Night’s Nomenclature Chapter 171: Rainy Night, Blood, Assassin

Looking at the three bags of blood in the refrigerator, Liu Dezhu didn’t know how to react to that.

He took out the three bags of blood and saw the words "Blood Donation" written on them. Without another thought, he knew that his parents must have done the same, pretending to donate blood and later saying they changed their minds, taking their blood away with them.

Liu Dezhu did some research before and knew it was almost impossible to buy blood as a healthy individual. Hospitals and the government both consider blood a vital resource, so the transportation of blood was well regulated.

So, these bags of blood must be from his parents.

There were irresponsible parents in this world, such as Qing Guozhong.

But such parents were rare.

Most parents were willing to sacrifice anything for their children.

Some parents would save up money for years to let their children attend better schools.

Some would rather eat plain rice and pickled vegetables so that their children could get better resources for education.

Some would even sell their own house and live in an apartment so their children could buy a new wedding house.

Although this kind of love had barriers and would sometimes overwhelm a child, this was as much as a parent could think of and do.

In fact, Liu Youcai still to this day couldn’t understand time travelers.

He often asked his coworkers if time travelers go between both worlds, would they age faster than those who weren’t?

Would it be dangerous for his child to be in the Inner World?

He didn’t care if Liu Dezhu was becoming more powerful, but he tried to understand everything related to Liu Dezhu.

Then, he used his own ways to support Liu Dezhu.

Just like the two bags of blood in the fridge.

Flipping over one of the bags, Liu Dezhu saw a yellow sticky note: "Son, drink as much as you want. We can go buy more if you need it."

Liu Dezhu’s nose felt sore. Where could his parents buy blood from? As ordinary workers, they knew no one who would have access to the blood.

But after being emotional, another question popped up…

Which bag was his?!

He must make it clear to his parents that he wasn’t a vampire! And he doesn’t need to drink blood!

Judging from the frequency of chats between his boss and the Devil Post Stamp owner, the 300CC of blood would be enough for a month.

He just didn’t want to harm himself every time he needed blood, not because he didn’t have enough.

At this time, Liu Dezhu felt a vibration from the communication device in his pocket. He went back to his room and saw that it was from Boss. What happened? Why do you think someone wants to kill you?

Liu Dezhu answered. I went to the blood donation station today to buy blood, and there was a couple watching me. I caught sight of them grabbing something from their pockets, like in those movie scenes. I got scared and ran away without seeing their faces very clearly.

Qing Chen frowned. Leaving aside other things, what was up with going to the blood donation station… to buy blood?

What was going on?!

But then again, Liu Dezhu indeed improved a lot before.

Liu Dezhu asked. Boss, do you know who wants to kill me?

Qing Chen thought for a while and typed, I have already received news that it’s Wang Yun’s family who is planning to seek revenge on you.

What should I do?

Stay at home, Qing Chen replied, With Kun Lun protecting you, it’s best for you to just stay put.

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Countdown 126:00:00.

5 PM.

Jiang Xue was busy in Qing Chen’s kitchen. Because it was the weekend, she was making dinner a bit better than usual.

Li Tongyun’s grandparents will arrive in Luo City at 8 o’clock tonight, and Jiang Xue might not have time to visit Qing Chen for several days, so she helped him clean the house as well.

Knock, knock, knock.

Li Tongyun wanted to go open the door, but Qing Chen stopped her, "Be careful opening the door from now on. It’s getting more dangerous than ever, and you don’t know who is standing on the other side."

Li Tongyun nodded obediently, "Yes, I got it!"

Then, Qing Chen opened the door only to find Yangyang standing outside.

The girl showed him a letter, "Got another one."

Qing Chen was stunned. He was a little curious why the owner of the Devil Post Stamp really wanted to hunt down his people.

He thought to himself. When the owner finds out later that he was trying to recruit "Qing Chen" in front of Qing Chen, would he die emotionally?

"Have you read the letter?" Qing Chen asked Yang Yang.

However, the girl didn’t seem to hear what he said. She stared straight at the meal that Jiang Xue had just brought to the table.

Braised pork ribs, shredded pork with green peppers, spicy tofu, steamed sea bass, and hot and sour egg soup.

Qing Chen looked at the girl and asked again, "Uh, do you want me to tell him to change the address?"

Before this, he thought that the Forbidden Item owner would stop sending letters if he didn’t respond, so he didn’t think about it much.

