New Life, New Task: I’ll Be A Mom Then!!! Chapter 106 Daddy Is Rushing Home!

Leon maintained his cold and distant expression. He answered Antoine with just a wordless nod.

This was how Leon conducted himself to other people. This was how he was known. He was so cold and expressionless that one would shiver from looking at his detached expression.

Many people would avoid him simply because of this. They find it hard to deal with such a person, where one would not know what he really thinks. It would bother them to the point of intimidation.

Leon calmly sat in his seat and looked at Antoine, waiting for him to talk.

Facing Leon like this, Antoine found that he could not compose himself. After that conversation during their childhood, he never had a conversation like this with Leon.

He gulped in nervousness and subconsciously looked at Blaze and Olivier.

Understanding his intention, Leon waved his hands to signal the two to exit the room and give them some privacy. Antoine did the same to his left and right commands.

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Antoine timed his words as soon as the room closed with a light boom, "It’s about the report on the Astaze territory.."

"What I have reported is verified and true. If you want, have your trusted aides join the south clean up squad to witness and observe." Leon straightforwardly interjected, his eyes had a subtle trace of impatience.

It wasn’t because he abhor listening to his older brother who had bullied him until adulthood, it was just that he wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Hearing his interjection, Antoine almost choked from the next words he was about to say.

His mind went blank as he was already distracted with the things in his mind, thus he was not able to maintain his eloquence as the Second Prince.

"But the numbers, I’m afraid.." Antoine could only mumble these words in uncertainty.

However, he then again heard Leon’s frigid voice saying,

"Whether or not the Astazes had a hand in this, we will immediately know during the clean up operations."

"Regarding the potential accusation of negligence, all our territories were infiltrated by the Spectres. It is not as if the Astazes are the only ones who would take the blame. All will be held responsible, even the Vesalas."

"As to how our Father Emperor would view you in the future because of this.."

"Do not dare to insult our Father Emperor and box him as the Emperor inside your brain."

"Open your eyes and know who our Father really is. Then you will know he is not the kind of person you have in your mind."

Leon exposed Antoine’s thoughts out in the open and frankly answered it one by one. This made Antoine speechless again, to the point that his mind went utterly blank.

Leon allowed Antoine to have a moment of silence and process what he had just said. He dignifiedly placed his hands on the table in a clasp, appearing like an official waiting for his subject to retort.

"Second Prince, any more concerns?" Leon asked after some time.

"N-no, I have no more." He meekly replied.

"Alright." Leon abruptly stood up and walked towards the room’s exit, he was actually waiting for this word. Finally he could go home!

Just as he was about to open the door and leave, he turned to look at Antoine’s downcast expression and paused,

"A word of thought, do not be too blinded and define people by the image you create in your mind."

"You could do that to me all you want, but never do that to our Father Emperor and your Mother, the First Queen."

"You’ll just trample on their love and affections if you keep on doing that."

Then Leon exited hastily. His tone does not have a hint of contempt nor accusation. He just used a neutral, detached tone while he was saying those words.

However to Antoine’s ears, it was more like a concerned voice.

None of Leon’s choice of words were polite and gentle. It was all straightforward and harsh. On a normal day, Antoine would surely burst with rage and retort at Leon with merciless insults.

But today it was the opposite. Antoine could actually feel that he was gradually calming down from his worries as he repeatedly digested what he said.

However, it will take time for him to understand what Leon meant in his last few sentences.

As soon as he went out of the room, he almost dashed home straight to the Forgeworn Territory, if not for Olivier reminding him to be cautious as the First and Second Prince’s loyal supporters were still observing his every move.

"Then, take me to the palace!" He quickly told the carriage chauffeur before boarding with a deep frown on his forehead.

Although teleportation arrays exist in Prasinos. It was costly to maintain and operate, for it will need a lot of mana stones to power its operations.

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Mana stones are even more precious and valuable than diamonds, so people still had to depend on carts and carriages as the main means of land transportation.

The observers all determined that the Third Prince ’dutifully’ went back to his own palace to retire for the day and soon they all dispersed after their objective was done.

But little did they know that as soon as Leon stepped inside his bedroom, he immediately teleported to the secret chamber to teleport to the cottage directly.

As soon as he reached the chamber, he saw his parents having a sweet time and a sumptuous dinner, so he immediately bowed to give respect.

Queen Tehila was about to invite him to join dinner. However, he just gently shook his head as said, "My little wife and son are waiting at home."

Then he proceeded to the teleportation array and went home to the cottage.

The old couple just froze in bewilderment as they saw their cold blooded son slowly turn into a real family man. When they couldn’t see his figure anymore, the old couple just chuckled in amusement.

"Our son has indeed grown into a real father!" They mumbled still in their giggles.

Light flashed in the living room and everyone knew that the master of the house was already home. Eli was chilling in the living room with Little Han in her arms.

She subconsciously looked towards the teleportation array and saw Leon coming home.

As she was playing with Little Han, she was in a good mood, that she was actually extra charming when she greeted Leon with a smile,

"Leon, welcome back!"

Leon’s heart skipped a beat. He was filled with warmth and happiness.

’Oh how blissful it is to go home and see the faces of the people he cherished the most!’

"Little Han, daddy’s home! Come give your dad a smile~~~" Eli didn’t notice Leon’s trance. She stood near Leon and slightly leaned her body and gently poked one of Little Han’s reddish cheeks.

"Aaaaak~" Little Han was not able to see yet, but he could already blink his eyes open. As soon as his mummy gently poked his puffy little cheek, his face suddenly reacted into an adorable wink~

"Look! Our Little Han is a charmer!!!" Eli exclaimed in amusement. She was so absorbed in playing with Little Han that she was not able to notice the doting look from Leon.

He couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle as his heart was overflowing with love and affection towards the two.

Never in his life could he have known that he would experience this kind of warmth, without even hiding his identity. All that he had was bared open to the woman in front of him, even his most guilty sin.

Yet still, here he is, smiling by her side, holding the little bundle of joy.

This little bundle of joy, may not be the fruit of their love, but surely it was the one who binded them together as a warm loving family.

"Dinner is ready, would you like to take it now?" Eli asked with a relaxed expression.

Leon shook his head gently and said, "I just came from the barracks, I would like to bathe myself first."

Cramping in the room for a whole day with the big men made Leon sweaty and feel sticky all over. So he find it inappropriate to touch Eli or Little Han before cleaning himself.

"Alright, I’ll go prepare the bath, look out for Little Han for a while." She placed Little Han on the cradle and had Leon look after him on the side.

"I’ll go by myself.." Leon was about to decline and stop Eli.

"It’s alright, just a little task. Stay there and play with Little Han for a while. You’ve been at work for the whole day, go rest a little." She soon stormed off to prepare his bath water.

It was indeed an easy task for her, she would just open the faucet and let the hot water flow to the tub until full.

Speculating outside the cottage, the five new blades along with Rosea had their jaws dropped in awe.

This was THE barbaric blood prince! THE Wielder of the blades!

Ruthless to his enemies! Vicious in the battlefield!

Avoided by noblemen! A scary figure to the ladies!

But what did they just witness?!!

The Prince dotingly looking at their future Madame and even laughing with her?!!!

The Prince who would hug his sword to sleep now tenderly rocking a baby cradle with his strong arms?!

How in the world did Madame and little Prince melt their leader’s frozen heart?!

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