No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 134 Transcendents.

Year: 1738

Date: 15

Month: Astralis

Time: 9:00 AM


"La ? la ? la ? la ? la ? la ?," the melodious humming filled the air as a beautiful woman went about her daily tasks. Her voice was harmonious and soothing, it seemed to add an enchanting aura to her already mesmerizing presence.

Her long, lustrous black hair cascaded down to her hips, shimmering like a waterfall in the sunlight that came from the window. The way it swayed with every movement was a mesmerizing sight to behold. Her pale white skin, flawless and delicate, seemed to glow softly in the warm light, adding to her ethereal charm.

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"And done," Rose said as she meticulously tidied up Ren’s room, a task she performed every two months since he left home. She carefully avoided doing a deep cleaning, understanding that going through the belongings of a teenage boy might invade his privacy.

"It’s no good to go through the belongings of a teenage boy, right?" Rose mused, crossing her arms with a sense of self-satisfaction for respecting her son’s space.

Ten long months had passed since Ren’s departure, and he hadn’t contacted his parents even once. This had left them both anxious and nervous about his well-being. However, being seasoned adventurers in their prime, they understood the challenges of staying in touch while constantly traveling.

"Rose!" A thunderous call rang out, jolting her from her thoughts. It was unusual for Chris to shout like that.

"Chris?" Rose immediately dropped everything she was holding and rushed out of the room, her heart pounding with worry.

She hurried down the stairs and into the living room, where she found Chris standing, visibly concerned. But what surprised her was Marylin, their childhood friend, who stood before Chris with a somber expression.

"What happened...? Marylin?" Rose’s concern shifted to her old friend as she saw the emptiness in Marylin’s eyes.

Marylin’s eyes remained silently fixated on the table, where a letter lay. The sight of the letter instantly sent shivers down Rose’s spine. It was like... she had seen it before – black paper adorned with an intricate illustration of an eagle holding a sword in its left claw. The symbol was ominous to them, and it filled the room with an air of dread.

The blood in her veins turned cold, and the atmosphere felt suffocating. Her eyes lost their color as she asked, "What is the meaning of this?"


There was no response, as if this question weighed heavily on everyone’s minds, and no one was happy. It wasn’t only Rose who was angry; Marylin looked as though she wanted to tear the person who wrote the letter from the roots, and Chris... his eyes had long lost their focus as if he was struggling to control himself. The tension in the room was palpable, and the unease hung heavy in the air.

Seeing their reactions, Rose calmed herself down, realizing that nothing productive would come out of the situation if they all responded with the same level of fear and anxiety.

"Marylin," Rose called, taking a deep breath to ease the wrinkles on her forehead, "Why don’t you take a seat? I’ll make us some tea, and I also have those cookies you brought last time." She tried to smile, hoping to create a more comforting atmosphere.

Realization struck Marylin, and she realized how immature her reaction had been. They were no longer the young teenagers they used to be; they didn’t have to be as scared as they were in the past.

"I’m sorry... I mean, why not? Yes, I’d like to have some cookies," Marylin said, trying to regain her composure as she grabbed a nearby chair and sat down.

Rose then placed her hand gently on Chris’s shoulder and said in a soothing voice, "You too, dear."

Chris nodded without saying a word, but his expression remained unchanged, and his feelings of hatred still lingered. Nonetheless, he grabbed a nearby chair and sat on the opposite side of Marylin.

Rose sighed, looking at both of them, and went into the kitchen to prepare some tea. Returning to the living room, she placed the tea on the table and sat beside her husband.

"Did you open it?" Rose asked, even though the answer was clear from the intact seal.

"No, I did not," Marylin answered, her usual happy mood was nowhere to be found. The tension in the room was still palpable, and the letter’s presence weighed heavily on their minds.

"Okay," Rose took a sip from her cup and leaned backward in her chair, just enough so that it would fall if she leaned any further.


With a light push, she adjusted the couch behind her, moving it a little farther away from them.

"What? It was something Chris and I bought when we first moved here years ago... I can’t have it be damaged, can I?" Rose said with a smile, correcting her posture.


Her husband and best friend couldn’t help but chuckle at her reaction.

"Okay now, Marylin," Rose said, pointing at the letter and adding, "Create a space."

These words carried weight, as the magic she asked Marylin to use was not to be taken lightly. It was one of the most advanced forms of spatial arts.

Creating a space for themselves was completely different from just shifting from one place to another within a certain area. It was like cutting the place they were in from the whole world itself, and it required a highly skilled mage to perform such a feat.

Spatial arts are skills that can only be learned by those who have surpassed a certain level of strength, typically reaching 7 or 8 stars in the human world. However, even within this realm of ability, there are different levels to these spatial arts, with complexity and risk increasing as one delves deeper into this arcane discipline.