But now this was impacting others, making Qing Chen a little embarrassed.

However, Yangyang still seemed deaf and ignored his question.

Qing Chen tentatively asked, "Would you like to sit down and eat something?"

"Sure," Yangyang stepped in without hesitation, brushing past Qing Chen.

Qing Chen, "…"

She was after the food on his table!

But what’s up with all the pretending-to-be-deaf? Can’t you just ask?

Yangyang quickly made herself at home and sat down right next to Xiao Yun. Without another word, she picked up a pair of chopsticks and started eating.

Tongyun looked up at her, but before she could say anything, she found that Yangyang had already gone through several pieces of ribs. Immediately, she scratched the idea of talking and went straight for the food. She couldn’t just sit there and watch the ribs being taken by Yangyang…

Jiang Xue gently took off her apron and said with a smile, "Don’t feel rushed. If this isn’t enough, I can go make more."

"Thank you. It’s delicious." Yangyang said with food still in her mouth.

Qing Chen sat down on the other side. He propped up his chin with one hand and asked, "When did this letter arrive?"

"Three hours and twenty minutes ago," said Yangyang.

Qing Chen was surprised by the accuracy of the response. Does that also mean that she found the letter as soon as it appeared?

But now, why did she only come to deliver the letter at this time?

Hold up, would she have come at this time because she knew they were having dinner tonight?!

Qing Chen asked again, "Should I ask the sender to send it here next time?"

"Why bother?" Yangyang waved her hand holding the chopsticks, "I don’t mind at all. Next time when I receive the letter, I’ll bring it to you at mealtime again."

"You’re so honest…" Qing Chen was shocked.

Yangyang was such a calm-looking girl, but when confronted with food, she seemed to be a different person. Sitting beside her, Xiao Yun almost wanted to cry.

After finishing the dishes, she poured the hot and sour egg soup into half a bowl of rice, mixed it, and ate it without leaving anything behind.


"In exchange for the meal, I’ll give you a piece of information. You won’t be losing out on this deal." Yangyang said after she finished.

"What information?" asked Qing Chen.

"Since this afternoon, Kun Lun members began to gather in Luo City. With so many people traveling in broad daylight, it’s hard to hide from those who are following," Yangyang said, "So, the Wang Family will definitely find out about this. After today, Luo City will be filled with people from Kun Lun for the foreseeable future, so if they really want to avenge their daughter by killing Liu Dezhu, it has to be tonight."

After tonight, it would be difficult for the Wang Family to get another chance.

"How many people did the Wang Family hire?" asked Qing Chen.

"I’m not sure," Yangyang said calmly, "but I know that they spent a lot of money to hire a superhuman. The price was unimaginable."

"Wait, why are they going so far just to kill Liu Dezhu?" Qing Chen was confused.

"Don’t underestimate the anger and rage of a father after losing his daughter," Yangyang said, "In your opinion, Wang Yun should be the one to blame for the Laojun Mountain incident, but to her parents, their child is always innocent. They could justify what she did as an act under a desperate situation, and she did not deserve death as a punishment."

Things didn’t finish after Wang Yun’s death in the Inner World.

Because her body would return to the Outer World.

No one could bear the pain of seeing their beloved daughter turning into a corpse in a matter of moments.

"Remember, the Wang Family has gone crazy," Yangyang said, "Anything could happen tonight, and I won’t be surprised."

"What level of a superhuman did they hire?" asked Qing Chen.

"I don’t know," Yangyang said, "but my guess is it won’t be a high-level superhuman. First of all, there are not many superhuman time travelers to begin with, because even in the Inner World, superhumans are rare. Secondly, high-level superhumans cherish their status, and money is usually not a concern for them, so they likely would despise working for others just for money."

Qing Chen frowned. Not knowing the enemy could be very dangerous.

If his opponent was a D-level or below, it would be alright, but what if a C-level showed up? Liu Dezhu would be dead for sure.

Back in the Forbidden Land, Qing Chen utilized so many rules to his advantage, and C-level Cao Wei was still able to fight back after being heavily wounded for over 20 hours. Qing Huai almost successfully escaped from the power of the Forbidden Land after violating the rules.

At Level C, superhumans were truly becoming extraordinary.

"I’m full. It’s time to get down to business." Yangyang stood up, "It will be very lively tonight, and I’m looking forward to what you’ll do. I’ll go to Liu Dezhu’s house to check on the situation first. After that, I’m ready to watch this good show at any time."

