No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 109 Blessing.

Chapter 109 Blessing.

[Amidst the Clay household.]

"Ouch!" Old Man Clay winced in pain as he received treatment from his daughter-in-law, Luminae Clay.

"Be still father,"The room was filled with tension and concern as Luminae tended to his injuries, while Eldrathil, Clay’s wife, sat on a chair at a distance, appearing angry but deeply worried about her husband.

Clay and Eldrathil had led a long life together, blessed with two sons in their time. However, Clay’s absence for the past two decades had left a void in their lives. Elves, with their long lifespans, often lost track of time and the importance of returning home. Now, Clay was paying the price for his prolonged absence.

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"Why return now? After all this time!" Eldrathil’s voice held a mixture of anger and concern as she voiced her frustration.

Luminae, with a gentle smile on her face, finished treating Clay and stepped back slightly. She observed the interaction between her husband’s parents with amusement. "Now, Mother, it’s not fair to be worried about him all this time and then pout when he finally returns. You’ve missed him, haven’t you?"

Eldrathil’s face is flushed with a mixture of emotions. "I am not pouting!" she retorted, her voice carrying a hint of stubbornness. "Tell that old man to leave. I don’t want to see his face!"

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Clay looked at Eldrathil, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and longing. He understood her anger and the pain he had caused her by his absence. But deep down, he hoped for forgiveness and a chance to rebuild their bond.

Clay took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and summoning the courage to speak. With a gentle and heartfelt tone, he addressed Eldrathil, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Eldrathil, my love, I know I’ve caused you pain and worry with my absence. I cannot change the past, but I want you to know that I deeply regret not being there for you and our family. These past years have made me realize the true importance of time and the love we share."

Eldrathil’s anger softened as she listened to Clay’s words. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and the remorse in his voice. Her heart ached for the time lost, but she couldn’t deny the love that still lingered between them.

Clay continued, his voice trembling with emotion. "I’ve returned not just because I missed you and our family, but because I want to make things right. I want to be the husband and father you deserve. I understand if it will take time for you to forgive me, but I am here, willing to put in the effort and rebuild what we had."

Luminae watched the exchange with a hopeful smile, silently rooting for her father-in-law. She had seen the pain in Eldrathil’s eyes during those long years of waiting, but she also knew that forgiveness and healing were possible.

Eldrathil’s gaze softened as she looked into Clay’s eyes, seeing the genuine remorse and determination within them. She sighed, her anger dissipating, replaced by a mixture of sadness and longing. "Clay, you have caused me much heartache, but deep down, I still love you," she confessed, her voice laced with vulnerability.

Clay stepped closer, taking Eldrathil’s hands on his own. "I love you too, Eldrathil. More than words can express. I promise to make it up to you, to cherish every moment we have together. Please, let me prove that I am committed to rebuilding our love and trust."

Tears welled up in Eldrathil’s eyes as she realized the depth of Clay’s remorse and the sincerity of his words. Slowly, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Alright, Clay," she said, her voice filled with a mix of forgiveness and hope. "Let’s start anew, together."

Luminae’s words hung in the air, shattering the fragile moment of reconciliation. Clay’s face turned pale as he realized his attempt to win back Eldrathil’s heart had been exposed. He felt a sudden surge of intense aura emanating from Eldrathil, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

Without a word, Eldrathil’s anger flared once again, and she swiftly delivered another round of punishment to Clay, leaving him speechless and regretful.

Just then, the door swung open, and a man entered the house. It was their son, Elendir, a mixture of relief and concern evident on his face. He glanced at the scene before him, taking in his father’s battered state and his mother’s resolute expression.

"Oh, Dad, you’re here!" he exclaimed, a hint of worry in his voice. "People were telling me that you’ve... Oh, it looks like Mom did her job."

Clay managed a weak smile, rubbing his sore cheek. "Yes, your mother certainly did her job," he replied with a touch of humor, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. "But it’s good to see you, Elendir. I’ve missed you."

Elendir approached Clay, concern evident in his eyes. "I’ve missed you too, Dad," he said, embracing him in a gentle hug. "But you really should have come back sooner. Mom was worried sick, and she had every right to be."

Clay nodded, his expression filled with remorse. "I know, son. I should have been here for your mother and for you. I can’t change the past, but I promise you, I’m here now, and I’m ready to make amends."

Elendir’s gaze softened, a mixture of understanding and forgiveness in his eyes. "Anyways, you’re here for the departure of Princess Elsa, right?" he asked.

The relationship between the Hestia Empire and Elishia Forest is in a bit of heat, causing a ruckus. To cease this public turmoil, the royal family has decided to send their daughter to the Imperial Academy as a way to prove that everything is good between them.

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"Nope," Clay answered, leaving everyone confused. "I’m here because my grandchild, Amelia, is going to be awarded a medal by the royal family themselves." He puffed out his chest proudly.

"So she told you, huh... Well, no surprise for you then. The ceremony is tonight under the World Tree. We all are going to give our blessings to those who are leaving."

"Understood!" Old Man Clay gave a goofy salute, his playful nature shining through despite the appearance he maintains to the outside world.

He was loved by everyone in his family for his lightheartedness and charm.

As the sun went down, they all made their way to the World Tree under the starry night sky. The majestic World Tree looked ethereal, casting a magical glow over the surroundings.

