[Nightmare] Chapter 222 [Political Time Bomb]

[A/N: This chapter is important. You’ve been warned.]

"Brave Earthian Knights! Did you notice?" Helix said with a dramatic pause and wicked grin.

"Did you notice that we were strong enough to release a cultivator-grade shitstorm on that ant…."

The otakus and weebs looked at each other in confusion, seeking confirmation.

They were confused for a second because Helix and his War Goddess’ hated cultivator ideology.

However, they quickly realized Helix was roasting the concept and burst into roaring laughter.

The soldiers looked and the group in confusion.

"But we’re so [broken] that we had the luxury of using a damn sword and magic circles?" Helix asked with a bewildered laugh.

The super-virgins exploded in excited cheers after the implied declaration.



"Ant? That was an ant to him?"

The soldiers started whispering in confusion because they had no idea what Helix was talking about.

General Masov and Oakley looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

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They understood it must have been an Earthian thing.

When the otakus and weebs saw their puzzled expressions, they burst into laughter again.

Those who were shaking and crying flashed dazzling smiles between breaths.

The Earthians supporting them felt fire in their hearts again.

"Let me ask you, Cheat Hopefuls!" Helix roared.

The group became animated and immediately responded to his call.

"Let me ask you! Would you rather be the cliche cultivator that destroys for cheap reaction fulfillment…."

Helix panned the group with a sharp gaze.

"Or be the cold, annoyed, reluctant, anti-social antihero character that’s so broken they have the casual luxury… to be the hero!?"


Ecstatic screams came from the women, and euphoric battle cries came from the men.

General Masov’s eyes glazed over.

He turned to Major Oakley with an expression that read, [I’m so lost].

Those around the two had the same type of reaction.

"Isn’t everything he just said kind of… depressing?" Masov asked in confusion.

"Ye~p." Major Oakley smacked.

"But whatever he’s saying to these strange people is doing the trick."

They shrugged their shoulders with relaxed expressions that showcased their acceptance.

Only Macron and Lamath laughed because they had watched this scene countless times.

Princess Eliza giggled because she watched Helix’s speech after arrival and had heard of cultivator culture before the cabinet.

"Do you want to be such a cheat…." Helix asked with a grin.

"That you need to save people from yourselves!?"


"That’s… kind of terrifying…." Oakley laughed.

"Yeah… Those four are already a liability." Masov replied with a stressed-out expression.

"But as much as I hate to say this… we really [do] need them to get that strong."

Oakley’s face relaxed into a neutral expression.

"It’s that serious?" The major asked.

Masov nodded with a grave expression.

"It’s that serious."

"That’s right! If you want to become as broken as us and prove it…." Helix began with a serious voice.

"Then when the time comes to protect this capital, save the soldiers from yourselves, and then lay was to the monsters with godly wrath!"

Oakley frowned as he watched the hysterical Earthians yelling and screaming like fan girls.

"At least we know he fears them too." He commented.

Masov nodded with a serious expression.

"We’ll need to convince him to come back and support him fully with his legal system." The general said.

"We need him. If for only for that reason alone."

Oakley chuckled breathlessly and continued watching the spectacle.

"Alzerian soldiers!" Helix roared.

The confused soldiers who felt left out instantly snapped to full attention.

He gave them a wicked grin.

The soldiers listened with sharp eyes in anticipation of his next words.

"Will you let a rowdy pack of eighteen-year-olds get so strong they have to save you from themselves?" Helix asked mockingly.

"Or will you show these young adults that they have a lot to fuckin’ learn!?"


The battle cry from the hundreds of troopers was deafening.

Most of the otakus and weebs snickered but knew what he was doing.

Therefore, they didn’t let it show on their expressions out of fear of getting called out.

"What’s that?" Helix asked with a playful expression.

"It sounds like there’s a competition here!"

The entire was burst into zealous laughter and snickering on both sides.

"So let that be a challenge!" Helix roared.

"You both have a shared goal!

Save Alzeria and be the legends of this story!"

Delirious battle cries rang out in the neon pink Myriadian sky.

Liliana felt her heart skip a beat and watched Eliza clutch at her chest.

While the queen never confirmed it, she knew that her daughter had become friends with Helix while he was in the Capital.

She would be a foolish ruler if she didn’t keep tabs on her daughter or couldn’t get information from her guards.

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But Eliza had no friends—she only had acquaintances of the same age from rivaling factions that showed up to the same events she was forced to attend.