After speaking, she went straight out.

When opening the door, he suddenly remembered something and turned to Jiang Xue, "Thank you for the meal, your dishes are amazing!"

When Yangyang left, Qing Chen came back to his senses and went out as well.

However, he was shocked at what he saw.

In the dark, the girl stood outside the building and looked up at the sky. Instantly, the surrounding air was stirred up by an invisible force and spread out in all directions.

Before he knew it, the girl soared into the sky, flying into the dense night.

Qing Chen stood there silently with only one thought in his mind: This girl can fly?!

Earlier, when he was in Laojun Mountain’s parking lot, he had wondered what her ability was.

At that time, Qing Chen’s guess was gravity, because the criminals’ movements became sluggish when they moved as if the air was squeezed together and turned into a pool of water.

Qing Chen recalled the scene from that night.

He clearly remembered the criminal’s eyeballs popping out and bloodshot. Every detail seems to be proving that the criminal was under tremendous "pressure".

So, he concluded from the battle that Yangyang had the ability to control gravity.

But now, Qing Chen felt like the girl was able to do much more: she could control the force field.

The ability to manipulate force fields.

From the dust that was brought up just then, it could be explained by the magnetic force in the surrounding area being altered, and her ability to fly must be from a repulsive force she created under her body.

Qing Chen squatted at the place where Yangyang took off, studying the dust and dirt on the ground.

Indeed, just like what he expected, the metallic components from the dust were all pointing outwards forming a circular shape.

This was the remains of the magnetic field she created.

He suddenly felt a little envious. Who wouldn’t wish for the ability to fly? With this alone, he could go wherever he wanted!

Speaking of which, Qing Chen still had to ask his teacher if he still had the chance to become a superhuman after being a Knight.

Wait, Qing Chen looked up again. Yangyang took off toward the remote Northern Beiman Mountains, but Liu Dezhu’s house was to the South!

Speechless, he returned to the apartment and read the Devil Post Stamp letter: Have you figured out what you want? Hehe.

Impatiently, Qing Chen wanted to write back to disgust the sender.

But just as he was about to take out a knife, he suddenly laughed.

No, no, this was the sender’s last attempt.

Because if "Qing Chen" wasn’t the mastermind behind the scenes and didn’t know Liu Dezhu, then "Qing Chen" shouldn’t know how to send the letter with blood.

Only the mastermind and Liu Dezhu knew how to use it, and the mastermind wouldn’t be educating "Qing Chen" on how to use an irrelevant item.

Therefore, the sender kept asking "Qing Chen" what he wanted but never told "Qing Chen" how to reply.

If Qing Chen replied, then the truth would be revealed.

The teenager took a deep breath. The world was no longer what it used to be. To be safe he had to be 120% cautious when dealing with those monsters hiding in the dark.

Thinking of this, he tore up the letter.

"Aunt Jiang Xue, go ahead to pick up Xiao Yun’s grandma and grandpa from the station after dinner, but remember, don’t go out again after you get home."

After taking care of the tasks at home, Qing Chen changed his clothes and walked into the night outside.

He couldn’t be absent from the excitement tonight.

There was a damp watery smell in the air, and the black clouds above the sky were carried to the south by a gust of wind.

In the cold weather of November, the wind picked up.

"Mom and Dad, how can I prove to you that I’m not a vampire? Look, I can eat garlic," Liu Dezhu said seriously, "I don’t know if vampires can eat garlic or not, but at least I can."

A family of three sat at the dining table, and the food on the table was very weird. They had stir-fried duck blood with leeks, duck blood vermicelli soup, blood tofu, and blood in chili sauce.

All four dishes have a common characteristic, emphasizing the word "blood" in tonight’s meal.

Liu Dezhu said patiently, "Of course, I know that you are doing it for me, but I got the blood for writing letters, not for drinking… It’s hard to explain, anyway, just trust me."

Liu Youcai and Wang Shufen looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Shufen smiled and gave her son some stir-fried duck blood with leeks and said, "Your dad and I were scared this morning. We’re glad you aren’t."

Thinking about everything his parents did for him, Liu Dezhu smiled and said, "Mom, Dad, don’t worry, we have better days ahead of us."

"What do you mean?" Liu Youcai asked.

"Have you heard that many people brought back medicines from the other world and sold them for a lot of money?" Liu Dezhu said, "Now that I have established myself in the Inner World, I can naturally bring things back to improve our lives here."

