New Life, New Task: I’ll Be A Mom Then!!! Chapter 200 Winter Banquet Officially Starts!

Little did she know that Antoine spent his entire childhood looking closely at her.

He spent years trying to figure out why his mother queen has been living this way for years and years.

In more than thirty years of silently watching his eccentric mother, Antoine could already determine even the slightest change in her emotions.

"So you found something in her." Antoine declared with certainty.

Seeing that she could no longer cover her thoughts from her son, Queen Lucia sighed and nodded in acknowledgement.

"I cannot say much right now. But all I can tell you is never go against her." She answered in a rather cryptic manner.

She must not say what she knew about Eli. For saying too much may even harm her son whom she wanted most to protect.

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Hearing the familiar yet heartbreaking statement from his mother, a disappointed glint flashed in Antoine’s eyes. "Right. That again.. Of course."

Queen Lucia saw Antoine’s angry and despondent expression however she didn’t try to explain.

Due to the watchful eyes and attentive ears of the palace, Lucia knew that she could not divulge information carelessly. That was because it would surely bring out certain dangers to the people close to her, especially her family.

So she could only stay like this, having a damaged relationship with her son while she protected him from the shadows. It’s better like this than to see him in a dangerous situation.

She could only pray that things would stay as it is and not be even more worse.

Antoine couldn’t help but flare up seeing that his mother does not want to explain things to him again. He was getting tired of his mother’s unfathomable conduct.

He never understands anything she says and does!

That phrase, ’do not go against him or her’, really irked him the most!

That was because he once heard his mother tell him the same thing when he was a child,

"Son, no matter when you are still young, nor when you get old, heed this warning I have. Never go against your younger brother Leon.."

That phrase triggered the reluctant Antoine to fully decide that he would no longer treat Leon as his younger brother, to which he still does even today.

Hearing his mother say the same thing for another person again, it really made him angry. What kind of person does his mother think he is?

Is he someone who would haphazardly go against everybody like a brainless maniac?

How outrageous would that be!

"Son, I am not saying this because I think that you are a person who would go against others that easily. I am saying this for you to remember when you stumble upon a situation that you have to choose to go against her or not in the future."

Seeing her son getting more agitated, Queen Lucia tried to take away a bit of the misunderstanding, "What I am trying to say is that, when a certain time comes that you have to choose to become her foe or friend, I’d like you to always choose her as an ally rather than an enemy."

Hearing his mother’s explanation, Antoine was somehow appeased. Could it be that this was also her meaning during the time she said this about Leon?

But who cares about that? Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not, Leon and him had already been out of their brotherly relationship.

"Is she that capable?" Not minding the thought about Leon, Antoine couldn’t help but ask her mother curiously. Why was she so confident about the great inventor?

If he was not mistaken, it was only their first time to see the inventor earlier in the awarding ceremony. But why would he hear his mother talk like this?

Did she know something about the mysterious inventor?

"You will have some answers later at the winter banquet." Queen Lucia could no longer divulge any information, so she could only give Antoine a hint and divert his attention towards the upcoming winter banquet.

"Alright, I’ll see that for myself then." Antoine finally dropped the topic. For once, he decided to listen to his mother and watch the winter banquet carefully.

It was a pleasant evening in the Capital of the Seirende Empire.

Minutes before the official start of the banquet, there was an enchanting display of fireworks in front of the moonlight hall.

Everyone, may it be the nobles or the common people, peeked at their windows, balconies and even at their open grounds, to watch the colorful shower of light spells in the air.

It was as if the stars had come closer to them and danced so freely at the on top of the Moonlight Hall!

Soon the respective carriages of the famous noble houses lined up to the grand entrance of the Moonlight Hall, it was like a medieval version of the Hollywood red carpet walk!

Young men and women, dressed so meticulously to impress everyone in the hall were going around socializing.

There were also people from the middle men who could afford to keep up with the dress code and mingle with the aristocrats. Most of them were businessmen, prominent artisans, renowned knights and scholars.

The Moonlight Hall was brightly lit up with sophisticated chandeliers glowing in golden warm light.

As soon as the guests entered the hall, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes in amazement as they could not get enough of the famed largest hall in the Empire.

