathor’ gets here, I WILL make you regret it... understood?!"


"Good... Now, Jahi, as idiotic as your Mom usually is, she had a point; broach the idea of buying farmland over in the Kingdom to Belian sometime soon and pool together your funds. I know you dislike the idea, but most likely your Mom and I will match whatever land you buy to get enough for a plantation and a vacation home. Just to ensure that Belian is willing to sell to you without any issue. It’ll be... a controlled test for you four. Something that will have us entirely hands off, but still there to help.

Now, that doesn’t mean to stop thinking about individual projects, understood? Especially not with my Father coming in soon; anything you can think of, he’ll have some answers or suggestions for you if you want them. That’ll be more than enough to placate Kat."

Mother nodded and looked back at Mom, only to frown and glance at me again as she asked "Speaking of, where is she? Her and Leone?"

"Shopping. And they’re taking a bit longer than usual because they’re also heading to a boutique for a dress each."

She narrowed her eyes at that and dryly asked "Why..?", to which I gave her a wry smile and shrugged my shoulders, leaving the answer at that and making her sigh, while Mom nodded in approval.

"I should send you and Jules to a boutique soon. Sounds like a fun night~! Besides, I bet it’d do Jules some good; postpartum mentality can be quite~ the wonky experience, and even though she seems fine..."

"At the very least, it would do her well to begin expanding her wardrobe... I just dislike the fact that it has to start in a way so..."

"Incredibly thoughtful and amazing~?"

"So fetishy is what I was going to say. I know exactly why you want us to head to a boutique... and it isn’t just for the dress, is it?"

Mom shook her head and confidently said "What outfit is complete without a good set of lingerie to go with it?", to which I widened my eyes before cursing quietly, earning a glare from Mother as she hissed "Don’t agree with her!"

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