My Servant System Chapter 951 950: Midnight Prayer

Chapter 951 Chapter 950: Midnight Prayer

Kat PoV

By the time that Jahi and Anput had come off of their self induced orgasmic high, the two futanari had passed out quickly thereafter, with Leone joining them as the Vampire had been the primary focus of everything that had happened tonight.

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Something that I was mixed on personally; I understood the thought process behind it, and admittedly I enjoyed it quite a bit too since it was a unique, fresh experience, but damnit I wanted them to do all of that to me too!

Not that I was feeling unsatisfied, of course... I don’t think that will ever happen whenever we have sex, but there was a lingering sense of mild disappointment that I wasn’t currently cum drunk and unconscious like Leone was, or riding off the high of orgasmic bliss like they were; I was just on the cusp of that high, but still so lucid too...

With the room being dark and the night sky being painted in a beautiful color by the moons and stars, I was left with a rather intriguing choice; simply stare up at the sky that I was still oh so captivated with and eventually drift off to sleep with the warm familiarity of my lovers nearby, or I could clean myself off and do... something to work off this lingering frustration, be it enchanting something, or perhaps going to pray..?

Well... both to actually pray, and to go ahead and receive some more Shop Made Items that would be promptly gifted to everyone in the morning; my reward for the killing of those three Fiends, perhaps?

That would be a reasonable backstory to explain the appearance of these items, and it wouldn’t be far fetched to understand that a loose worded prayer like ’I just want my family to be safe’ could result in a set of jewelry that kept us all protected from harm.

With that decided, I silently stood up and began to wash off, before I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt that I just loosely wore, since a robe went over them and kept me both warm and covered from anyone’s potential gaze.

Glancing back at the messy bed, I smiled softly at the sight that laid before me; Jahi sprawled out in the middle, her blue skin stained with sweat and other fluids as she held both Anput and Leone in her arms, the two women cuddling against the Demoness and unconsciously taking advantage of the sudden vacancy that I had opened up.

Anput crawled onto Jahi’s chest and acted as a blanket for the Demoness while Leone curled into a ball next to her, cuddling into the crook of her arm and being surrounded on all sides by warmth of some kind, be it from the skin of our lovers or the blankets that were tossed around haphazardly.

It was an all too familiar sight now, seeing those three sleeping in various positions and so utterly carefree as they took up as much of the bed as they wanted, and I loved that it had become a sight that I was equating with normalcy at night, especially when compared to the dingy, dark apartment that I had lived in on my own in my previous life.

I cast that thought from my mind as soon as it appeared, not wanting to dwell on it any longer as I turned around and crept out of room, sneaking past the sleeping Cowkin maid and slipping into the lavish halls of the Palace, which were illuminated by the moons and the stars.

Natural light guided me towards the Chapel alongside my own memory, and I eventually found myself inside the quiet, peaceful room that housed the various alters carved out of respect for a variety of Gods and Goddesses.

I still needed to actually sit down and study up on the various deities of this world that were apparently real according to the System, just... absent and distant from this world, delegating themselves to the roles of watchers instead of active participants.

Learning about them might be something useful in the future, or it might just be a fun time brushing up on the various myths in this world; what sort of stories would a group of people capable of living centuries with ease and millennia with some dedication come up with?

Humans already crafted some really complex and incredible works of art throughout all of our ages living mere decades, so what could be created when given more than just ’one lifetime’ to flex your creativity?

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What epics and poems had been written by the people who had seen so much more than I could possibly imagine in a single lifetime?

I was immensely curious, and I focused on the phoenix statue in front of me as I wondered just what epics and poems were created in the honor of the Goddess who had apparently granted me a second chance; Reincantra, the Goddess of Stories and New Beginnings.

Approaching her altar, I knelt down and clasped my hands in prayer, my eyes closing shut as I began to clear my mind and focus myself, taking in the silence and becoming one with it as I tried to... create a ’connection’ between her and I.