Elves gathered near the stage, finding seats on the tree branches or even sitting on the ground. The stage itself was not grand, but it was positioned just below the World Tree, high enough for tens of thousands of elves to see their ruler.

The Clay family had a special seating arrangement due to their connection to Amelia. They were seated very close to the stage, allowing them a clear view of the royal family.

On the side of the stage, large magic artifacts glimmered with an otherworldly light. A group of elven mages approached them, channeling their mana into the artifacts. As their magic flowed, intricate runes etched on the artifacts began to glow, and a magnificent arch-shaped holographic screen materialized above the stage.

The holographic screen displayed the face of the royal family, their images projected in vivid detail for everyone to see. The crowd of elves turned their attention to the screen, their anticipation growing as they awaited the commencement of the ceremony. The magical display added an aura of grandeur to the event, enhancing the sense of reverence and importance surrounding the royal family’s presence.

The holographic image displayed a dignified and regal elven king, with long silver hair cascading down to his shoulders, adorned with a crown of intricately woven leaves and gems. His piercing emerald eyes exuded wisdom and compassion, and his aura commanded respect and authority. His name was King Thranduil Starleaf.

Beside King Thranduil stood the elven queen, Queen Eloque Starleaf. Her beauty was ethereal, with flowing golden hair that seemed to shimmer like sunlight. Her deep sapphire eyes radiated kindness and grace, and her presence exuded a sense of warmth and elegance that endeared her to the hearts of the elven people.

Next to the royal couple stood Princess Elsa Starleaf, their daughter. Her appearance was a perfect blend of her parents’ features. She had long, lustrous silver hair that cascaded down her back, and her eyes were a mesmerizing mix of emerald green and sapphire blue. Princess Elsa’s smile was enchanting, and her adventurous spirit was evident in her every movement.

Besides Princess Elsa stood her younger brother, Prince Eamon Starleaf. He shared the same silver hair as his family, but his eyes were a striking amethyst color, a rare trait inherited from a distant ancestor. Despite his royal upbringing, Prince Eamon had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, hinting at his playful and spirited nature.

As the holographic images of the royal family were displayed, the crowd of elves erupted into applause and admiration. The love and respect they held for their royal family were evident in the way they cheered and praised their rulers. It was a moment of unity and pride, a celebration of the bond between the elves and their beloved monarchs.

Soon, the medal giving ceremony commenced, and one by one, warriors with remarkable feats were called onto the stage. The announcer’s voice boomed with enthusiasm as he called out, "Next, we have the brave warrior Amelia Clay! She has undertaken the greatest rescue operation in the past century, retrieving 200 slaves, including fifty of our own kin!"

Amelia, a tall and valiant woman, stepped onto the stage, clad in a gleaming suit of knight armor.

Amelia possesses striking features with piercing emerald eyes, flowing golden hair, everyone’s attention. It was Clay, Amelia’s grandfather, unable to contain his excitement and bursting with pride. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "She’s my and a determined expression. Her athletic figure exudes strength and grace, accentuated by well-defined curves that hint at her formidable combat prowess.

"""!!!!!!!!!!!!""""The crowd erupted in pride and admiration as they witnessed her heroic achievements. She knelt before the king, and with a gracious gesture, he presented her with the medal. Standing tall, Amelia accepted the honor bestowed upon her.

Amidst the applause and cheers, a sudden voice cut through the noise, capturing everyone’s attention. It was Clay, Amelia’s grandfather, unable to contain his excitement and bursting with pride. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "She’s my grandchild, Ami! Wave at Gramps! I am here, and I am so happy for you!"

Amelia’s face flushed with embarrassment as she awkwardly waved at her endearing, albeit eccentric, grandfather. The king raised his hand, signaling for the crowd to quiet down. As the silence settled, he spoke with a chuckle, addressing Clay, "Is that you, Clay?"

Clay, unabashedly, replied, "It is indeed! It’s good to see you again. Sorry for the disturbance." His words carried the familiarity and warmth of old friends who had shared many memories together. In fact, they had once been batchmates in an official elven institute, forging a bond that transcended time.

With their brief exchange, the occasion continued, leaving the audience in a state of bewilderment and intrigue. Their imaginations ran wild as they tried to make sense of the unexpected encounter between the king and the lively old man, Clay.

Elsa stood by her mother’s side, her demeanor filled with humility and anticipation. As the elves gathered around, a hush fell over the crowd. With a synchronous motion, they clasped their hands before their chests, their hearts united in prayer.

"May the World Tree’s blessings be with you," they whispered in unison, their voices carrying a profound sense of reverence. In response, a breathtaking transformation occurred. Countless shimmering orbs of radiant green energy materialized before each praying individual, casting a mesmerizing glow that bathed the night in ethereal radiance.

These divine orbs, infused with the collective prayers of the elves, converged towards a singular destination—Elsa herself. Closing her eyes, she allowed the heartfelt prayers to envelop her being, filling her spirit with strength and guidance. Amidst this sea of shimmering lights, one particular orb deviated from its path, making its way towards Amelia, the valiant warrioress who stood below the stage.

Amelia recognized the unique prayer directed towards her and accepted its profound meaning. The ceremony concluded with a sense of wonder and anticipation, as the departure of Amelia alongside the princess unfolded as a new chapter in Clay’s life—a chapter he had not foreseen.

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