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When traversing through existing space, spatial mages must carefully manipulate the fragile yet intricate panel of space using their elemental manifestation. This delicate process allows them to move from one point to another within the existing fabric of reality. It requires precision and control, as even a slight misstep could lead to disastrous consequences.

On the other hand, creating a new space is a far more complex endeavor. It involves tearing apart the fabric of reality and forming a pocket dimension. To do this successfully, the spatial mage must not only possess immense power but also an acute understanding of the dimensional intricacies involved.

The risks are significant. If a spatial mage fails to transport all of themselves and their surroundings safely behind the specific fragile panel of space they are trying to manipulate, the consequences can be deadly. The spatial rupture could collapse upon itself, consuming everything in its vicinity, regardless of the individual’s strength or abilities.

Due to the immense power and risk associated with spatial arts, many mages choose to avoid delving too deeply into this realm. Those who specialize in these skills are often held in high regard, but they also carry a heavy burden of responsibility. The potential for disaster is always present, making every spatial manipulation a careful and calculated endeavor.

"On it," Marylin said as her eyes turned... green. Yes, it’s not like her pupils were green, but her entire eyeball turned an ominous shade of green, making it look creepy.

She pulled her hand in front of her sternum and gathered a ball of Earth elemental mana, concentrating it to its utmost potential—at least as much as she knew.

The pattern began appearing all around them as gravity felt heavier, and the air crackled with the movement of mana in a specific pattern.

"Now," Marylin muttered as she released the sphere, but it didn’t disperse. Instead, it began moving—no, it was rotating.

The rotation reached a tremendous speed, and the swirling ball of green energy expanded. The space around Rose, Chris, and Marylin started to warp and twist, as if they were being pulled into another dimension.

The living room seemed to stretch and contort, as if the boundaries of reality were bending to accommodate the newly created space. Objects around them appeared to blur and ripple, losing their distinct shapes. They felt a momentary disorientation as the sensation of being transported washed over them.

Suddenly, with a soft thud, they found themselves sitting in an ethereal pocket of space. The colors of this space were muted and surreal, and a gentle glow emanated from the green ball of energy at the center.

"There, now we have our privacy," Marylin said, her voice echoing slightly within the enclosed space. "No one can hear or see us from outside."

Rose and Chris exchanged amazed glances, recognizing Marylin’s incredible feat. She had not only created a barrier of privacy but also transported the entire living room, along with them, into a different space.

As they looked around, the letter on the table remained untouched by the spatial shift. The ominous black paper with the eagle symbol seemed to mock them from its place.

The air crackled with energy as Chris removed the seemingly ordinary ring from his finger. Despite its simple appearance, the ring held profound significance and purpose, representing far more than just a mere wedding band.

He strengthened himself with mana causing his body to surge with energy. The once unassuming man underwent a remarkable transformation. His muscles expanded, and he grew visibly stronger, his physique becoming more formidable than before. His golden eyes, reminiscent of his son Ren’s, shimmered with a subtle glow, though lacking the same lively spark that characterized Ren’s eyes.

The aura surrounding Chris now spoke volumes of his prowess, hinting at the depths of strength he possessed. In his prime, Chris was a formidable adventurer, and even now, after years of relative peace, he still retained his power and combat prowess.

"Be careful, dear," Rose’s voice carried a hint of concern, for even though she had witnessed her husband’s strength countless times, it never ceased to amaze and worry her.

"I’ll be fine," Chris reassured her, his voice steady and determined.

Marylin, who was still maintaining the spatial arts, looked at Chris with a mix of awe and respect. She had seen Chris in action before, but every time he revealed his true strength, it left an indelible impression on her.

"Now, let’s see what’s inside this ominous letter," Chris said, his voice tinged with a hint of determination.

Last time, all of them were caught in a curse when they opened a letter that came from the Grav Kingdom royal family, so they are taking more caution this time.

Chris picked up the letter and opened it and—

"Huh?" His eyes widened as—

[Hello~ My old friends.]

"Wha—" Rose’s face went pale.

[I’ll have to hunt y’all down if you don’t come here, hehe.]

The message continued from the letter.

"It’s already time for the visit?" Marylin immediately dispersed the space as they all stared at each other in disbelief.

All three of them were so entangled in their daily lives that they forgot what they had to do to avoid it.

The visit won’t harm them, but it certainly wasn’t something they looked forward to.

"Well, as long as the twelve Transcendents are alive, they are just the spares," Marylin muttered.


At the same time, the bell rang at the house.

"Who might be here at this time?" Rose asked.


[A/N: Who the fuck is ringing the belllll!!!!]

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