Having no close relationships was a reality that all high nobles and royalty faced.

So Liliana let her daughter sneak to the library every day because Helix was extremely weak and unthreatening.

It made Eliza happy to have a friend, and Liliana could tell how important it was to her.

Once Helix returned, Liliana was too busy dealing with the crisis to remember their relationship.

So watching her daughter express her friendship during the festive atmosphere put a smile on her face.

However, a moment later, an icy chill crawled down Queen Liliana’s spine.

Scenes of his speeches and hysterical cheering flashed through her mind.

She remembered how dangerous Helix was and became nervous.

Hope and appreciation for Helix filled her heart when he returned to save their kingdom and chose to build up their troops.

However, he was dangerous as a potential tyrant and had the power to overthrow the monarchy.

Liliana wasn’t worried he would and trusted he had no interest.

That wasn’t the problem.

The problem was that Helix could break their authority by contradicting their statements, thus leading to an organizational breakdown.

Just living and speaking made him a political timebomb.

She knew and accepted they would have to support Helix if he returned and understood they had no choice but—

Liliana looked at Eliza’s excited face as she listened to the speech.

Eliza was a different story.

Helix had partners, so she wasn’t worried he would try to court her daughter.

But his friendship with Eliza was a political disaster and dangerous in countless ways.

Helix and Eliza, being friends, legitimized his actions with a political argument of Royal Authority.

Nobles could act on Helix’s words and then point to Eliza and say [I thought he was acting on Royal Authority].

She would forgive them because she can’t kill off skilled people for [misconceptions], but the things they set in motion were irreversible.

At that point, they had already wrought damage, and those following [Helix’s] orders—the noble’s orders—would be bitter if the queen reversed it.

The same was true of the troops, who might disobey General Masov’s orders, even if he spoke on Helix’s behalf.

If that happened, Helix would gain the full cooperation of the Kingdom through legitimate channels and peaceful means—

And fail.

Liliana glanced at the young woman looking out of the window with excitement burning in her heart.

She needed to make a decision regarding their relationship soon—and pray that whatever she did wouldn’t result in disaster.

[A/N: This novel is a sardonic parody of cliches, but it’s excessively realistic in everything it touches.

Virgins have sex, battles lead to death, and people can’t hop around and slash at a 350-foot Colossus without gravity killing them.

Massive dogs can’t ride in caravans, walk through cities, or start chewing on monsters without getting hit with blue flames and gravity.

Once the question was about war, it became realistic in politics and military organizing.

Now it’s temporarily the Game of Thrones of trash novels… lol.

I love shameless wish-fulfillment novels.

However, I’ve grown tired of scenes where four people decimate an entire horde of monsters, and the army and Kingdom watch for shocked reaction fulfillment.

What about you?


Too many, the constant political whining may seem annoying, but he needs the army to succeed, and thus gaining power is necessary.

Be a cultivator! Seize power by force; it’s an insta-solution!

It doesn’t work that way.

Seizing power is indeed faster in terms of full power.

However, we are talking in increments of [months].

Political restructuring and picking sides will lead to a governmental and military breakdown.

Game over.

Remember that any monarch [will] fight back if their power is in danger, even if it costs [their life] or the lives of others. It’s their vow.

So it’s not like they’ll bend over if true force shows up.

Most will do serious damage through politics and allow themselves to hang—it’s a historical fact.

Helix doesn’t have that much time, so he needs the existing institutions to back his decisions.

In an ideal world, Masov would stand next to him and say and do whatever Helix wants.

However, Helix can’t be next to him, and a general of 60+ isn’t going to trust or bow to a nameless 18-year-old.

Helix’s tyrannical leadership or seizing power can lead to the same problem he aims to fix.

If the soldiers listen to Helix, Masov loses control, his institutionalized protocols retaining order collapse, and the army breaks down.

Confusion on who to listen to will create conflicts and cause confusion and disorder.

Then the army isn’t prepared to listen to Helix’s strategy.

Game over.

The princess could be a catalyst that sets that breakdown in motion.

If his words become institutionalized, it can cause political chaos within the nobility and the military.

Game over.

The princess cliche was always a disaster waiting to happen.

I hope that you like this realistic approach to trash novel cliches.

Thank you so much for reading, and I’ll see you in the next~chapter. ;)

Note: It won’t always be this way, so please don’t get comfortable.

Ultimately the groups are looking to unrealistically lay waste to a cliche horde of monsters.

So it’s not like this book ever became enlightening XD]

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)

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