"It’s okay, don’t worry about your mom and me, just make sure to take care of yourself and don’t feel pressured," Liu Youcai took a sip of the tea.

"There’s no stress for me at all," said Liu Dezhu cheerfully, "I know some big wigs there."

"By the way, Dezhu, will you be in any danger over there?" Wang Shufen asked.

"Not for the time being," Liu Dezhu replied, "In fact, it might be more dangerous for me here in the Outer World compared to the Inner World."

Now that Liu Dezhu has established a good connection with his boss, he knew that he got a lot to benefit from it.

In Prison 18, with the help of Lin Xiaoxiao and Ye Wan, no one dared to do anything to him.

Liu Youcai asked curiously, "I’ve been confused, how do you bring items back?"

Liu Dezhu explained, "There’s a loophole when time traveling. For example, if I put a bottle of medicine into my mouth one second before the countdown ends. When I return, the medicine would also be brought back. These can easily go for a high price on the market."

"Oh," Liu Youcai nodded, "So it’s ‘imports and exports’."

This was indeed quite accurate…

Liu Youcai hadn’t had a good chat with his son for a long time. He thought for a while and said, "We don’t have any alcohol at home right now. I’ll buy a dozen beers in a bit, and we two can have a good drink."

Wang Shufen complained, "He’s still a student."

"What’s wrong with being a student?" Liu Youcai said, "He’s seventeen already. When I was his age, I was serving in the military."

However, Liu Dezhu also stopped Liu Youcai, "Dad, don’t go out tonight."

"What’s wrong?" asked Liu Youcai.

"It’s going to be very dangerous outside tonight. Just don’t go outside," said Liu Dezhu, "If we stay here, we’ll be safe."

Liu Youcai and Wang Shufen looked at each other.

Only then did they realize that something big might happen tonight.

As they spoke…

A small drone was slowly flying into the Xinglong Community.

It was carrying a black package underneath, so it was traveling quite slowly.

But the person operating the drone was very skilled. The drone was like a carrier pigeon, passing through the large building in the dark night.

Just as it came to one of the buildings, it started accelerating.


The drone accurately found one of the windows with only the screen down. Its sharp propellers cut through the screen, and the entire drone fell into the room.

As the drone fell, the black greasy substance in the package started pouring out, spreading out around the damaged drone.

Crack! The modified drone started smoking, sending sparks in every direction.

As soon as the black grease came in contact with the drone, it burned with dazzling flames.

The fire spread quickly.

Sitting at home, Liu Youcai just found a bottle of Moutai that he had been treasuring for many years. "Can’t go out? That’s okay. Let’s celebrate with this bottle of Moutai!"

However, after Liu Youcai said so, he saw his wife’s expression become serious.

He hesitated and said, "Um, a friend gave me this, I didn’t buy it myself."

"No," Wang Shufen raised her head, "Did you smell something burning?"

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"The Meteorological Observatory issued a severe storm warning tonight. Experts say that this is a rare once-a-decade autumn rainstorm. The rainfall may reach 50 millimeters in the next three hours. Please take measures to avoid going out into the rain…"

In the taxi, Eagle stretched out his arm and switched to a different radio channel. After a short sizzling sound, the audiobook narrator’s voice sounded, "Da Jinya asked, Mr. Hu, what do you mean? Tell me why building a temple in the valley would not be a good idea…"

Moisture drifted in through the gap in the open car window.

Eagle sat in the car and listened to the novel with great interest while looking around from time to time.

At this time, a voice came from the earbud in his left ear, "Eagle, is there anything happening?"

"No, the old ladies still haven’t left the square they’re dancing at yet," Eagle responded, "Say, these old ladies are really catching up to the trend nowadays. I haven’t even heard much of the songs they’re playing."

However, Lu Yuan’s voice sounded interrupted, and he said coldly, "Be alert boys, in two hours, our comrades from the secret service team will arrive in Luo City upon completing their mission. By then, we’ll have enough people for rotational shifts. Make this last shift count."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir… Captain Lu, there seems to be a fire breaking out from the floor above Liu Dezhu’s apartment. It seems quite intense." Gourd1A nickname said.

Lu Yuan said calmly, "I saw it too. This isn’t a regular house fire. It’s spreading way too fast."

Eagle said, "I just heard from the weather that there will be heavy rain tonight."

