Mythical Slayer: Mythical Girls Contract Chapter 146 146 – Dream Realm

A familiar feeling washed Kai’s body as soon as he fell into a deep sleep.

It was a wonder. How could he sleep so easily when his guard was up? The dust Spirit Power Lilith scattered before must be the answer. He was a bit careless, but that might be the only way to enter the Dream Real, the mentioned gate toward the Astral Plane.

His mind began to drift away from the physical world. He felt a sense of weightlessness, as if he was being lifted up and away on a soft, billowing cloud. The world around him began to fade away, replaced by a swirling mass of colors and shapes.

As Kai fell deeper into the dream, the colors became more vivid, the sounds richer, and the sensations more intense. He felt a rush of excitement and anticipation even when he knew it would be a bit… dangerous.

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The dream world was a place of infinite possibility, where anything was possible, and nothing was impossible. It was a place where Kai could be whoever he wanted to be, do whatever he wanted to do, and experience anything he could imagine.

With that came the danger of uncertainty. And the Succubus Queen would enter his Dream Realm with him, adding more danger.

As Kai floated in the Dream Realm, he realized that it was not the lush and vibrant world he had expected. It wasn’t the place where he met Abe no Seimei. Instead, it was a vivid white expanse, with nothing but him floating in the void.

"This is?" He muttered, looking around the white space.

The whiteness seemed to go on forever, stretching out in every direction as far as he could see. It was blindingly bright, yet somehow soothing at the same time, like a warm blanket wrapped around him.

There was no sound in this place, no rustling leaves or chirping birds, only the soft hum of silence that surrounded him. It was as if the world had been stripped bare of all noise and distraction, leaving him alone with his thoughts and his own heartbeat.

"Is this the Dream Realm?"

For a moment, he simply floated there, letting the sensations wash over him. Lilith was nowhere to be seen, probably still trying to enter his dream.

Kai was too afraid to move but was too curious to stay still. He had read about lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can control their dream, and he wondered if he could do the same.

Maybe this Dream Realm worked the same?

Closing his eyes, Kai focused his mind, trying to will something into existence. He pictured a red rose in his mind’s eye, imagining it vividly down to the smallest detail.

And to his amazement, the rose appeared before him, hovering in mid-air. It was so real he could almost smell its sweet fragrance. He took it in his hand and rotated it left and right. And to his surprise, he could feel all sensations as if this was the real world.

"Interesting." He muttered.

Excited by this discovery, Kai decided to experiment further. He imagined a soaring eagle, and in an instant, it appeared, circling above him with majestic wings.

Then he continued. Before the Succubus Queen entered his Dream Realm, he shaped this white space into something he remembered from before. The space where he met Abe no Seimei.

Maybe that would put Lilith at peace and lower her guard.

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"A plain and a big Sakura Tree behind a shrine."lights

The memory from that place was still fresh in his mind.

Kai laughed out loud, feeling a sense of wonder and exhilaration that he had never experienced before. He had always been fascinated by the idea of controlling his dreams, and now he was actually doing it.

The space transformed as he willed to. The transformation was quick. First was the sky; it turned into a vast blue with clouds drifting slowly, hiding the sun behind them.

Then the plain appeared, with tall grass dancing on edge. He added some mountains panned over the horizon for scenery, giving a distance and depth to the previously white wall. If seen from the outside, it would look like an island was floating in a white space under the seemingly endless blue sky.

The Sakura Tree bloomed beautiful pink flowers, erecting so high that it touched the sky, and its branches covered almost the whole plain. Kai made it a bit bigger than how it was in that space because it felt… somehow right.

And then, the shrine was the only thing left to build. A shrine that was used by Abe no Seimei to live. It was made from dark oak wood with red pillars.

The building was massive, complete with the garden and the red Torii gates that stood before the cobblestones path.

A big pond appeared in the backyard, giving a calming atmosphere. Various gravel and white sands decorated the backyard around the ponds. And because he could make a living creature somehow, he added some fishes, Koi to be exact.

The color of the fish was black and white, like a yin and yang. They danced together in the middle of the pond, near the water lilies that floated around.

Nodding in satisfaction, Kai looked at what he had created below him. He was still floating as he had yet to add the most crucial element in the Dream Realm.

"Let’s finish it."

To finish, he added ’gravity’ on the land. At first, he made it weak to allow him to descend slowly. Then as he landed, he made the gravity to be the same as Earth.

He walked on the grass, feeling how real the sensation was. It was hard to describe. But this Dream Realm didn’t seem to be that dangerous. Still, he couldn’t feel his connections to the girls like before, which was the only disadvantage in this place.’

"The Succubus Queen said that the real danger lay in the Astral Plane and not the Dream Realm."

Stepping into the cobblestone path, he walked into the garden and sat on the bench, waiting for Lilith to arrive. Maybe it was hard for her to enter his dream or something like that. He only hoped Ao wouldn’t do anything rash and make Lilith change her mind.

But it seemed like he didn’t need to worry about that.

The moment he looked up, he noticed a strange disturbance in the space, like someone was purposely tearing it from the outside. From the energy that came from that disturbance, he immediately knew that it was Lilith, so he helped her slightly by giving an opening to the space near him.

A rift appeared in the air with endless moving colors creating a shape similar to a kaleidoscope. Then a soft, long leg appeared from within, followed by a naked figure of the Succubus Queen. She licked her lips seductively as her bat wings flapped behind her.historical

"Hello there." She said with an alluring voice. "We are finally alone."

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