My Servant System Chapter 999 998: Payouts (1)

Chapter 999 998: Payouts (1)

"Sometimes, Anput, it might just be better to keep your confidence down a few notches in things that are out of your control, such as card games that have no strategy whatsoever... That might just save you some heartache in the future, just saying."

I gave my mate a small smile as we walked across the open and surprisingly lush pathways that were within the palace’s land, various flowers and trees providing a splash of green to this otherwise golden land that was so sapped of color thanks to the harsh environment.

Kicking her feet out and pouting, the olive skinned Jackalkin - that was dressed once more in her country’s garb, showing off that sun kissed skin and her hard earned muscles - glanced at me and said "But if I don’t have confidence in everything I do, that means I will be doubting myself in some shape or form! And doubt is terrible for a warrior!"

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"Doubt can be healthy; doubt can lead you to question your motives and understand what and who you are. Excessive doubt - like most things done in excess - can and will be excessive and lead to negatives. Understand that, and move forwards after taking a moment to doubt."

The Sultana walked beside us with a confident stride, her veil concealing her expression whilst her body language remained as strait laced as ever, so it was impossible to read her as she continued forwards, unbothered and uncaring.

"Besides, I have doubted many things in my life before. I have doubted my abilities to rise up as this land’s ruler, I doubted my ability to maintain the peace, I doubted my skills as a warrior when I first met the Empress. That doubt only made me want to move forwards and improve. It never got in the way of what I was doing though. Never."

That confidence was quickly called into question though as Lady Kio snorted and asked "I seem to recall you doubting if you ever even wanted children, and then doubting if you could ever find yourself a partner! All while I was right in front of you! You didn’t move forwards and improve with those things; I pushed and pulled you forwards!"

"Yes, but we still needed to take those steps together, Kio. It... takes two to tango."

"Wasn’t much about that ’tango’ that required you to do anything at all! I was the one doing all the ’dancing’!"

She snorted once more and brushed past the Sultana, who had paused for a moment as she deliberated replying to that, only to let out a sigh and resume walking, though she nodded when Jahi asked "Is she always that... brash?"

"Watch your tongue blue skin!"

The sharp bark from in front of us made Jahi stiffen, and I had to roll my eyes as I said "Jahi, she is a Caninekin; her hearing is extraordinary. Perhaps wait until she is more than just a dozen feet in front of us?"

"You too, you oversized bimbo!"

That made me roll my eyes again, but I refrained from making a comment lest it create an argument between myself and this woman who was supposedly the same age as my own Mother, who was far more mature and ’sightly’ than she was. 𝒻𝘳𝓮ℯ𝑤𝘦𝒷𝓷𝑜𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑐𝑜𝓂

"And don’t think anything rude either! I can tell you’re thinking something rude right now! Respect your elders!"

And instantly, that desire to remain cordial and nice faded away with but a single phrase that I tended to dislike, causing me to say something before I could even realize I was speaking.

"Respect is earned, not given."

Lady Kio’s head whipped around at that, and I just gave her an assured smile and nod as I added "That is something that my Mother taught me when I was young; she used the Sultana as an example of someone whom I needn’t meet in order to respect. I have to admit, I really was fascinated by the few records we had of your rise, Sultana. However... she never said anything about you in particular, Lady Kio?"


A growl rumbled in her throat, and I held back a smirk at how easily wound up the Dogkin got at such a simple statement, one that was made even sweeter with how the Sultana turned towards me curiously as she asked "Really? How come?"

"Anyone who could have risen from something as demeaning and nihilistic as slavery and clawed their way into a position of power to make change is worthy of respect, even if you don’t agree with everything they are for. That perseverance and determination is admirable, and then there is the fact that you are near the Empress’ level in terms of strength as well? That is beyond incredible, and more than worthy of my respect, even before I got to meet you or fall in love with your daughter."

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"Hey! Don’t think you can butter up my wife to get out of disrespecting me you brat!"