"This must be because someone wants to force Liu Dezhu out. They know that Kun Lun has already occupied a favorable position here, so they want to set a different battlefield or drive out the entire building’s residents to create chaos." Lu Yuan continued to analyze, "The heavy rain is coming soon, and the fire will not continue for a long time, but no one can withstand the thick smoke inside. It’s going to become chaotic here soon."

The assassins hired by the Wang family didn’t want to wait any longer.

The opponent was well prepared and wanted to create chaos with fire later in the night.

But the sudden rainstorm disrupted everyone’s plans. They had to act before the rain started to pour, otherwise, they would lose their only chance.

"Eagle, don’t guard the gates anymore. It’s dangerous for you to be there alone. Get out of the car. Come toward Rock Candy and meet us. Prepare to fight," commanded Lu Yuan.

However, before he could move, Eagle suddenly saw through the car window, a black figure standing not far away, staring at him in the dark night.

The person was wearing a black raincoat, and his face was mostly covered under the raincoat’s hood.

They both seemed to have locked onto each other. Both waited, but both didn’t know what was going to happen next.

In the communication channel, Rock Candy asked, "Eagle, where are you?"

But Eagle didn’t reply. A drop of sweat came sliding down his temples.

The fire in the building in the distance was getting bigger and bigger. Thick smoke gushed out from more than a dozen windows.


In the dark clouds above the sky, the water vapor condensed quickly after encountering the cold air and finally gathered into a drop of water, falling downward.

That drop of water passed through the clouds, flying across the sky.



The droplet hit the hood of the taxi.

The earthy smell in the air quickly spread, and the sky seemed to have been ripped open. The rain came pouring down like a curtain. The sky became even darker.

In the distance, the old ladies, who were dancing, packed the speakers in a hurry and ran away one after the other.

Eagle saw the assassin wearing the black raincoat walking towards him slowly, but stopped again.

Dozens of old ladies, covering their heads with their hands, rushed over, trying to get into the Xinglong Community.

They passed between the assassin and the taxi as if a short curtain had been drawn between the two.

Click. Xiaoying got off the car quickly. He wanted to prevent the killer from taking the people hostage!

But the moment he opened the car door, he couldn’t help but freeze again.

After the group of old ladies went past, the assassin was still standing there.

There was nothing blocking their vision, but the assassin didn’t budge. A playing card stuck out from the back of his head, and blood was coming out from the crack formed in his skull.

Forming the shape of a bolt of lightning, the blood flowed from his forehead to his chin.

The assassin’s eyes were wide open, seemingly in disbelief.

But Eagle discovered that the assassin’s raincoat had been taken away at some point, revealing the black jacket that the assassin was wearing under the raincoat.

The dead assassin fell backward on his back and slammed heavily into a puddle of water.

Eagle quickly looked toward the group that went past him, just in time to see someone in the crowd quickly putting on a black raincoat, and running into the gates in a blink of an eye.

The Xinglong Community, one of the earliest commercially available residential buildings in Luo City, was very large, with a total of more than 60 residential apartment buildings.

Normally, one wouldn’t realize how complex the terrain was, but now Eagle felt that it was like a maze, swallowing people up in an instant.

Eagle closed the taxi door, ran towards the assassin, and said in the communication channel, "Captain Lu, an unknown person has entered the area. I was just spotted by an assassin at the gate, but someone mixed in the group of dancers killed the assassin and took the assassin’s raincoat."

"Where is he?" Lu Yuan asked solemnly.

"He went into the neighborhood, but I think he’s on our side," said Eagle.

He knelt down to check the assassin’s injuries, but he suddenly found that the assassin’s forehead was struck by an ordinary playing card.

The card had nothing special.

Just now, the Eagle was too far away to see clearly and thought it was a card-shaped weapon, but in the pouring rain, the card was dampened by the water and limply attached to the assassin’s forehead.

In astonishment, Eagle looked toward the Xinglong Community. How did the person manage to drive a piece of paper card into the hardest human bone, the skull?

He turned over the soaked card, and the joker, whose surface was stained gray by the rain, was laughing silently.

The joker’s red lips seemed to be stretching all the way to his ears.

"Captain Lu, the person who entered the area is a superhuman," Eagle said, "Level unknown."

Lu Yuan asked, "Is there a wound on the spleen?"

Eagle flipped open the assassin’s black jacket. "Captain Lu, there are no other wounds."

Lu Yuan was a little puzzled. This was different from what they predicted.

