My Succubus Harem System Chapter 243 243 - Repeat [R18]

Chapter 243 243 - Repeat [R18]

The battle against the gorilla didn’t last long, Ryan was able to beat the monster in almost every aspect. The speed with which the creature evaded his attacks was just as impressive as the way he dodged from one side to the other of the forest’s gigantic trees. However, it didn’t take more than a few minutes for that to be enough to avoid defeat against Ryan.

Using the manipulation of nature, Ryan made the branches trap the gorilla’s arms every time the creature tried to hold onto a tree. With the Judgement of the Sun skill, he created several spheres of light that attacked the monster from all sides. Confused, the gorilla fell several meters while Ryan flew towards the monster. With Arthemis’ sword, he decapitated the creature and fell to the ground where the two sisters’ battle was taking place.

The sound of the impact of the fall echoed through the forest. Looking from side to side, he searched for enemies to eliminate.

Confused, he asked, "Are you finished?".

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There were dozens of dead pigs in the forest, their blood dripping onto the green forest floor. Nyx and Lux were only a few meters from that pile of bodies, the two of them were poking at mushrooms with a toothpick.

"The battle is over very quickly," said Nyx. "Eww" Lux shouted, the smell of the mushrooms wasn’t very good, even more so after exploding the sphere of spores they had on top.

With a wry smile, Ryan crossed his arms as he surveyed the surroundings, "Looks like we’ve finished this part of the portal, let’s look for another boss."

Advancing through the forest, the three found a deserted elven village in the treetops. The place had no creatures or items, but the view was undoubtedly beautiful. Several houses were connected by the trees. From the height at which the village was located, it was as if the sea of clouds had become a large white field where the villagers walked on bridges.

"This place should be so beautiful, full of elves," said Nyx, who was already wondering how Ryan would manage to take care of the whole village.

"Elves are hard to win over, you can’t think that kind of thing," said Lux, embarrassed.

"But I didn’t say anything!" replied the succubus. Ryan and Lux exchanged glances, "It’s obvious what you were thinking," they said.

After searching the village for rewards, the group heard another roar. The creature was getting closer by the second. Amidst the clouds, a gigantic greenish bird with the beak of a parrot appeared, this was surely the real boss of the challenge.

The bird was easily twenty meters long, like some kind of parrot dragon. The monster’s face was completely black, its beak resembled obsidian, with two holes that gave off extremely hot steam.

At the top of its head was a red flame that didn’t seem to go out; the colors on the top of its head were identical to the portal’s secondary boss. Moving into a defensive position, Ryan looked deep into the eyes of the creature that had begun to burn the village.

"Nyx, Lux, I need help in the rear" he said, the monster then slammed into one of the bridges. Climbing onto the building that stood in the center of five trees, the creature began to grunt and scream.

Like a parrot, the monster began to copy what Ryan was saying.




The monster kept repeating this sound while flapping its wings and feet, the parrot’s head turning at a strange speed. It was as if the creature was watching, trying to understand what was in front of it.

"So you repeat what I say?" Ryan said with a smile as he removed his right hand from his sword.

"Why don’t you repeat that?" *Snap* Snapping his fingers, he looked at the bird. With all his might, he channeled his energy while shouting "JUDGEMENT OF THE SUN"

At the same moment, Nyx and Lux used their magic to launch an attack towards the top of the forest. Using light magic and demonic black flames, the girls burned the leaves of the trees that hid the light from the sky. Now that the sun was visible, Ryan’s attacks were much stronger than before.

With the sunlight, Ryan created a gigantic sphere of energy on top of the bird. Moving his hands, he launched the attack at the creature’s head, which screamed with the impact.

The monster was bewildered, shaking its head as several feathers came loose from its body.

"SWUAAAAAWWWKK THE SUN" shouted the creature, and the monster began to fly towards Ryan.

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"Dark Flames", his whole body began to burn with black flames. Channeling his fire through his sword, he drew an X in the air. Seconds later, the attack flew into the creature, which was cut into four pieces.

The green feathers exploded along with the monster’s body, which broke through the clouds as it descended to the forest floor. A few minutes later, Ryan heard the sound of the parrot’s dead body falling to the ground.

"The portal has been completed," he said aloud as he put his sword away.

* * *

- I thought you liked birds -

’He’d be a good pet, I like looking after creatures with wings’


- That was a bit rude -

Walking out of the portal, Ryan walked up to the two guild employees who were wide-eyed. "That portal, that portal was extremely difficult," said one of them, the other replied dumbfounded, "How did you close it so quickly?"

Confused, Ryan looked at the time on his watch. It had only been forty-five minutes, considering how long it had taken him to explore the elves’ village. The battle in total must have taken around thirty minutes, which was pretty fast considering he was alone.

’Nyx and Lux eliminated the hordes of pigs... So I only had to take care of the two bosses,’ he thought.

Taking the clipboard from the guild official’s hand, Ryan ran his eyes over the papers and began to tick off the documentation, "I told you I wouldn’t be long. Thank you very much for your service and good rest to you both," he said with a smile.

The guild employees almost began to cry with happiness, the two of them had been sitting on the portal for hours. Excited, they exchanged a handshake while jumping for joy, then returned to a serious posture and began tidying up the area.

Walking away, Ryan activated a portal to the guild. "That’s the first one... I think I can close a few faster," he said aloud.

There were more portals at his disposal now, over the next four hours he eliminated seven more. The first was a battle against piranhas in a gigantic frozen lake, with the help of the girls he used his advantage to eliminate the creatures with his black flames.

The second was in a mountainous area at the end of the demon continent, where there were at least three hundred red-faced monkeys. The creatures threw arrows and stones, but with the use of Judgement of the sun, it was quite easy to eliminate the hordes and set off for the monkey king.

The third portal was one of the most difficult, Ryan was thrown into the underworld of the second world. The place was full of demons and imps who were surprisingly resistant to his flames and fire attacks, so he had to be creative and fight with a mixture of earth and water magic.

The rest was not so relevant as to be of any use to Ryan. Tired, he returned to the moon palace. His body was completely sweaty from the physical effort of training, and his skin was still a little scarred from the fire attacks he had received from the demons.

Using Healing Hands, he applied mana to the wounds to prevent them from scarring his skin. "I don’t need any more marks," he said, as he looked down at his own abdomen.

Leaving the bathroom, Ryan walked to the office that Rin had set up for him. As soon as the door opened, the boy’s eyes widened in surprise.

"Welcome back, master," said Kyouko, Rin and Ayumi. The three girls were completely naked waiting for Ryan to return.

With their Kitsune forms activated, the girls had two pointed ears and tails that waved excitedly for their master’s return. Even the always serious and thoughtful Ayumi was acting like just a pet. Bending down, he grabbed the straps of the three collars and pulled the girls by the scruff of their necks, "Since you’re so excited about my return, I need to take good care of you".

Gasping, the girls walked on all fours to the bed. Kneeling down, they stuck out their tongues as they ran their hands up Ryan’s leg. Sticking his cock out, he began to play with the girls’ mouths.

"The one who sucks me the best will get fucked first," he said, causing competition between the three to begin.

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