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The Moonlight Hall had a large open area, where the guests could move around, dance and socialize with each other. It also had a red carpet laden with golden tassels which ran from the main door up to the center stage.

The hall also had three stories with the banquet tables carefully laid out for the guests who wanted to enjoy the feast while watching the ball at the center of the hall.

Although the entire setup would really make one wonder how much money was spent to decorate and fill the entire hall with enough food and seats for all the guests, the overall atmosphere never shouted for extravagance.

Instead, it shouted for sophistication and royalty. Elegant and classy, but not flamboyant.

This made the guests approve of the job well done by the hosts of the banquet, the Farauld and Forgeworn Clans.

It was not long until all of the highest ranking officials and members of the Imperial Family arrived.

With their presence appropriately announced, everyone became excited as they never thought that the Imperial Family would be attending.

Even the First Queen attended the winter banquet! Too bad though, the Emperor and Empress, as well as the Second Queen didn’t show themselves.

However, the presence of the First Queen and all of the three Princes had given the Forgeworn and Farauld clans enough face.

With every prominent personality present in the hall, the anticipation had already peaked. They couldn’t wait for the hosts of the banquet to officially start the long awaited winter banquet!

"I have seen some of the members of the host families, but how come I did not see the main members of the Forgeworns and Faraulds?"

"Now that you mentioned it, they sure were not around yet!"

"Even their sons and spouses were not even around!"

"What’s with your anxiousness, they will surely come. Most probably they will come hand in hand with the legendary grandmasters!"

"What you said makes sense!"

"I can’t wait for them to officially start this banquet!"

As the people energetically discussed what would happen at the winter banquet, the music began to kick in.

With the full ensemble orchestra playing lively and exciting music, everyone turned their heads and looked at the curved twin staircase at the other end of the hall.

The music played as a grand introduction to the hosts of the banquet. Hand in hand, the legendary Grandmasters gracefully descended in the staircase with their respective spouses, Myrna and Brygid.

The two couples were clad in custom made dresses and tuxedos that were perfectly matched with their own partners.

Each highlighted the couple’s personalities being, the Forgeworn couple lively and carefree, the Farauld couple, scholarly and reserved.

Everyone was in awe as they looked intently towards the most respected people in the Empire next to the Emperor, the legendary Grandmasters!

Despite their age, their briming vitality and countenance that had been tested by time made the people around wonder if the two legendary men have been drinking some kind of a youth potion!

Shortly after their entrance were the march of their respective sons, along with their descendants. The mini parade gave the people a good view of how prosperous and impressive the two clans were now.

People couldn’t help but praise the next generations of the two great families, they have done a good job to stand by themselves and not only depend on the status of their grandfathers!

When all the members of the Forgeworn and Farauld families were already lined up, Grandpa Ben and Grandpa Andi stood elegantly in the hall, with Tyce and General Farauld behind them.

At Grandpa Ben’s queue, the music faded out as he started to address the guests of the banquet. He then addressed the present members of the Imperial Family as a sign of courtesy.

"To our distinguished guests, friends, partners, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant evening to you all!"

"As you have all known the two families joined together to organize a year-end banquet for everyone. We hope to share with you the victories and joys that our humble families experienced for the entire year…"

"But above all the blessings and joyous moments that our families obtained, there was one moment we all have been most thankful of." Grandpa Ben looked at Grandpa Andi to queue his part of the speech.

"Around seven months ago, I, Andvari Forgeworn, along with my sworn brother and long time friend Reuben Farauld, decided something that has been the happiest decision we have made for the year."

"Together, we have decided to take a very important person to be under the protection of our respective families!" Grandpa Andi announced excitedly, making sure that his voice reached every nook and cranny of the Moonlight Hall.

"The Forgewon clan decided to take her as our adopted daughter, under my eldest son Tyce."

"The Farauld clan decided to take her as our goddaughter under my son Eugine."

There were already shocked gaspes and murmurs around, but the two grandpas could not be stopped in enthusiastically delivering their well rehearsed speech.

Together they announced to the entire Moonlight hall,

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We would like to introduce to you all, the newest granddaughter of the Forgeworn and Farauld Family!!!

"The Great Inventor under the name ’Eli’. Our dearest granddaughter, Elise Fayre!

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