More than one residential building caught fire.

In just a few minutes, three residential buildings were on fire, and even the heavy rain could not disperse the thick smoke.

The concrete structure, built to shelter the residents from the weather, now isolated the inside and outside of the building. It was pouring outside, but the fire inside was spreading rapidly, trapping the heat as well.

The heavy rainfall outside the building muffled most of the noise, but Liu Dezhu’s family inside their apartment could still hear the quick footsteps in the corridor.

Everyone was rushing down.

"Mom, Dad, hurry up," Liu Dezhu ignored Qing Chen’s advice, not because he didn’t want to follow, but because he had no other choice.

Although he didn’t know what dangers he would face after going out, anything would be better than being burnt to death in the building.

"Let me get an umbrella, it’s raining outside!" Wang Shufen said.

"We’ll die if we wait any longer." Liu Youcai rushed outside, taking his wife with him. As soon as the door was opened, everyone saw the thick, black smoke billowing from the ceiling of the corridor. Dust from the smoke made everyone start to cough.

Shouts and gasps filled the corridor, and everyone was running desperately.

The old building had seven floors with no elevators.

There was only one staircase as an escape route.

Liu Dezhu rushed into the room, then ran back out again, "Use the towel to cover your mouth and nose!"

As he was handing the towel to his parents, a panicked middle-aged man rushed down from upstairs and accidentally bumped into Wang Shufen with his shoulder when passing by Liu Dezhu’s house.

Both of them tumbled down the stairs.

"Mom!" Liu Dezhu was anxious.

He rushed down the steps to help Wang Shufen up but saw that his mother’s ankle was twisted irregularly, obviously fractured.

"Dezhu, don’t worry about me. Get down first and let your father help me," Wang Shufen said worriedly.

"My dad can’t carry you," said Liu Dezhu, putting his mother on his back, and then shouted toward Liu Youcai, "Dad, what are you waiting for? Get down!"

Liu Dezhu was really thankful that he took the genetic injection. Without it, he might not be able to carry his mother on his back.

The family of three ran downstairs. The middle-aged man who bumped into Wang Shufen also got up. Liu Dezhu had the urge to kick him but ended up holding back.

Wang Shufen was lying on her son’s back. After the fracture, she couldn’t feel any pain, but now that some time had passed, the pain started catching up to her.

But she didn’t make a sound, fearing that her pain would distract her son.

Liu Dezhu, who carried his mother on his back, ran down the stairs while muttering, "Mom, don’t be afraid. The fire started upstairs, so we should be safe running down. I am not an ordinary person now. Carrying you on my back is not a problem."

Hearing her son’s words, Wang Shufen felt that her ankle didn’t hurt as much anymore.

When the three of them exited the building, they found that there were hundreds of residents gathered around.

The fire came so quickly that most people didn’t even have time to take an umbrella. Dense raindrops pounded on everyone’s heads. People, looking toward the smoke coming out from the top of the building, seemed helpless and dazed.

People who brought phones dialed 1192The emergency number for fire breakouts in China, and those who didn’t have to wait in the rain.

Liu Dezhu looked around with his mother on his back.

No matter how ignorant he might be, Liu Dezhu could still tell that someone intentionally started the fire to force him out of the building and take advantage of the chaos.

But where are the assassins? He thought to himself.

The large community had four main gates and two side entrances.

In the torrential rain, six teams wearing black raincoats were quietly entering the community from six directions.

There were six of them in each team, slowly walking into the community in a standard infiltration tactical formation.

Three in the front, one on each side, and one at the rear.

Under their raincoats, everyone’s hand was either on a gun or a blade handle.

The rain splashed on their raincoats, making a consistent rhythm.

The assassin walked on the puddled streets, not distracted by the noisy environment.

The team leader leading the team at the West was the first to sense that something was wrong. He looked back but found nothing unusual.

However, the leader soon realized what was wrong.

Repeatedly, he counted the number of people behind him: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…


Including him, that would be seven.

The leader tensed up instantly. Although everyone had the same raincoat on, they got an unexpected company!

The leader swiftly pulled out the dagger from the outside of his thigh and rushed toward the person at the back. His dagger pointed right at the last person in the formation.

Water dropped off from the hood of his raincoat. As he rotated his body, the rainwater formed a wild splash next to him.

The other assassins also realized what happened and quickly stepped aside. All except for the one at the back, who was barely able to stand straight.


