My Servant System Chapter 994 993: Game Night

Chapter 994 993: Game Night

?"And... that is my win. You’re learning well though, Jahi. Quite quick on the uptake, aren’t you? I must admit it surprises me somewhat, even if the game itself is simple enough."

Chuckling, the Demoness smirked at the Jackalkin across from us and replied "I know~! Everyone seems to look at my Mom and just assume that her muscle headedness is all there is to her, and by extension me as well, but honestly... we’re both adept at strategy. It’s just the best strategy for the two of us happens to be-"

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"Brute force and unyielding determination, paired with confidence and sheer strength of will means there is no need to worry about strategy, since you can simply power through it. Indeed, it is quite the excellent situation that you two find yourself in, and one that people tend to forget to plan for since... well..."

"The times that she needed to utilize strategy are either only because she is restricted from fighting, or the people that the strategy were used against were dead! Yes, it is quite~ the fun problem to have, isn’t it~! So instead, might we move on from mancala and perhaps play something else? Chess, perhaps? One game from your country, and one from ours?"

"Chess, hm..? It has been awhile, and usually Kio gets... indignant after the second game. She’s competitive, but she dislikes losing, and sadly for her I am quite the strategist, especially when it revolves around troop compositions and formations... I even went ahead and had a custom, ornate board made for playing Shogi, which is the chess equivalent over in the Dynasty. Did you ever play?"

Handing the mancala board to Lady Kio, who had wandered over after chatting with Anput for a moment, the Sultana glanced at her wife and asked "Where is the chess set? Would you get it for me please, my love?", though the Dogkin just huffed and replied "Sorry, I am feeling rather ’indignant’ at the moment, dear. It might take a few minutes..."

The Sultana just let out a low sigh as she watched Lady Kio saunter away, the Dogkin taking out some mild frustrations on her wife for that ’slight’ and causing Jahi to chuckle quietly, which grabbed the attention of our host.

"Sorry, but it’s just... it feels like all the people we’ve met who have been at your ’level’ are all... really down to earth and less uptight than what would be excepted. It’s just amusing to see, really. All those formalities and the arrogance that you would expect from a Sultana or an Empress, or a Duchess who works for said Empress..."

That made the lithe woman chuckle softly as she shook her head and said "No, no one ever expects it, but honestly... I think you’re rather ’spoiled’ since your Mom is so close to reaching this level at such a ’young’ age. As far as I am aware, I have more than a few decades on her and yet it took me quite some time to reach this level, and only because I was in quite the predicament for quite a long time.

Meanwhile, Chordeva has lived... a more peaceful life, and yet she is on the cusp. It is a matter of generational talent slowly but surely being molded and bred into something superior, and Chordeva is a living testament to that ideal. So are you, but currently you are but a whelp. Conversely, compared to the wellspring of talent that you both had been blessed with, I had to squeeze every last drop of potential out of myself that I could, and then I paired it with the blood, sweat and tears that came from my situation..."

Giving the servant who walked over with a giant platter of desserts and drinks a nod, the Sultana slid a plate over to Jahi and said "Try this; it’s a citrus saffron cake. Rather tasty, especially when paired with a cup of coffee."

For me, the Sultana slid a plate over that had a baklava resting on it, the layered pastry oozing a sweet scent that only made the flaky golden dough look all the more appetizing, whilst an identical cup of rich pale brown liquid was placed before me as well.

"Now, Katherine Zara..."

Lowering her voice down to nothing but a raspy whisper, the Sultana tilted her head and asked "What did you and Anput argue about? I know neither of you are naive enough to think that we can’t smell what happened, so the only reason the two of you would separate and head your different ways without so much as a word to one another... well, something happened, no?"

Accepting a cup of her own, the Sultana took a sip before leaning back in her chair, the velvet cushions hugging her wiry muscles as she lounged around, waiting for me to give her an answer as to what happened between me and her daughter.

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And before I could try and say ’Nothing happened’, she murmured "I know something happened; your scents are off. Hers is fluctuating far too much, and yours is subdued, like you’re saddened. So what happened?"

I peeked at the Jackalkin I had become mates with, observing her relaxed smirk and warm obsidian eyes from afar and feeling my heart ache slightly since... well, I had to observe those things from afar and not by her side.

"It is my fault... I pushed for an answer to something despite her telling me to give her time. She didn’t like me asking for an answer, so... I’m giving her space again."

"You mean she is telling you she wants space. What is this about?"

Jahi was the one to answer, though she did so with a small smile as she said "Respectfully, Sultana, it is neither our answer to give nor your right to know, not without her permission. So I apologize, but that will have to remain unknown."

The Sultana’s hand paused mid air, the coffee cup a few inches from her veiled face and causing me to swallow hard at how Jahi spoke to her, worry flaring up for a brief moment; we didn’t know the Sultana like that to warrant speaking like this to her, and even with the Empress I usually wanted to air on the side of caution at least, if it was only out of respect at the bare minimum.

"You’re right, of course... If it is her problem, then it is her right to let others know or to keep it to herself. Still though... do be careful, Jahi Asmodia... I dislike being spoken to like that."

I didn’t even need to see her eyes to know that they were open, my entire body getting covered in goosebumps as the power within herself began to leak out ever so slightly, that sharpness that seemed ingrained into her very being pressing against our throats and quieting us down instantly, only to disappear after a second and leave us both wondering if we had imagined that or not.

Memories of Duchess Klaki only made me shiver again as I recalled the other time I had been given a first hand taste of how potent and oppressive the aura of someone could be, the Dragon of the North using but a single eye to almost send my younger self into a panic attack and existential crisis simply because she was interested...

And now, we had someone who was a tad irate at being spoken to like that using both eyes... though I honestly had little real understanding of what that meant in this world, but even then... I had a lot of ’inspiration’ to draw upon in regards to what it could be like.

"Now, Kat, I will admit that it is likely simply a result of... Kio being Kio, and our own innate stubbornness as Caninekin, but do understand that if we say we’re going to do something... we do it. If she has said she will figure it out on her own, she is in the process of figuring it out on her own. She doesn’t need help directly."

With the sudden drop of that sharp aura, the Sultana took a sip from her coffee, turning away and lifting the veil ever so slightly as she did so, revealing the mess of scars that covered her skin for a single moment.

"It is stubborn, childish, and altogether unhealthy, but it is how she is. Changing that means changing her, and sometimes forcing a change can result in more than a few different results. If you wish to keep trying... then be my guest. Just don’t be surprised if things turn sour for a bit. Still... that doesn’t excuse her being rude, but I’ll sort that out tomorrow morn. Are you up for a game of chess, perhaps? I seem to recall you having a sharp wit as a pup."

Switching the subject swiftly, the Sultana looked to the side and nodded at Anput as she took a seat, the Jackalkin smiling at Jahi as she said "That is one of my favorite desserts, and something I did sorely miss after some meals~! I hope you like it~! Ooh! Mom, can I have a bite?"

When a chessboard was placed between us, the petite Dogkin woman who carried it over glanced down at me not with a smirk, nor with arrogance, but instead with neutrality that reminded me all too much of Anput, which only made sense since she was my mate’s Mother.

Being given such a stare before she simply turned away was worrying, but for now I took a bite of the baklava, glanced at Anput and then moved a pawn forwards, starting the first of many games tonight.

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