Never Judge Chapter 613 - 613

After Cedric had revealed Lucius’ name, the Chans were quick to get their hands on any and all information on the man. Of course the dossier they had built up was nothing close to what Cedric had on the man, Cedric however had no plans on letting the Chans get their hands on the document.

"Cedric, give us what you have." Raphael Chan demanded. "We know you’ve looked this guy up."

"Ian, give it." Cedric said with a nod.

"What?" Ian asked in a raised voice.

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"Are you really letting your assistant answer you back like that?" Grandpa Chan asked Cedric.

Cedric simply gave the old man a look of annoyance and turned his attention back to Ian.

"I gave you an order Ian." Cedric said in a stern tone, this time glaring at his friend.

"They want to welcome Lucius back into the Chan family, the man is literally plotting both theirs and your downfall, how can you agree to this?" Ian continued to argue back.

"That is my problem, not yours. Now give it to them." Cedric ordered once more.

Ian sighed and gave into Cedric’s order, he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him, clearly upset by the exchange.

Cedric wanted to commend Ian on his acting, he knew the Chan family would find it suspicious if Ian didn’t put up a fight. It was his son, after all, that was set to be the next head of the Chan family, combining two old families, the Chans and the Lims.

He was sure that Ian knew to give a limited version of the information they had gathered. He didn’t want to give the Chans all of the information since they seemed more than willing to welcome Lucius with open arms.

Ian was right, if the Chans were willing to accept Lucius back, it was best to keep Lucius in the dark about certain information they already knew.

"We won’t just tell him we know everything about him." Grandpa Chan suddenly said, pulling Cedric back from his thoughts.

Cedric gave the old man a confused look, he knew that the Chans would welcome the man unconditionally, but their elders were still trying to lie to Cedric.

"You will." Cedric said, shaking his head. "It has always been your policy to believe that blood is thicker than water, I know you will welcome him back, hiding nothing, and giving him all possible resources at your disposal."

"Then why give us this information?" The old man asked Cedric.

"If I don’t give it to you, you will go to the old mansion and nag my grandfather." Cedric said with a laugh. "I don’t like stressing him out with matters like these."

"Our resources are still restricted." Grandpa Chan grumbled.

"I know." Cedric said with a grin. The elders of the Chan family had lost majority control of the board when Prince Group managed to snap up all the minor shares of Saints Hospital, making Eric, Miguel, and Nicole the ones with the most influence over the company.

"Eric’s stocks should be given to Lucius." Grandpa Chan said in an angry tone.

"It’s already set in ink dad." Raphael Chan told the old man. "Are you really going to take from Eric what you have already given him?"

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"That was supposed to be a bribe for him to stay." The old man complained.

"Clearly you don’t know your grandson well enough." Eric said with a laugh as he shook his head. The last thing Eric wanted was to be involved with business dealings of the Chan Family.

"There are still other properties that I can give to my other grandson." Grandpa Chan said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"And what if he sells them, drives us out of our ancestral home?" Raphael Chan asked his father.

"He won’t get the ancestral home, you know just as well as I do that the house is tied to the hospital, whoever controls the hospital controls the house." The old man explained.

"And if you could have your way in this you would give him the hospital as well." Raphael Chan said, crossing his arms on his chest.

"The boy has been through so much already." Grandpa Chan said, shaking his head.

"You are just trying to feel better after what you did to my younger brother!" Raphael Chan shouted. "I don’t trust this man and I don’t think he is my brother’s son."

"Ced." Ian nudged Cedric as he handed a folder of files, no wonder it took Ian a long time, he printed everything.

"Here." Cedric said as he handed the documents to Raphael Chan. "If you don’t think Lucius is not Uncle Miguel’s son, then why are you doing this?" Cedric asked his uncle.

"I know that the child is dead, he died with his mother." Raphael Chan said in a bitter tone. "But my old man is looking for ways to make amends, he was wrong to stop my brother for loving someone."

"And yet he continues that practice with his grandchildren." Cedric argued back, looking at Grandpa Chan.

"It is different when they are set to inherit everything the Chans have worked for!" The old man said to Cedric. "For all I know this assistant of yours is some gold digging man!" Grandpa Chan accused Ian.

"Ian is a Lim." Cedric raised his voice, defending his friend. "His family goes back even before your own. He has no need for more money, he has made enough working for me. Don’t you dare speak against my people again grandpa."

"You children have become rude." The old man said as he marched out of Cedric’s office, slamming the door behind him.

"I’m sorry." Raphael Chan said as he placed a hand on Cedric’s shoulder.

"I know I was disrespectful, but grandpa Chan was being ridiculous." Cedric said with a frown. "Uncle Raphael, how can you allow him to demand from your children in the way."

"He is still my father, Cedric. It is in our culture and in our traditions to respect and honor our elders." Uncle Raphael said with a sigh.

"This is wrong, uncle." Cedric said, shaking his head. "The Chan elders have gone too far and you know it."

"I’m working on it Cedric, I really am." Raphael Chan told Cedric. "Anyway, thanks for this, and don’t worry, Lucius Ting will never control the Chan family."

Raphael Chan gave Cedric a hug as he and his wife left.

"Well that was dramatic." Ian told Cedric as he rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.

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