Never Judge Chapter 132 - 132

On account of Adrianna’s pregnancy the guests of the Reyes family all decided to leave before 10pm that night. It was to give Adrianna ample time to rest.

Adrianna had already informed Uncle Matthew that for the next few weeks she would be working from home due to her sensitive pregnancy. Uncle Matthew congratulated her and assured her that it would be fine for her to work from home. The Hernandez family wanted to come over to congratulate her, but Adrianna had come up with an excuse to discourage them. ??

Of course she and her parents hadn’t told them yet that they had moved houses, so the Hernandez family members sent flowers and gifts to her old house which were later on picked up by Mia for Adrianna.

Before leaving Cedric had given strict instructions that at least for the next few days Adrianna was supposed to stay in bed most of the day and would only go down for meals and to walk around a bit in their garden.

Being stuck at Mountain View was far from boring, with her parents and her in laws to keep her company Adrianna was barely alone. Add to it that Ayanna made sure to call Adrianna every day, Ayanna’s days at home would be as lively as could be.

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News of Ayanna’s and Ray’s engagement had managed to become the talk of the whole country. Especially since it was only recently that the couple had announced that they were dating. Many people were quick to assume that it was an arranged marriage between the Laurence and Reyes families, but Ayanna posted on her social media that there was nothing arranged in their relationship.

When Cedric saw this post he was in his office at Mor Co. waiting for Ray and Alexi to arrive. He was surprised that Ayanna was actually taking the initiative to clear things up rather than waiting for the boys to take action.

"Mr. Reyes, Mr. Laurence and Mr. Alexi are here." Camilla announced. Cedric nodded in reply to let them in.

"I think Ram went way over the top with the media coverage on the engagement!" Ray complained as he entered the room.

"Nah. We need that noise. If you’re too loud Carlos De Dios can’t announce Chris as his son, people would be too busy trying to get into your good graces." Alexi explained.

"You have all the information on Chris Garin?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah. But what do you plan to do? Blackmail him?" Ray asked.

"Yup. It should keep him quiet enough for us to find out who is backing his father." Cedric explained.

"And you plan to threaten him as what? The Reyes Heir? Don’t you think he will recognize your voice?" Alexi said, doubting his friend’s plan.

"I won’t do the talking. You will." Cedric said with a dangerous grin.

"Do I look scary to you?" Ray said as he pointed at himself.

"The king of the underground? Not scary? What a joke." Cedric said as he shook his head.

"Alexi’s the more intimidating one! He actually uses legal means to bring people down!" Ray complained.

??Most people in the country are afraid of the two of you. Plus Chris Garin saw what Katerina publicly did to Asia Hernandez. He will take both of you seriously." Cedric said.

"We just need to make sure he doesn’t have any evidence of our blackmail." Alexi commented as he sat comfortably on the couch.

"Your guards know what to look for right?" Cedric asked Alexi.

"Yup. And when we got the information, I did it in such a way that no one could trace it back to us. As a matter of fact I left a little crumb trail towards his father instead." Alexi said.

"I made sure no one would talk." Ray said proudly.

"Call your bodyguards up. I’ll have Camilla bring Chris Garin here." Cedric said.

The other two men nodded and did as he asked. After asking Camilla to call Chris Garin over, Cedric changed into his disguise, changing not only his clothes, but his hair as well, he swept it up in a more fashionable and serious way.

After a while Camilla announced that Chris Garin had arrived.

Outside the door the bodyguards frisked Chris, making sure that he had no recording devices on him. His phone was also confiscated and left outside with the guards.

Inside Ray let out a childish chuckle.

"Can you be more serious?" Alexi asked him.

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"I have to let it out now. I don’t want to laugh in front of this Chis guy." Ray explained.

"You guards know not to touch Chris Garin’s phone right?" Cedric asked Alexi.

"Of course. They are trained for these things." Alexi told Cedric.

Soon enough Chris Garin came in with a smirk on his face, clearly he already knew the identity of his father.

"So the great Reyes Heir decided to call me up?" Chris said sarcastically.

"I assume Mr. Garin, that you know of your parentage now?" Alexi asked in a cold tone.

"Of course. It was thanks to you that my father found me." Chris said with a laugh.

"We’ll go straight to the point Mr. Garin. We have enough on you to send you away for a really long time." Ray said referring to the stack of envelopes on Cedric’s desk.

"Those can easily be dealt with. A fire can burn those away." Chris suggested.

"Are you making threats?" Alexi asked.

"Ha! Don’t sound so high and mighty congressman Sebastian. You Mr. Reyes here is trying to blackmail me with a gangster on one side and a dirty politician on the other. Plus you have that filthy assistant of yours, Cedric." Chris Garin pointed out.

"We never said we were clean, we are simply telling you to think long and hard about what your next steps will be." Alexi said.

"It’s a bluff. You have nothing on me. Raymund Laurence is notorious for his poker face and underhanded deals!" Chris claimed nervously as he raised his voice.

"Ray might bluff, but I never." Alexi told Chris.

"Hah! What do you have on me?" Chris boasted.

"Mr. Garin, you of all people should know the things you have done. You were simply too foolish to leave behind evidence." Ray told him.

Chris ran to the table and quickly opened the files. When he saw the contents he began ripping the paper apart.

"There! You have no evidence. Gone." Chris said as he continued to rip the content of the folders.

Alexi let out a laugh that echoed through the room.

"Do you really think we’re that naive? Those are copies of copies. As for the real thing, you’ll never find out where we’ve kept them." Alexi told Chris.

"Will you agree to our terms now?" Ray asked Chris.

Chris Garin grew pale at Alexi’s words. He didn’t think that they could have gotten a hold of all of these information. When his father contacted him he told the old man about the crimes he had committed in the past and his father had promised to erase them for him.

"This isn’t the end." Chris said as he walked out of the office.

"Check him!" Alexi shouted before the doors could close,

The bodyguards quickly searched Chris, and true enough they found some of the paper stashed in areas of his clothing and body.

"Mr. Garin, don’t try that again." Alexi threatened before letting the guards give Chris back his phone and run away.

After Chris left Cedric let out a laugh. f𝗿e𝗲𝘄𝗲bn𝐨𝚟𝚎

"I told you, you guys are scary." Cedric told his friends.

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