My Succubus Harem System Chapter 203 203 - New Goals

Chapter 203 203 - New Goals

There was a message in front of Ryan’s eyes. Now that the life guardian’s quest had been completed, a new message appeared with a new challenge. The request that the guardian of the Void had given him was something that at the same time confused him and made his heart burn with a burning desire that he couldn’t understand.


Path to Greatness:

Void’s guardian has given you a challenge, after completing which you will receive the following bonuses:

- Demon Lord title

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- Sovereignty of a Demon Lord

- Demon Lord energy bonus

- Demon Energy Manipulation Complete

Requirements to complete the mission:

- Develop a City (0/1)

- Conquer a City (0/1)

- Create an efficient army (0/2)


’The guardian of the Void probably realized that the results of the first quest weren’t very interesting... So that Timer was just waiting for an answer from the guardian of life...’

The pieces were slowly falling into place in Ryan’s head, he was realizing how this situation meant a completely new journey for him.

’If I need to create a kingdom, the only choice of location I can use is the second world. There’s a vast amount of territory and cities, so it won’t be a problem to dominate an entire region. Considering the support I have from the Silvermoons, I won’t have much trouble accomplishing what I’m thinking’

"You seem to be quite pensive, is there something bothering you Master Ryan?" Asked the Elf girl, who seemed to be visibly worried about what was happening to him.

Ryan nodded, "I’m wondering if you’ll accept my request." The mysterious air Ryan carried made the girl a little confused, but with both hands on her chest he said, "We have nowhere else to go, I’m sure most of our people will stick with you."

Staring at the elf, Ryan didn’t know what to think about it. Sighing, he just waited for the ravine chief to arrive. The elf’s brown hair was reflecting the crystal lights in the room, and as they sat on the carpet, they heard the sound of knocks on the door.

When Ryan looked at the door, he was surprised by the sound of a fist breaking through the wood. Holding out her arm, the woman opened the lock and walked into the room.

She was a beautiful human woman with tanned skin and white hair. She had a defined abdomen and two gigantic breasts. Her clothes were made of fabric medicine, but the contrast between the warrior’s natural beauty and her old clothes made her look even more exuberant.

When she looked at Ryan, her eyes began to tear up. Running over to him, she knelt down and grabbed both of the boy’s hands.

"Hashraridi Wohadiri" she shouted.

Confused, Ryan scratched his head a little. But little by little, he understood what she was saying. With the help of Ayumi, Nyx and Lux’s memories, he could understand most of what she was saying.

"Messiah! You’ve come back Messiah!" said the girl, who was crying non-stop. Ryan hugged her and, running his hand through the young woman’s white hair, he said, "I’m back!"

That woman’s name was Pharah, just Pharah. Like many of the refugees, she had fled the war. After talking a little better with the elf Maki and Pharah, Ryan began to understand their situation better.

"We recently discovered that the curse of the desert barrier didn’t just affect men," said the tanned woman.

’It didn’t just affect men... but there are definitely only women’

The elf continued to explain, "It took us a while to realize it, but none of the women in our civilization had lost their virginity or were pregnant. Most toddlers are siblings or were adopted before coming to the ravine"

Drying her tears, Pharah said, "One of us tried to leave the desert a few days ago. As soon as she crossed the sand she started vomiting blood. Luckily we managed to take care of her and now she’s healthy"

Ryan’s face became more serious with that news, staring at the two he asked "This girl, she had had sex with me... Right?"

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They both nodded.

’It was probably done to prevent them from having too many survivors during the war... I’ll need to undo the curse before I get them out of here’

Looking at Pharah, he asked "The war has been going on for how many years?".

The tanned woman started counting on her fingers, with difficulty she managed to find the answer "I remember I started fighting in the war when I was ten, so it’s been fifteen years since they’ve been fighting".

’A fifteen-year fight can’t be over that easily... Even if I eliminate them all and take the cities and finish the quest. That only gives me one option’

>Hoh, and what are you going to do?<

’Get them out of here some other way’

Ryan’s mind began to search for possibilities to send those women out of the desert. There were three possibilities, the first being to pass them through a portal to the first world and then take them to a portal in the second world. But this was relatively dangerous, after all, he didn’t know the possibilities of what could happen when a person from the second world goes to the first.

’Considering that Alice and I have already entered the second world, I’m sure the reverse is safe. But I can’t risk it, it’s best to take the simplest route. A portal out of the desert sands shouldn’t be too complex, and if it’s far enough away from the area of the spell, they’ll come out unscathed’ He concluded.

"I’ll get you out of here," said Ryan.

Pharah and Maki widened their eyes in confusion. "Do you think that’s possible?" shouted the warrior. Nodding his head, Ryan agreed "I know it’s possible, the question is whether your people will agree to follow me"

The elf held Ryan’s hand "I’m sure they will," she said. But shaking his head, he denied it "I don’t want to be like the men who made this curse. Those who want to take a different path will have my support to get out of here, your destiny is freedom" he said.

Ryan’s words made them both feel an indescribable warmth in their chests. It was a flame of hope after months of starving and suffering in the middle of the desert, even Ryan couldn’t imagine the kinds of challenges they had gone through to survive in that desert.

After a few hours, Pharah waited for the rest of her warriors to return from their exploration for food. The women covered in torn fabrics and dirty cloths were carrying several bodies of desert creatures.

With worried looks on their faces, they introduced themselves to Pharah: "We got enough food for a week, but the water source was wiped out by a desert worm"

After that soldier’s speech, a dark elf said, "I found the body of a Desert Worm near the south of the region. I’ve never seen anything like it," said the warrior.

Wide-eyed, Pharah turned to Ryan "You managed to kill a desert worm?!"

With his arms crossed and leaning against the wall, Ryan just nodded. Hundreds of comments and whispers arose from this information, and in front of his eyes several notifications began to appear with statuses of admiration and surprise.

Raising his hand, Pharah drew the attention of all the women watching. Slowly, more and more girls came out of their dens to watch the girl speak.

"Our savior has returned, and as the leader of this group I have come to bring his message! We will leave this desert tomorrow as soon as the sun rises! Our master wants to send us to a new land, but those who decide to follow another path are free to do so! Today we announce freedom!" Pharah waved.

It was obvious to everyone how much emotion those words carried. Several girls began to cry at what they were hearing, both the children and the older women. They all knew what it meant, freedom from that prison of sand.

’Even if they wanted to escape, there was no certainty that the barrier wouldn’t punish them. Living so long in a place full of uncertainty must have been horrible...’

Ryan launched himself at Pharah’s side, emerging from the shadows in front of all the women in the village.

"Get some rest! Tomorrow we’ll celebrate far away from these terrible sands that have brought nothing but sadness and suffering!"

The women then began to shout with happiness.

"Ryan!" "Ryan!" "Ryan"

Over the next few hours, Ryan activated his Demon Form and began to fly over the desert. With Ayumi’s help, he created a map of what the place looked like.

"According to Pharah’s information, in the center of the desert there is an eternal whirlpool of sand. In the north there is a nest of desert worms, we are close to the south, but that’s where I exterminated that creature..."

Advancing through the desert skies, when Ryan approached the end of the barrier in the south he found something surprising. A piece of rock was flying towards him, that small island was the size of a car, but its structure was something Ryan could never forget.

"So we’re not that far from that forest..." he said aloud, hatred beginning to burn in his chest.

"I have one more chance now," he said, as he remembered his battle with the flying snake.

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