Never Judge Chapter 578 - 578

Ray paced across Cedric’s office as they waited for everyone else to arrive.

Last night, when Adrianna had told them that she knew all along where Cedric was hiding, and that she had willingly let him stay hidden, his wife had stormed out of the room.


Ray had promised Adrianna that they would discuss it with their friends and family the next day.

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Hence, Ray had asked Ian to call everyone to R Tower.

"Will you stop pacing?" Adrianna asked in a frustrated tone as she placed down her pen and glared at Ray. "I have work to do, and your pacing does not help."

"Adri, calm down." Ayanna said as she placed a cup of tea in front of her sister-in-law. "Let me take that." Ayanna said, picking up the stack of paper in front of Adrianna and bringing it over to the coffee table where she was currently working.

"Well you wouldn’t need to work if you didn’t let your husband just run amok!" Ray said in frustration.

"Ray, can you please be calmer?" Ayanna scolded. "Come, sit next to me." She said, patting the space on the couch next to her.

Ray groaned, he was pissed, but he knew that what Ayanna had said made sense.

"You need to be calm Ray." Ayanna scolded as she felt the couch dip, meaning Ray had finally taken a seat. "Your bad mood is not good for our little niece or nephew in Adrianna’s belly."

"Wow? Really? My mood is the worst thing for the child now?" Ray asked, rolling his eyes and leaning back on the couch.

"Why does it feel like you never work?" Adrianna teased Ray.

Ray groaned in response.

"I mean even when Cedric was around you were always hanging out at his office or going out with him." Adrianna said, tilting her head.

"I’m a very busy man, Adrianna." Ray scolded. "Just because you guys don’t see me always working, doesn’t mean I don’t work." Ray said with a shrug.

"He actually is a busy man, Adri." Ayanna said, nodding in agreement. "Any time Cedric drags him away, Ray needs to either work overtime or work on the weekend. It’s not easy, but I know my brother’s issues involve us all."

"Honestly, out of everything I have my fingers in, the one that takes the least effort to manage is the underworld." Ray said with a shrug. "The structure that keeps order among the scum of society has been around far longer than this government. My family has been in charge of it for so long that there is barely anything to keep an eye out for."

"Well add to that the fact that any mess in the underworld is sure to have an effect with either the law or business, your friends always play a crucial role." Ayanna said with a grin.

Over the years, Ayanna had come to understand how interconnected the world truly was. One movement from any of the boys could have an effect on the other.

She had warned her brother, her husband, and their friends about the possible repercussions and they listened. Ever since then they made sure to fully understand all of their decisions.

A wrong business move from the Reyes Group could cause the economy to drop, affecting Alexi who was in government and Ray who had to keep crime organized.

"Where are they?" Ray groaned as he looked to the door.

"You are more impatient than Yoyo." His wife scolded as she handed him a stack of documents.

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"What are these?" Ray asked.

"Your assistant asked me to make sure you read through all of them and signed everything you approved of." Ayanna said as she handed her husband a pen. "Now start signing. I don’t want to go hungry."

"You will never go hungry, Ayanna." Alexi said as he entered the office.

Ayanna smiled and noticed that everyone else had arrived with him as well.

"Was this planned?" Ray asked as he raised an eyebrow at Alexi.

"No," Alexi said, shaking his head as he and the rest of their group entered. "There is a ton of press waiting outside of R Tower, we were taken by surprise. I had a hard time getting in. Then I noticed everyone else arriving, so we just decided to push through the press together."

"Ian!" Adrianna called out.

"Yes?" Ian asked as he peeked inside the office.

"Can you get Mae or Camilla to find out what is going on?" Adrianna asked. "Alexi said that the media is swarming outside."

"Alright." Ian said with a nod. "I’ll join in a bit."

Adrianna nodded her thanks and placed down the cup of tea that Ayanna had given her.

"How are you feeling?" Miguel asked as he came up next to her.

"Still the same, tired and sick." Adrianna said, shaking her head.

"I can prescribe something for you -" Miguel started to say when he was suddenly cut off by his sister, Nicole.

"No, no, no, she’s my patient." Nicole said, shaking her head.

"Fine." Miguel said, rolling his eyes. "Seriously Nicole, what’s the sudden possessiveness over patients, it’s just Adrianna."

Ray looked between the siblings, it seemed that Miguel had no idea that Adrianna was pregnant. The Chan siblings must have been keeping secrets from one another, Ray wondered what else Nicole was hiding.

When Ray noticed Ian entering the room and closing the door behind him, he decided it was time to speak.

"The reason Nicole is being so protective of Adrianna is not because she is being possessive over her patients." Ray said, shaking his head.

Next to him Ayanna started to grumble, clearly unhappy with his decision to reveal Adrianna’s secret first.

"What do you mean Ray?" Miguel said as he cocked his head to the side and looked at his friend.

"Adrianna is pregnant." Ray suddenly revealed, making everyone look at the woman sitting behind the CEO’s table,

"Adri, if you are pregnant, why are you working?" Ram was the first to speak, and luckily it was him, since he was the most level headed among them. "The stress could cause you to lose the baby."

"Simple, for Cedric." Adrianna said with a shrug.

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