Lady Kio was standing in front of me now, the Dogkin’s fur bristling as she bared her fangs and growled, still rather upset about my statement and clearly not liking that I was ignoring her and trying to get the stronger person here to be on my side or agree with me instead.

"Additionally, whilst I must admit I am unaware of the details themselves, I know some of what you had went through - at least, what you allowed to be transcribed and shared with the world - and I can say wholeheartedly that a majority of people wouldn’t have been able to endure what you did without breaking."

"Perhaps it is because I haven’t traveled abroad as frequently as I should have, or perhaps it is because I tend to keep to myself, but... it is nice to hear that others appreciate the things that happened to me and specifically the results that came of it."

Nodding her head, the Sultana turned to stare at the wide open, and crowded plaza that we had arrived at, the various warriors in the middle of training and sparring with one another gradually realizing we were here and prompting them to pause their actions and swiftly kneel down as they shouted "All hail the Sultana!"

The bristling Lady Kio continued to growl even as we entered the large plaza, all of the warriors that were training to defend their home and serve their Sultana and her family getting to see that the Lady of the Sultanate was currently in a really, really bad mood.

Looking around briefly, I noted that the Dogkin were rather unperturbed about the woman’s current attitude, but the Jackalkin all seemed rather confused and unsure of what to do; they were half glaring at me before realizing that the Sultana was right beside, and she hadn’t moved a muscle to reprimand me, which seemed odd since her mate was being slighted, right?

Even the veiled Death Jackals were looking my way without moving, their mysterious and dangerous aura’s fluctuating from afar as waves of dread gradually crashed against me for but a moment, like they were contemplating how easy it would be to abduct me and teach me a rather permanent lesson... before it faded as the looming, towering figure of the Sultana registered in their minds once more.

"Does this remind you somewhat of how Lady Fenyras acted when we returned?"

I just glanced at Jahi and asked her that, causing the Demoness to snort in amusement as she nodded her head briefly, the memory of her goading one of the most deadly and petty women likely in the entire world bringing a small smile to her lips.

A sigh from Anput made me turn around, the Jackalkin staring at me pointedly as she shook her head and asked "Could you please not wind up my Mother to the point of exploding due to anger? That’s my job.", something that didn’t seem to go over well with the woman she was talking about since the growling only got louder.

"Alright, alright... enough, please. Some of us still need to reside with her for the rest of the day."

The Sultana’s ’placations’ had the opposite effect since Lady Kio snarled "No you don’t! You can just find yourself that concubine and go to sleep happy! Hmph!", though the Dogkin relented when the Sultana simply stared at her for a few moments in response.

By now, we had reached the center of the plaza, where the Death Jackals resided, the elite warriors now watching on from the sides in obvious confusion even with their veiled faces; their body language was all sorts of odd, the confidence they carried themselves with and the way they tried to minimizing their presence conflicting with the minute tics in their muscles as they glanced at all of us, trying to understand what was happening.

"Well! How are we doing this? Because last time I checked, we didn’t have a healer on hand that was good enough to warrant a ’no holds barred’ fight, so unless you managed to obtain one..?"

"I did."

That short answer made Anput deflate again, and I had to purse my lips as I curiously asked "Sultana, how would you compare against Lady Fenyras? Would you win handedly, win by a stroke of luck, tie..?", something that drew all eyes towards me as I couldn’t help but ask that.

"Fenyras? Tie at best. Worst, one of us is walking away with a very severe injury. We... don’t play nice."


Looking towards Anput, I gave my mate a smile as I said "Well, do your best~! Leone and I can try and aid this healer as best we can to try and get somewhat close to Lady D’Arcon’s level, so it should be just like the times you trained with Lady Fenyras!"

She only shuddered at that, and her obsidian eyes began to fill with doubts as she looked towards her Mom, who was in the midst of arming herself with one of the Death Jackal’s blades; my mate was clearly not excited about this match against a similarly skilled opponent to the one who had once tried her best to ’break’ her, and I couldn’t really blame her.

But, that is the consequences of losing a bet against someone as skilled as this, and she needed to learn to be a bit more cautious going forwards...

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