Never Judge Chapter 252 - 252

Cedric was quietly working in his office when Ray suddenly burst in laughing.

"Don’t you have work?" Cedric asked as he signed some documents on his desk.


"Have I ever praised how much of a genius you are!" Ray exclaimed as he walked up to Cedric’s desk. He tapped something into his phone and showed the screen to Cedric.

It was the latest business gossip through a new website that discussed the latest rumors in the business world. The first article was another guess as to why the Reyes Heir still hadn’t revealed his face to the public, as well as several snapshots of a disguised Cedric in a business meeting.

The second article was what Ray was referring to. It read, five scions lose the rights to company shares. Cedric tapped to read the article, it talked about how five heritage companies that had been purely family owned for generations suddenly had at least five percent of their shares awarded to an unknown outsider who had beaten the rightful heirs in a challenge posed to them by the current CEOs. The article went on to point out that the five heirs were known for their extravagant lifestyles.

"What makes you so sure I did this?" Cedric asked Ray.

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"Who else would launch an attack on those five at almost the same time?" Ray said with a shrug as he took his phone back. "Plus, I just came from a business lunch where one of the attendees let it slip that he saw Alexi, Ram, and Ray bullying one of them at Nationalia. Ram even ripped a business proposal in half." Ray recounted the story as he held back his laughter.

"The paper tearing was all Ram. I didn’t ask him to be dramatic." Cedric said with a grin. "I wouldn’t expect any less from the king of showbiz."

"Is that what they are calling him now?" Ray laughed.

"They’ve been calling him that since he took over Lights. I think the more appropriate term would be the gossip king." Cedric joked.

"I just have one complaint.?? Ray said.

"What is it?" Cedric asked as he returned to signing documents.

"Why wasn’t I invited to all the fun?" Ray said with a pout.

"That might work on my sister, but not on me." Cedric teased. "You were busy. I think Ayanna said something about a tasting."

"The tasting wasn’t yesterday, it’s -" Ray paused suddenly and took a look at his watch. Just as he was about to speak Cedric’s phone began to ring.

Cedric picked it up and showed Ray the name on the screen.

"Crap. I forgot." Ray cursed.

"Yes Ayanna?" Cedric asked as he picked up the call.

"Older brother why did you steal my fiance!" Ayanna complained over the phone.

"I didn’t steal him. He’s disturbing me." Cedric complained.

"Well, since you’re both together, can you come to the tasting?" Ayanna asked in a sweet tone. Cedric sighed, he would never turn down his sister’s request.

"Fine. Where?" Cedric asked.

"The Reyes Mansion. Dad and grandpa want us to have the reception there!" Ayanna said excitedly.

"Alright, I’ll make sure the groom gets there." Cedric said as he dropped the call.

"Why did she call you and not me?" Ray asked.

"Check your phone." Cedric said as he fixed his hair and took out his disguise.

"Damnit." Ray cursed. "My phone was on airplane mode."

"She probably called your assistant who told her you were here. You’re lucky she was in a good mood today." Cedric teased.

"Yeah, we aren’t married yet and I’m already afraid of her." Ray said with a laugh.

"Sir, you’re leaving?" Camilla said as she entered Cedric’s office.

"Is it urgent?" Cedric asked the assistant.

"It’s about the matter you had me and Ian investigate." Camilla said in a nervous tone as she looked at Ray.

"The shares issue?" Ray asked.

Cedric looked at Camilla, waiting for an answer.

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?No sir, the other one." Camilla said, unsure if her boss would be willing to let Ray hear what he was having investigated.

"Ah. It’s alright Camilla, you can tell me on the way. I don’t mind Ray hearing about it." Cedric said. He saw Camilla visibly relax when Cedric said that it was okay for Ray to find out.

Camilla quickly exited the room to gather her things.

"Did you drive here?" Cedric asked Ray.

"Yeah. My car is parked out front." Ray said with a nod.

"Let’s take mine." Cedric said not giving Ray the opportunity to reject.

"Camilla, have my car prepared, the phantom, we’ll take that to the Reyes Mansion." Cedric called out as he fixed himself.

"Why are you still disguising yourself, we’re going straight to the underground parking anyway?" Ray asked.

"It’s called being safe." Cedric said as he walked out of his office.

In the car, Camilla handed Cedric a tablet. It had all the information she and Ian had gathered.

"Sir, according to all the people Ian and I asked, the matters concerning Clarin Industries are sealed. They could only tell your parents." Camilla began, as Cedric scrolled through the document. "We were however able to obtain some confirmatory information through Marco."

"Marco willingly gave up the information?" Cedric asked.

"No, Ian went to Miss Marie to get her to convince him." Camilla admitted.

"What did you find out?" Cedric asked.

"That the Clarin Industries have been bombarded with issues for the past month. At first it was a labor issue, the local management tried to deal with it the traditional way, but it grew, thus it required a more direct approach." Camilla explained. "That small labor issue gave birth to more issues, it also caused an internal investigation that led to the discovery of many malpractices within Clarin Industries."

"I don’t understand why my parents would block this information from us." Cedric said as he thought out loud.

"Are your parents hiding something?" Ray asked.

"I’ve never doubted them, well at least not until recently." Cedric admitted.

"Why? What happened?" Ray was curious.

"Whenever mom leaves to handle internal issues in Clarin Industries I find my dad sneaking out to deal with emergency issues." Cedric told Ray.

"Maybe he doesn’t want to disturb you." Ray guessed.

"I asked Ian, on those nights there were no problems in the Reyes Group, and even in the past when there were issues my dad never had to go to the office, he often let management solve things or solved them from home." Cedric told Ray.

"What do you plan on doing?" Ray asked Cedric.

"I’m planning on having my dad followed when he leaves next." Cedric said with a sigh.

"Won’t your father realize he’s being tailed?" Ray asked.

"Do you have someone that won’t get caught?" Cedric asked with a grin.

"I do, but are you sure about this?" Ray was hesitant on having his future father-in-law spied on.

"I’m sure." Cedric said with a nod as they pulled into the driveway.

As they got off the car Ayanna came rushing out.

"Change of plans. Get back in the car." Ayanna commanded as a confused Cedric and Ray climbed back in. Ayanna came in after Ray and slammed the door.

"Take us to Nicole’s house." Ayanna ordered the driver.

The driver hesitated and looked at Cedric from the rear view mirror.

"Do as she says." Cedric said with a nod.

"Step on it." Ayanna said as she typed away on her phone.

"Ayanna, what’s going on?" Cedric asked his sister.

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