’It’s been quite a while at this point... or maybe not; time is rather mercurial on the best of days, and recently it’s been... not the best of days. Simply... days. Ah... Anyways, I should try and get into the habit of praying more even without an altar; Anput did forge me that pendant of a phoenix, so I could always pray to that, I guess...

I guess... again, I just wanted to offer my thanks, for everything. The more I look back and appraise the choices I made, the results of those choices, and the overall outcome that I could influence despite not being the most influential or strongest person ever is just... incredible. And the more I look at it, the more I realize that it wasn’t just luck that placed me with someone like Jahi, it wasn’t just luck that brought Anput and Leone to us either, nor was it just luck that molded the ’Evil Marquess’ I had chosen into someone who simply forwent social norms and instead did what she wanted, how she wanted, when she wanted, no matter how others view it.

That isn’t exactly evil, now is it? Certainly not ’Good’, nor is it just ’Neutral’ either, so I guess it has to fall under ’Evil’, but even then... isn’t it rather intriguing how someone with a personality like mine, someone who craved control and strength to do things that would keep people doing what I wanted, when I wanted, managed to end up with a ’Mistress’ who matched my own energy? Someone who could take me for what I was and roll with it no matter what...

All of that is to say... I know that there was a better chance for a snowball to form in a blazing hell scape then for me to get that lucky on my own, for the stars to align with the moons and the planets in such a way that I managed to find myself with Jahi, Anput, AND Leone... with a Mother like... well, Mother, and also another set of parents in the Marquess and the Countess. For me to become a big sister to two adorable girls... For me to find myself in the company of this world’s strongest so casually, able to talk to people that others simply dream to meet even a single time just by walking down the hall and knocking on a door...

So... thank you, Reincantra. I don’t really care if I am just a story for you to read at your leisure, if I am just some small passion project of one of the ’Powers that be’ or whatever... It doesn’t matter to me, since it seems my hand was determined for me before I was even dealt it, and everything since then has been me playing this hand to the best of my ability. I’m not really the reverent type, not one to grovel and worship so freely to someone who may or may not listening to me, but... sincerely, thank you. For everything.

You didn’t have to do anything. You could have just left me to drift in that void, a soul wandering aimlessly for being too heavy with sin but still too light to fall into hell, but you didn’t. Instead, you gave me a chance, and I am eternally grateful for that. So if it’s a story that you want... then it’s a story you’ll get. It doesn’t seem like an interesting one, but it’s a story nonetheless, right?’

I chuckled quietly as I opened my eyes, the prayer ending as I looked up towards the altar, feeling slightly better as I just... let my mind drift and dredge up whatever it wanted, which I then formulated into something coherent for prayer; by no means was it conventional, but honestly...

Who gives a damn?

I just chuckled again before opening the System Shop, only to pause as the mental image of the screen that I would usually browse was left blank, confusing me for a moment only for my eyes to widen as runes began to appear on its surface, scrolling through dozens at a time before landing on the one that it apparently wanted.

Around my neck, the phoenix pendant grew hotter as it lifted off of my skin, snapping free from my collar and floating into the air to rest before me, the screen of the System accounting for the pendant and rearranging the runes around it.

’It is a story that I want, little one, and you are right; it is a story that I shall get. I tend to allow stories to write themselves, to play out as Nature and Fate intend, but... sometimes, I grow curious. I grow enamored and intrigued. Sometimes, my stories capture my attention, and make me want to read more. Make me crave certain things. So here, little one... a gift. For one so loyal, so devoted, so interesting. Make an excellent story for me, will you?’

Those runes flashed inside my mind, their meaning and unfamiliar shapes searing themselves into my brain before appearing in the real world, each one shooting forwards into the pendant and infusing the metal with an incredible amount of power.

As the words of a Goddess appeared in front of me, I was given a tangible piece of evidence that here, in this world... they did exist, and that they were watching; it was comforting since it was her, the one who had gifted me a chance, but as the warmth receded from both the runes and my emotions, I was left slightly cold, wondering who else was watching.

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