Never Judge Chapter 298 - 298

"Oh, I forgot that you guys have probably met." Ram said, rubbing his chin.

Cedric looked at his wife who simply nodded in response.


"Adrianna and I were in the same edition of the thirty under thirty." Francesca explained to Ram. "So the rumors…" Francesca hesitated on speculating about what was happening.

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"The rumors aren’t true and are true at the same time." Cedric said with a laugh as he watch the visible confusion on the woman’s face. "Adrianna’s child is the son of the Reyes Heir, it just so happens that I’m also the Reyes Heir. Nice to meet you as me Francesca, you can call me Cedric." He said with a grin, he truly enjoyed people’s reaction when they found out that he and the Reyes Heir were the same person.

"You knew the whole time?" Francesca asked Adrianna.

"No. He kept the secret from me for four years." Arianna said as she rolled her eyes. "When I found out I didn’t believe him, I even got mad at him for lying to me for so long." Adrianna explained.

"When you eventually go public with this everyone is going to go crazy!" Francesca said with a clearly amused look. "I bet those that have been accusing you of being a mistress will be extremely shocked."

"Well, my dad’s family didn’t take it well." Adrianna said with a sigh. Cedric knew that despite all the wrong the Hernandez family had done to both him and Adrianna his wife couldn’t help but feel bad. "I was disappointed and ashamed of how they acted, but now they have been dealt with. I hope we don’t have to go through that route with everyone, it just hurts." She said with a sigh.

"Those other girls at the shoot that looked down at you will regret it." Francesca said with a nod. "With that being said, I’d like to apologize as well Mrs. Reyes. I may not have said it but I did judge you based on the rumors." Francesca’s words surprised Cedric, she was someone that didn’t need to apologize and yet she admitted her mistake, maybe Ram and Francesca could have a genuine relationship in the future.

"Mrs. Reyes is my mother-in-law." Adrianna said with a laugh. "It makes me feel old, please just call me Adrianna."

"Alright Adrianna, I think we’re gonna be friends." Francesca said as she flashed Adriana a smile.

"Can you guys hurry up? I’m hungry!" Ray called out as he watched the two couples talking.

Cedric watched as Ray turned to see Ayanna glaring at him. Cedric wanted to laugh as his friend suddenly turned pale at the sight of his wife.

"Didn’t you ever listen to your mom growing up? It’s rude to interrupt other people’s conversations!" Ayanna scolded her husband.

"But it’s just Cedric!" Ray complained as he pulled his wife to him.

"No, no, no. Don’t think you can sweet talk your way out of this mister." Ayanna said as she slapped his hand away.

"Are mom and dad coming?" Cedric asked Ayanna as he pulled a chair out for his wife.

"Yeah. Dad’s just finishing up something at the office then he’ll pick mom up at the airport. They should be on their way here now." Ayanna told her older brother.

"We should hear about them arriving from social media." Raphael Chan teased. It amused the parents that every public appearance they made seemed to cause a stir on the internet.

As the food was served Emilio and Priscilla Reyes arrived. Cedric noticed that his mom seemed exhausted from her trip. According to Ian’s source the issue at Clarin industries remained at large causing his mother additional stress.

When Cedric saw his father holding his mother gently he couldn’t help feel frustrated. How could his dad still look at his mom that way and treat her that way despite having a woman hidden in another home? But when he looked at how his father treated his mother, he couldn’t help but feel conflicted, the look Emilio Reyes gave his wife felt genuine, and yet he had someone on the side.

"Mom, how was your trip?" Ayanna asked, quickly snapping Cedric back from his thoughts.

"Busy." Priscilla Reyes said with a weary smile. "Let’s not talk about work on the table Ayanna, we’re here to celebrate."

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"I’m so proud of my daughter." Lucy Chan said as she hugged her daughter tightly.

"Mom, mom, not so rough, Nicole is pregnant." Miguel said in a slight panic.

"Relax Miguel. Are you forgetting that your mother is a gynecologist?" Raphael Chan said as he laughed at his son’s exaggerated reaction. "When it comes to women and having babies she probably knows more than you." At that everyone laughed. They understood that Miguel was concerned about his sister and had over reacted, forgetting that his mother was a doctor too.

Cedric noticed Francesca whispering something to Ram. She was probably asking him about Eric since she was looking at him with a puzzled look right before she spoke to Ram.

"Eric, Eric." Ram called in between laughs.

"What?" Eric asked as he threw an annoyed look at Ram.

"Francesca has something to ask." Ram laughed as he told Eric. Cedric’s hunch had been right.

"Ummmm, are you here because you’re dating Miss Katerina?" Francesca managed to ask.

"Ha! I’m a more important person than you." Katerina said as she laughed at her boyfriend.

Eric shook his head and ignored his girlfriend’s taunts.

"Francesca, Miguel and Nicole are my siblings." Eric explained as he watched Francesca’s reaction go from curious to shocked. "It seems I hid it quite well if even Francesca Rocci can’t figure that out."

"Hmmm, to think you went to the same school as us." Miguel said. "Well it’s been years, Chan is a common surname, and you did look different at the time. You were like a nerd that could be bullied but they couldn’t touch since people were afraid of offending our family." Miguel explained.

"Keep this a secret alright." Eric said with a wink. "Both my relationship and my family. Or else my future wife will send you to the worst possible prison." Due to Eric’s handsome features and calm tone his threat was even scarier. He didn’t look like he was threatening you but the way he said it would definitely send chills up anyone’s spine.

"Eric, don’t scare Francesca. I like her." Katerina scolded.

"No." Eric said stubbornly.

"What do you mean no?" Katerina asked.

"No, you can only like me." Eric said like a child. As an actor he was a master at controlling his expressions, as he said this Katerina laughed so hard that she spit her drink at his face.

"Wow, so ladylike Katerina." Alexi teased his younger sister.

"Grow up Eric." Katerina said as she rolled her eyes.

"So hot." Eric pulled her and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Get a room you two!" Veronica shouted from across the table.

"Yes please. I want grandchildren." Rebekah Sebastian told her daughter.

"Mom! Shouldn’t you be stopping this!" Katerina complained.

"At your age I was already married to your dad. You’re old enough." Rebekah Sebastian said, making everyone laugh.

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