My Succubus Harem System Chapter 219 219 - Tame

Chapter 219 219 - Tame

Although in Ryan’s mind that confrontation wasn’t very relevant, for the people in the audience that battle was surprising. The demonstration of magic analysis and mana manipulation was something spectacular for those involved in magic studies. What’s more, it only further demonstrated the level of strength that Ryan possessed.

Ezra remained lying on the ground, his arm across his face to hide from the stares. In a way, that feeling of defeat was something that made his chest tighten. But as he concentrated on not crying, the sound of footsteps echoing among the voices caught his attention.

"Over here," said Ryan.

When the green-haired boy opened his eyes, what he saw was Ryan holding out his own hand to help him up.

"But... I failed the test" he said, confused.

Nodding his head, Ryan commented, "Your display of skill was amazing, using combinations of skills like that is something even I don’t do. You just need to avoid a few gaps. It’s not hard to teach you about that"

Ryan continued walking forward, while the green-haired boy stood behind with a confused face. "Does that mean I’ve passed?" he asked.

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Turning around, he said, "I guess so."

The happiness Ezra was feeling was gigantic, he was happy to the point of not knowing how to react to so much energy. This duel was beneficial for both Ryan and Ezra. While one was able to learn and receive a new teacher, the other was able to make a name for himself in the academy.

Ryan Whitemane’s name was once again spread around the academy from one side to the other, comments appearing in the corridors about his surprising display of strength and generosity, an extremely different path from what he had imagined would happen.

’It’s not as if I like it, but at least it’ll help me a bit,’ he thought.

Walking down the corridor of the classroom block, Ryan ran into Alice and Sara. The two were sitting on a bench waiting for him to arrive.

The moment they looked at him, they both jumped out of their chairs and ran over to give him a hug. Sara was quicker and wrapped her arms around Ryan’s torso, while Alice opted to simply kiss her master on the mouth.

"You know very well girls, this isn’t the most appropriate place to do that" he said, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I’m sorry," they both said at the same time.

There was still a little time before Lyza’s lesson, so the three of them opted to sit back down on the bench and take a tea break. Alice had a thermos of green tea, sweet and relaxing.

"How’s your new master project going?" Sara asked.

* Sigh

That simple sigh was enough of an answer for both of them, yet they remained attentive to what he was about to say. Now a little worried, both Sara and Alice and the rest of the girls already knew that he was keeping a lot of things under wraps.

"I’ve managed to create an interesting domain, I’m working on it while supporting the Silvermoons. I’m their clan leader now, so I don’t have far to run," he said.

Alice crossed both arms as she thought, "I heard at dinner yesterday that the Silvermoons have acquired a huge amount of magical iron from the market... Do you want me to help you with anything?"

Ryan’s eyes narrowed instantly, knowing that the Lightstone family were already worried about the actions he was taking was something he should pay attention to. "So they’ve figured it out, when’s the next family dinner?" he asked.

Looking up, Alice put one of her fingers in her mouth as she tried to remember the date. Then she said, "In two days, they’re reassigning the heads of the clan"

"Did something happen?" Ryan asked, confused.

"The head of the clan was killed by one of our elders, so the situation is a bit chaotic in the family," said Alice.

’Well, I wouldn’t have thought the clan would let Alexandra accept the guildmaster’s proposal...’

Clenching his fists he said, "I’ll go with you," turning his face he looked deep into the blonde’s eyes, "I need your help to dominate the Lightstones," he concluded. The determination he was showing was surprising and, in a way, made the girl’s face flush.

Reaching out, Alice placed her palm on Ryan’s cheek as she moved forward to kiss him. The contact between their lips was slow and then they intertwined their tongues. But the comments of the people watching from afar made them both freak out.

"Hehehe, you were right master. This isn’t the best place to do that," said Sara, who was watching the two of them with a surprised face.

Alice’s face was now flushed red, and before the mood could improve, the bell rang. "Classes should be starting soon," said the blonde, "Let’s go to the gym," she continued.

Ryan and Sara exchanged glances as if they were talking to each other as if they knew she was just running away from the situation, ignoring what had happened.

Getting up, the three of them made their way through the corridors to a moving platform that led to the gymnasium where Lyza’s class was to take place.

’I can’t imagine that will happen, Alice for example is quite embarrassed’



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’Yes... That’s obvious, I introduced you to them.

’That’s a bad name, but yes’

Nyx’s conclusion made Ryan feel like slapping himself in the face. He wanted to laugh at the situation, but in order not to look crazy, he just held back his own reaction.

’Okay...okay...’ he thought.

* * *

When the three of them arrived at the gym, class was about to start. With no time to change, they went in their ordinary uniforms to practice. The moment their feet touched the gym floor, the sound of Lyza’s screams could already be heard.


Waving a gigantic two-handed sword, she was pointing at all the boys in the class who were lined up doing push-ups while the girls were doing sit-ups.


However, as soon as she turned around and saw Ryan entering the class, her face became completely flushed. She was as red as her hair. Dropping her sword, she ran to her favorite student.

"Ryan! Will you have time to train with me later? I wanted to show you a new skill I bought," she said, in a complete change of personality and mood.

Turning his head slightly, Ryan set his sights on the class, who seemed less than happy about his arrival. Even during the exercise, they whispered about him.

"How can he be so lucky?"

"I wonder if he’s staying with Lyza"

"How strong he must be to be able to tame that teacher"

Turning her face away, the redhead looked at the class "I DIDN’T TELL YOU TO STOP, REMEMBER THIS IS JUST THE FUCKING HEAT UP", she quickly turned to Ryan and like a lady said, "I’m sorry, I have to be strict with them otherwise they’ll all end up killing themselves. But can you train with me?"

With a smile on his face, Ryan nodded, "Sure, but why don’t we do it now?"

"Oh! That’s a good idea brat" she said, turning to the class she shouted "STOP NOW"

At the same moment, almost all the boys threw themselves to the ground, lying down while gasping for breath. The girls also seemed to be completely exhausted, although they weren’t that bothered by Ryan’s presence.

"Ryan and I are going to do a combat demonstration. You can watch from afar while you rest," said Lyza, this time in a much more subdued tone of voice.

"Heh... That guy really managed to tame that crazy woman" said one of the students.

"It makes sense that everyone in the class keeps talking about him even when he’s gone," replied another.

Lyza was ignoring the comments, but one caught her attention.

"I’m sure he’s not as strong as everyone says," said a boy with a shaved head.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" she shouted, pointing her sword at him.

"I-I didn’t say anything"


Ryan just watched this with a little discomfort, but in a way it was comforting to know that she cared so much about what the others thought of him. So the students sat down on the gymnasium bleachers and began to watch the mock duel between Ryan and Lyza.

The comments in the stands were flowing like raindrops. Quickly and in a low tone, but in such quantity that it was impossible to ignore.

"What’s the point?"

"The two of them are extremely strong, the battle is worth watching."

"Are you sure?"

"You’ll see, they’re scary"

Both Ryan and Lyza agreed not to use weapons, this would be an exclusive battle between fists and magic.

"You know I’m not going to take it easy, don’t you?" Lyza said, as she wiped the sweat off her face with her fist.

"You never take it easy on me," he replied, as he finished bandaging his right hand.

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