My Servant System Chapter 969 968: Week Goes By (2)

Chapter 969 Chapter 968: Week Goes By (2)

"So let’s see this gift that you were making for your grandparents, since they’re so deeply asleep at the moment... Don’t think they’ll be getting up any time soon."

Snickering at the two asleep Elves, Mom smirked at us and gestured at the covered ornament, waiting for it to be unveiled to her and clearly waiting to judge whatever it was that we made if that smirk was anything to go by.

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She was not a typical parent, that was for certain, but we all knew that already from the years spent with her watching over us she parented with tough love that sometimes was simply downright mean and not excellent for raising normal children, but since we all matured quickly and were being raised to kill people, gentle, nurturing love wasn’t something that was in her mind.

Not even Mother Ria gave us that gentle and nurturing love of a Mother, since it was instead tempered with expectation and seriousness, though I suppose we lucked out with Mother, who was rather tame compared to the two.

Either way, this tough love that we had come to expect from the Marquess was not something that we actually needed to worry about right now since we knew for certain that this gift of ours looked excellent, and as we revealed it, we were proven right with how Mom furrowed her brow but didn’t say anything, that slight nod all we needed to know that she thought we did a good job as well.

Mother Ria and Mother obviously had the better, more refined tastes on things like this, so I cared more about their opinions then I did Mom’s, and when I turned towards them instead and saw Mother smiling gently and nodding her head as she looked closer, while Mother Ria had already pulled the ornament over to herself to appraise each of the flowers, I was happy with that too.

"A lily of the valley... and each flower bud has your names engraved into them... even Alessandra and Lakshmi are here. It’s quite beautiful, and even more impressive since you managed to make it so quickly. Which..."

Mother Ria raised a brow as she raised her gaze from the flowers and looked between the four of us, asking "You really managed to get all of this done in an hour? That seems... impressive. Especially since its so well put together and thought out."

"The metal was simple enough and thin enough to heat quickly, and the enchanting seemed pretty simple too; the most difficult and time consuming part was the baths that each flower got from Leone, and even that was simple enough. All in all, I think it took about the entire hour to get it together, which is why we were a bit late..."

Anput was the one to answer, and she looked away at that last part since we all knew that a timeframe given was meant to be followed, and likely in a hope to divert Mother Ria away from the fact that we were late Jahi said "I was the one to come up with the idea as well, Mother~! All those books on flower language you made me read when I was younger came in handy, didn’t it?"

"You were the one to come up with this? That is a bit of a surprise, but again, I never made you read those books in particular. I simply gave you an option for when you were meant to be reading, and that was what you chose."

"Well, the options you gave me were flower language, the political situation over in the Dynasty, or the fairytales of the Sultanate, and whilst those last two were interesting enough, they didn’t really seem like things I wanted to sit down and read..."

"Did you eventually look into those fairytales, or no? If you did, we could go check out some of the locations that they supposedly took place in? There are a few within the capital, actually. Parks and bazaars that were home to the more tame, friendly fairytales, as well as some gambling dens and arenas that were apart of the ’climactic’ and ’dramatic’ portions of those fairytales. There are also more than a few of those same areas that are infamous for... other things."

"Ah, I was going to ask about that as well; are you all still going now that Lilith has pushed her arrival back, or what? And if so, you are aware that this is a really tight window that you need to hop through if you do go?"

That made us all sigh as we leaned against the table and exchanged glances, before Jahi answered Mom with a nod, saying "We’re still going, and yes, we are well aware that everything needs to be carefully and intricately plotted and balanced so that we can return within a months time. Thankfully its only a day away and not more than that, so we have some leeway in that regard, but otherwise..."

"That is true, but still... what are you hoping to do during your... three weeks over there? It’s a lot of time, but also not that much time at all since there are so many things you need to do whilst your there, like sharpen your skills some more against Fiends."

The reminder that we would have to fight not one, not two, but more than a handful of Fiends whilst we were over there was both an exciting thing and something that I partially dreaded, since there was no guarantee that they would be easy fights...

But the harder they were the more rewards I got out of it in the form of experience and Shop Points, which could go to something else; just taking a brief glance around the table confirmed that that alone would be worth it, since I saw the red glass ring on everyone’s fingers, or for Mom and Jahi, around their neck on a chain.

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That was what I was truly earning whenever I fought tough battles out in the world; something to keep them safe no matter what, even if they were rather strong on their own already.

I just wanted that reassurance that they wouldn’t be taken from me and leave us alone in this world...

"Yes, that will likely take up a good portion of our time, but that doesn’t mean we can’t explore the capital of the Sultanate at all! Besides, it’s a big place, but at the same time its really easy to traverse, so we can get a lot done really quickly if you just want to look and see certain places."

"We haven’t really been out to much of the Capital here either, so... what exactly are we supposed to do? Go out and see a play, walk around the various bazaars, stop at the teahouses and the food stalls..? Head back to the palace and enjoy the luxury afforded to us thanks to your parents?"

Jahi’s musings made me smile wryly as I shrugged my shoulders, the realization that we really hadn’t done much inside this city making us all feel a tad embarrassed; I mean, Jahi had taken us all on an individual date each, but past that... we really only stuck to the adventuring district and the road leading up to the Palace or the road leading to that cottage...

Wasn’t that kinda pathetic for three born Nobles and one raised Noble..?

That’s actually... really sad now that I think about it, but we were all more ’homebody’ than social, and when you add on our libidos... I guess it makes sense.

Still sad though.

"There are a myriad of restaurants, food stalls, teahouses, and other places to eat, as well as many entertainment areas that serve food during whatever entertainment you’re there to partake in. Then there’s all the arenas that we can visit and participate in ourselves for whatever we want wager. We can go out on Worm Hunts and head out to go visit the various oasis that dot the desert. There’s a lot that we can do over in the Sultanate."

"The arenas will likely be a one time thing that you can participate in; once you beat the snot out of someone the first time, few will want to challenge you... unless you offer up something worthy of being almost killed for. Wealth might not do it, but..."

Mom snickered as she stared pointedly at me before looking towards Jahi as she added "If you want to fight a lot~ of people, you could always offer up a night with someone sitting at this table~? It would definitely draw interest... especially since they are all predominantly Caninekin..."

That made me raise a brow, even as Mother and Mother Ria glared at Mom and pinched her waist at the suggestion; meanwhile, Jahi was frowning as she shook her head, and both Anput and Leone were glaring at Mom for that suggestion.

"That could certainly be interesting... it would be a way to earn a lot of money doing something that you know you’ll win at~!"

When they heard me going along with it, all three of my lovers turned to frown at me instead, only for Jahi to shake her head once more as I added "Make them pay a large price as a wager then swipe it from them, all whilst you get them all~ sorts of hot and bothered with the idea of a night with me?"


"Definitely not."

"Absolutely not happening."

All three of them just glared at me, making me chuckle as I said "I know, I know~!", though I did have to admit that the idea of swindling a bunch of helpless idiots with my looks did sound appealing... especially since I could take that as a way to practice utilizing my Lust Mana, perhaps?

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