Necromancer Of The Shadows Chapter 372 Conceptual Energy (Part 2)

Evan took out two communication crystals from Olivia’s storage ring.

"Which one is from the dark guild?" he asked Oli, showing both of the communication crystals to her.

"This one" Oli pointed at one of the crystals.

’Should I call her?’ thought Evan, looking at the crystal.

"Well...why not?" Evan soon realized he is not going to lose anything even if he call her, on the contrary, he might be able to get some useful information from her.

"But before calling her" Evan muttered and summoned Adam and Eclipse.

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"You said some of your things are inside your guild building, but most of the things are at your home, right?" Evan asked Adam who nodded his head.

"Go with Eclipse and bring everything that you left at your home."

"Okay, Master." Adam and Eclipse bowed their heads and disappeared from the room.

After Eclipse and Adam left, Evan threw the communication crystal toward Oli.

"Call her."

Oli caught the crystal and called Sera...

.... No one answered the call.

Evan raised an eyebrow and asked her to call again.

No one picked up the call again for the first few seconds, just when Evan was thinking Sera is not going to pick up the call she finally answered.

"Olivia?" Evan heard an uncertain voice from the other end of the crystal.

’Just like others, she must be thinking Olivia is already dead’ thought Evan, when he heard her uncertain voice.

’Go ahead, act like how real Olivia would have acted after finding out she was fooled’ he said to Oli who nodded her head.

"Yeah Olivia, did you think I was dead?" Oli said in a voice full of anger.

"Of course not, why would I think you were dead, especially when you had the potion that can make you an S ranker instantly" Sera immediately said after confirming it was indeed Olivia who called her.

"Hehehe," Oli laughed in a creepy manner giving Evan a chilling feeling, "A potion that can make me an S ranker."

"Did you use the potion?" Sera asked when she heard Olivia’s creepy laughter.

"What do you think?"

Sera went silent after hearing Olivia, after a few seconds she asked, "What was the result?"

"Why don’t you tell me where you are now? I will come, and show you the result of that potion face to face." Oli said coldly.

Evan was also listing closely, hoping that Sera will give some useful information.

"So that potion didn’t work huh" Evan heard Sera’s mumbling from the other end of the crystal.

"Were you lying to me all this time?" Oli asked when she heard Sera’s mumbling.

"Are you an idiot?"

"Pftt" Evan almost laughed out loud when he noticed how Sera’s tone completely changed upon learning the result of the potion.

’Damn, I really want to know what kind of expressions Olivia would have made after hearing her’ Evan thought, feeling he should have kept Olivia alive for a little longer.

"If you really want to hear it from my mouth then yes, I fooled you. What are you going to do about it?" Sera said, and from her voice, she sounded a little irritated. She seemed upset because of the failure of her potion.

"I will kill you bit*h," Oli said while gritting her teeth, she was really acting like the real Olivia who was fooled by Sera.

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"Haahahha, kill me," Sera said in a mocking tone, "You don’t even know where I am, or how I look. How are you going to kill me?"

At this moment, Evan signalled Oli to give the crystal to him.

Oli handed the crystal to him without asking anything.

"What? Not going to say anything now?" Sera asked when Olivia didn’t speak anything.

Evan smirked when he heard her and opened his mouth.

"Yo! Bit*h, say hello to your future master."

Sera was taken aback when she heard Evan’s voice instead of Olivia’s.

’Who is he?’ she thought, wondering why Olivia gave the communication crystal to someone else.

"Who are you?" Sera asked in a confused voice.

"Are you deaf? I just told you I am your future master."

Black lines appeared on Sera’s forehead when she heard Evan and she tried her best to remain calm. She took a deep breath and after analyzing the situation she said

"Let me guess, you are the one who attacked Olivia."

"As expected from an alchemist, your mind is quite sharp," Evan said in a praising tone.

"You are the one who asked Olivia to call me, right? What do you want from me?" Sera asked while thinking deeply.

’This guy must be an S ranker since he defeated Olivia even though she used that potion’

"You are right, I asked her to call you. As for the reason, it’s very simple," Evan said with a smile on his face. "I have a deal for you."

Sera raised an eyebrow when she heard Evan. "What kind of deal?" she asked in a slightly interested voice.

"I know you are trying to capture people like Valery and others who possess unique physiques. If you want, I can help you in capturing them." Evan said and waited for her response.

Sera did not speak anything for some time after hearing him. Evan also did not rush her and waited patiently.

"How do you know about this?" After a few moments, Sera asked him in a cold voice.

’Illusia told me’ Evan thought inwardly.

"You don’t need to know who told me about this. Just tell me if you are interested."

Sera went silent once again before she said, "I don’t need your help. I already have my arrangements regarding those people."

Evan was surprised when Sera rejected him. From what Illusia told him, he knew she desperately want to capture people like him or Valery. So he could not understand why she rejected him instantly.

’Even if she doesn’t want my help. She should have at least asked me how am I going to help her capture them’ Evan thought and suddenly a possibility came into his mind.

’The all-academy tournament will be held soon. Most of the young people who possess unique physiques will come there to participate. Is she going to do something there?’ Evan thought and his eyes turned sharp.

"Are you sure? I can he_" Evan wanted to get some information from her, but before he could say anything else some notifications started to flash on his status window.

(Your shadow undead ’Valtair’ used the conceptual energy of death)

(Your shadow energy is resonating with the conceptual energy of death)

(Do you want to use the growth link skill to amplify the death energy of your shadow undead ’Valtair?)



"What the fu*k is going on?"

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