Never Judge Chapter 610 - 610

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Cedric and Adrianna walked around the venue, interacting with various businessmen and innovators. Close by Ram, Fancesca, and Eric followed, they were speaking to a few businessmen when Cedric noticed Lucius Ting move towards him.

"He’s coming over." Cedric whispered to his wife, pretending to say something incredibly sweet to Adrianna.

Adrianna smiled and planted a kiss on her husband’s lips.

"Mr. Reyes and his wife are truly a couple in love." A businessman nearby commented, Cedric was sure that this man had submitted his proposal to work with the Reyes Group and was trying to leave a good impression.

"As long as my wife is happy, then I am happy." Cedric said with a smile as he nodded at the man. He didn’t say anything wrong, he was just trying too hard to get on Cedric’s good side and that annoyed Cedric a little bit.

"So does that involve pushing you vice president at Mor Co. away?" Lucius Ting asked as he approached Cedric.

Cedric looked at Lucius Ting, Cedric made sure that everyone saw the confused expression on his face, as if he didn’t know the man speaking to him.

"We’ve never met." Cedric said quite directly and in a cold tone. He found no need to apologize since he was never expected to know everyone’s names. "Are you trying to insinuate something?"

"No, I’m just a friend of Camilla Montero’s." Lucius Ting said as he gave Cedric a smile.

"Oh, Camilla, she is one of the nicest people I know." Adrianna said with a smile, making Lucius Ting give her a confused look.

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The Camilla he had met was not nice, as a matter of fact the front that Camilla showed him was one of a smart and calculating business woman. As much as Lucius tried to deny it, that strong persona that she had shown attracted him, if things went well between him and the siblings he was going to offer her an arranged marriage with him.

"Yes, Miss Camilla, the former assistant and current vice president of Mor Co. the one your husband said he was estranged with." Lucius said with a smirk.

"I never said that." Cedric said as he tried to defend his side. "I said we didn’t see eye to eye on some things, and that is true. You will always have disagreements, especially with those that you are closest to."

"Then I guess Camilla and her brother were lying." Lucius said with a grin.

Cedric could hear the bystanders whispering around them, as far as the public knew, Camilla Montero was an only child, she had no siblings. Many were now gossiping between themselves, debating on whether Lucius Ting was lying or if Camilla had hid her true family all this time.

"Then you don’t really know my former assistant." Cedric said with a shrug. "Camilla is an only child, she has no siblings."

"I guess she wasn’t fully honest with you." Lucius Ting said with a laugh.

"Mr. Ting, I think your recent success has gone to your head." Cedric said in a cold tone as he glared at the man.

"See, you actually do know me." Lucius said with a victorious smile. "And it seems you have been watching me."

Cedric glared at the man as Lucius continued to speak. Their conversation had now gained the attention of the other guests to the event. Those that had been seated further away moved closer to hear what was happening.

"I would be a bad businessman if I were not aware of rising stars in the industry." Cedric said with a smirk.

"You’ve only gotten this far because of your family." Lucius accused. "You were born with a silver spoon, you’ve never had to work for anything your whole life, you are unlike the rest of us. You didn’t have to build a company from the ground up, you merely inherited the throne."

Cedric watched as some of the people around him nodded in agreement, his ownership of Prince Group had not yet been made public, so in the eyes of the masses, he was simply a rich kid that inherited a large company.

"I highly recommend that you don’t talk about things you know nothing about." Cedric said with a confident smile. "I may have inherited the Reyes Group, but Mor Co. grew because of the hard work my people and I placed into it."

"And yet you have never needed to ask for money." Lucius Ting said as he glared at Cedric.

The conversation was now getting more and more heated as Lucius accused Cedric of being an entitled heir.

"You expect us to bow to you and beg from you to invest in our companies." Lucius said quite harshly. "The money you are spending technically isn’t even yours, it’s your father’s, your grandfather’s, and your great grandfather’s. They have worked a lifetime building the Reyes Group, while you were simply born."

"And who did you have to beg to get your investments?" Cedric asked Lucius Ting, he knew this was one conversation he would not win. Cedric was not a self made man in the eyes of most, he was still an heir who inherited something that was already built.

"A man you killed." Lucius accused Cedric as he turned and left, leaving the crowd stunned.

Even Cedric was shocked at his words, he didn’t think Lucius would accuse him of killing Aiden this soon.

Cedric shook his head and simply left with Adrianna, he was sure this was going to be big news in the morning.

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