The leader finally could see clearly that his teammate’s eyes were closed and had died. The person’s left abdomen, where his spleen was, had a large hole.

Before, the dead assassin was being held up, and it wasn’t until the leader found out that they had an extra person did the killer release the corpus.

When he realized this, a foot kicked him from his side.

With a bang, the leader’s body flew out sideways.

The kick was hard, packed with strength beyond a normal human. The leader felt that he was hit by a truck, and his bones were about to fall apart

As he flew out to the left, the rain falling from the sky hadn’t had time to fill the gap, forming a human-shaped rain tunnel in the air!

As the leader looked toward the attacker through the hole, a bolt of lightning flashed across the vast sky above their heads, lighting up this moment.

To his surprise, the assassin saw a young face under the raincoat’s hood.

Unbelievably young.

It was Qing Chen.

However, what the team leader couldn’t accept was that the teenager’s attention was no longer on him as if the teenager had already known that he would no longer be able to fight.

Qing Chen ducked down to avoid a dagger stabbing from behind him and circled behind the person. He had a playing card between his fingers. With a gentle slice, the assassin’s neck burst open with blood.

Rain and blood fell together on the ground, forming a dense mixture.

No one knew why the paper card was as sharp as a knife in the teenager’s hand.

No, sharper than a knife.

Silently, Qing Chen held the assassin’s body in front of him with one hand and slowly moved to the right.

The other assassins looked at him silently.

He was holding an adult with one hand as if he was carrying a bottle of cooking oil.

The three assassins looked at each other. They were facing a superhuman!

At the same time, they reached for their gun.

But, hiding behind the body, the teenager only had half of his face exposed.

None of the assassins could be confident enough to make the shot under this condition.

In the darkness, Qing Chen’s breathing was unprecedentedly stable.

The four of them moved, each constantly adjusting their position a little bit at a time. There seemed to be a string connecting all of them together, getting tighter and tighter.

Qing Chen found the gun on the assassin’s body.

At this very moment…

Another flash of lightning went across the sky.

At the same time, all three assassins heard a strange breathing sound.

In the cold autumn rain, the teenager breathed out a thin white mist.

With the lightning lighting up the night, everyone saw the fire patterns on the teenager’s face!

"Don’t run away," Qing Chen said calmly.

After what seemed to be a long time, the team leader, who was lying in the rain and struggling to get up, suddenly heard footsteps approaching through the stagnant water.

Slowing turning to look over, he saw his teammates lying in the rain.

The teenager who had killed them all was squatting next to him, wrapping something around his wrist.

The leader wanted to get up, but his every muscle was in pain.

In the loud rain, Qing Chen pointed a gun at the leader’s head and said, "What’s your name? Tell me, and you have a chance to live. If you don’t, you’ll die now."

The team leader was in extreme pain, and he had a hunch that after he said his name, his fate would be in the hands of the teenager.

But the cold muzzle on his temple was telling him that if he didn’t say his name, he would have no fate.

"Xu Yicheng."

In the dark night, the leader’s body became like a marionette, standing up against the pouring rain in a posture that completely violated the basic range of motion for the human body.

His dislocated bones crackled.

In a building, Lu Yuan stood quietly in front of a window.

The current status of the battle was being reported back through the communication channel, "Combat Team One encountered the East gate assassins."

"Combat Team Two has encountered the North gate assassins."

As if Kun Lun knew the assassin’s plans long before, there were teams ambushed on the paths going into the community, waiting for the assassins to come.

Lu Yuan said in the communication channel, "The targets are armed with guns. Don’t hesitate. Shoot them on the spot."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

However, at this moment, Lu Yuan asked in the communication channel, "Team Six, have you not encountered the assassins from the West gate?"

"Captain Lu, no."

That was weird. According to the intelligence they collected, the assassins should come in through all six gates, so why didn’t Team Six encounter anyone?

"Go check. They must have entered the community. We must find them," Lu Yuan commanded, "Be extra cautious."

He frowned and waited, but five minutes later someone reported, "Captain Lu, Captain Lu, assassins from the West gate are dead!"

"Dead?" Lu Yuan raised his head suddenly: "How many died? Did you kill them?"

"Five in total, one is missing. We didn’t kill them," Team Six reported the situation, "Two people were cut in the throat, two were shot, and one had a ruptured spleen. One of the assassin’s guns is missing. Someone probably took it."

Lu Yuan’s eyes lit up. Finally, the teenager appeared.

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