New Life, New Task: I’ll Be A Mom Then!!! Chapter 273 Retaliation (2)

Baron Wiltenham was just one of the hundreds of guilty people who chose to operate with the sinister activities of the Vesala clan.

All over the West territory, exclamations of surprise, retaliations, and pleading rang piercingly.

It came as a surprise even within the Astaze’s estate which almost turned upside down from the shocking news of the arrests.

"What’s happening, Esteemed Grandmaster? May you benevolently explain the matter to me, Your Excellence Grandmaster Reuben?" Marquis Astaze tried to stay calm because of the surprise of the arrest not only in his territory but his very own estate.

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He thought that the Emperor had finally lifted the ban of restricting the nobles when he received the orders from him to go back with Grandmaster Reuben to the West Territory.

Only to find out that he would witness his estate be searched thoroughly and discover his very own knights, servants, and vassals getting arrested for treason.

Going home to the estate without any idea that this mess would happen really dealt a big blow to his emotions, especially right after the news of his nephew being dead from the last fight with the mysterious criminals. 𝖋𝔯𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝖇𝔫𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝖈𝔬𝖒

However, no matter how he felt insulted and disregarded by these sudden actions from the Empire, he could not express his displeasure in front of the Grandmaster whose authority extends far beyond the borders of Seirende.

Instead, he could only calm himself down to the best of his abilities and respectfully ask for an explanation of what was happening.

"See these faces of people whom you thought served your March and the Empire faithfully?" Grandmaster Reuben nonchalantly waved his hands pointing at the arrested personnel who were lined up with their movements limited.

Marquis Astaze swept his gaze into the people, men, and women of different ages and tenure in his estate. Some of them were assigned duties that were insignificant, others were holding quite important duties and positions in his march.

"They were the ones whom the traitors planted to frame you as the perpetrator of the recent chaos in the empire." Grandmaster Reuben laid out the sins of the criminals in the open.

He was not wearing the demeanor of a doting grandpa to Eli and the Farauld family, instead, he was the embodiment of justice and righteousness, one who abhors evil and treachery.

The words from Grandmaster Reuben struck Marquis Astaze on the spot. He felt like a pile of mud was being dumped at him, making him feel extremely uncomfortable and insecure.

’These people planned to betray me?’ He could not believe what he heard. Most of these people were trained precisely in the estate. He and his family worked hard to sponsor their education and even their children but in the end, these people had long planned to use his family as the scapegoat?

Rage ignited in his heart and seeped out of his body making his shoulders tremble in emotions.

"Marquis, hold yourself together. There is more than his betrayal that you have to know." Grandmaster Reuben patted his shoulders to calm down and continued, "All we need from you and your family is cooperation. Just hang on a bit longer and the light will soon shine once again in the empire. We just have to take these traitors away to punish them in the name of the Empire."

It took a moment for the marquis to calm himself down. The assurance that Grandmaster Reuben gave also helped him regulate his emotions.

Taking a deep breath, he finally responded in a slow and determined tone, "As you wish, Grandmaster… I, the Marquis of Astaze, and my entire household pledge to cooperate in this!"

At the same time, retaliation in the East also started.

The east territory was blessed with numerous mines and crop fields making it the center for economy and agriculture, contrary to the west which specializes in arts and culture.

Despite this seemingly prosperous economy, the void between the treatment of the nobles and the commoners is huge. Making the overall environment of the East to be oppressive for the common folks.

The East Territory was still glorious because of the gifted mine sites and fertile lands that enabled the empowerment of the nobles. Nobles get more prestige as the commoners work hard to find the means to earn and get by.

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Glamorous as it may seem, the empowerment nobles made it easy for the Vesalas to actively lay their plans in supporting the sinister activities of their affiliate organization, The Spectre, as well as their very own underground operation of the cursed army and black markets.

In their mines, were hidden fortresses where the curse armies were trained. A portion of the minerals they unearthed would not be declared for they will go straight to the forgeries to be made as cursed weapons.

The fields were not only a place to grow crops and plants. It was also a place to grow the power of the Dark Knights as these fields were the secret graves of the victims of them feeding their cursed magic.

The counts of unreported murders and abductions were actually high in the area, however, under the facade of a gratifying quality of living, these numbers were ignored.

It was only exposed to light when the clearing operations happened, at that period a momentary time of true peace and security reigned in the land.

But that didn’t last long as the underground activities still continued, albeit more careful and hidden.

But now Governor Fidel and Grandmaster Andvari were set to pry open the real facade of the Duchy and weed out all the traitors and accomplices in the land.

Standing high on a mountain cliff, overlooking the duchy, Grandmaster Andvari couldn’t help but sigh in regret. "Haaah… It was really too bad that the two siblings managed to leave the Empire before the duke started all the chaos in the capital!"

"It seems like the duke wanted to make sure that before he started everything, he had to ensure that his bloodline would continue." Governor Fidel replied, his demeanor was serious and cold. But the coldness does not emanate from ruthlessness towards the enemy, but the ruthlessness directed at himself.

"Either way, the Vesalas had committed an unpardonable sin. To think that they had long planned to do this to take control of the Empire while seemingly showing that they do not have the intention to take the throne?" Grandmaster Andvari couldn’t help but lament and ridicule at the same time.

If the Vesalas wanted the throne, why are they making it so that they want to take control of the throne through Kazimir when they have already done so much evil behind the light? He didn’t know if he would condemn their actions or contempt them for being foolish.

If they wanted to take the Empire, with the army and the hidden operations that they have implemented, they could have just launched an all-out rebellion. Why go as far as to infiltrate the Imperial Family by being an empress and bearing an offspring, Kazimir?

"Indeed, it is a puzzle that we may have to unravel during the trial of these traitors." Governor Fidel answered after deeply thinking. Whatever truth they may find behind the Vesala’s actions, he hoped that the root of this matter will be exposed and completely eradicated.

"Then shall we start our arrests?" Grandmaster Andvari rolled his sleeves and took out his weapon.

"I’ll follow your lead, Esteemed Grandmaster, Andvari!" Governor Fidel nodded respectfully as he also lifted his hands to signal his men to proceed in entering the estate.

"Forward! Arrest the sinners of this land!" Grandmaster Andvari exclaimed as their bodies turn like a shadow and flashed speedily to infiltrate the Vesala Estate.

The environment inside the estate seemed to e peaceful and carefree. Several men were idle because of the absence of their masters who had been out of the territory since the winter banquet.

Boom! Rumble!

While the scene of arrest in the Astaze estate could be categorized as chaotic, it could still be called calmer than how the arrest was carried out in the Vesala’s Estate.

There were no warnings nor announcements, a direct attack disturbed the idle peace of the estate. In a blink of an eye, the peaceful chirping of the birds and the seemingly blissful chatter of the people inside the estate were replaced by fearful cries and panic.

In a flash, countless dark shadows appeared on every corner of the estate. All the escape routes and even the aerial routes were blocked by a restriction array.

Governor Fidel made the casters envelope the entire territory with a blocking array, while Andvari led the tactical invasion using the summoners and the knights from the northern territory.

The acting manager of the estate couldn’t believe what he was currently witnessing. The once prestigious Vesala estate had suddenly turned into a chaotic battlefield!

There is no way that this attack was organized simultaneously! It was planned meticulously ahead of time!

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