No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 138 Guild Talk

"Everything, huh..." Clay looked at me, his eyes narrowing slightly, and I tightened my grip on the paperweight, feeling the weight of the moment. Our gazes locked, and I could sense a certain tension in the air, as if unspoken words were hanging in the space between us.

"I am not in the mood to play secrets," I declared firmly, deciding to cut through the ambiguity, "so you should tell me if you want me to...." I paused, letting the weight of my words settle.

"If I want to?" Clay leaned back a little in his chair, trying to read my expression, but I kept my poker face intact, not revealing my true intentions.

"If you want me to help Alver," I stated bluntly, "I do know that you were the one who put my name on that list of his, and when I talked to him, I can say I know a little about that project of his too."

I knew this might be a shot in the dark, but it was worth trying. The way Alver reacted when I found out about his plan of taking over the top Guild position in Grav Kingdom suggested that he wanted to keep it a secret.

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"..." Clay went silent for a while, his expression unreadable. Then, he showed a small smile, but his eyes held a hint of caution, "Ask anything you want, but I’ll only answer if I think it’s fine to tell you about it."

"What’s the full name of Alver? Where did he come from?" I asked, my voice steady as I delved into the basics, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"I don’t think you’d like my answer," Clay sighed, and I knew what he was going to say, "I don’t know his last name or where..." He paused, choosing his words carefully,

"When did he come to Sephra? How much did he pay for this Guild? And was this the first property he bought at the beginning of his ’Project’?" I didn’t want to waste time on the things he didn’t know but focused on the aspects he had knowledge of.

"You won’t even hear the full thing, huh," Clay mused, trying to gauge my intentions, "Exactly on the 13th of Luminos, if I remember correctly, and for the payment, he made it in fifteen Platinum coins, no slip. As for the last part, about this being the first property... I don’t know if that’s the case, but it’s likely."

"What kind of coins?" I asked, deciding to delve deeper, as I got up and walked up to the bookshelf in the corner of the room. Clay followed me with his eyes, curious about my inquiry.

"I just told you that they were Platinum coins, I don’t get your question, Sir Ren," Clay seemed totally oblivious to my query.

"Minting. I’m asking when they were minted," I explained, focusing on the finer details that might unravel the truth, "As the responsible person in the Guild, you might know that since it’s something that goes down in the official papers when payment is done using Platinum coins."

"Oh, that!" Clay exclaimed, as if he suddenly remembered, "But why do you need that information?"

"Do I need to tell you the reason when the information you’re willing to share is already limited and on your will? It won’t be a fair trade, will it?" I responded.

"You’re quite sharp-tongued, huh?" Clay tapped on the ring on his hand and pulled out a bunch of papers from the hidden compartment, indicating his spatial ring. I could see that he was wary but willing to cooperate.

"Five platinum coins from this decade, from 1730 to 1340, and ten coins from... umm..." Clay squinted his eyes as he continued, trying to recollect the information, "All ten of them are from 1700 to 1710."

Bingo! I thought, feeling a sense of satisfaction that one piece of the puzzle had fallen into place.

The Grav Kingdom only mints official platinum coins once a decade, so these dates are quite important as they tell a lot about the person who held them.


And I also found the book I was looking for; it was on the middle shelf, but I didn’t pull it, not for now at least.

"Have you bought any land in the Hestia Empire or Elishia Forest?" I asked sincerely, my curiosity growing.

"You know what, I think I might’ve made a mistake," Clay sighed, frustration evident in his voice, "From the moment you walked into the office, your confidence excited me about what you were going to do. But with every question you’re asking, I think I might’ve overestimated you."

Clay seemed fed up with his own patience, and I wondered if he was going to show me the way out.



"You still think the same?" I turned after injecting mana into the spine of the book I found, and I stepped sideways, revealing a hidden compartment behind the bookshelf.

"Wha!" The old man gasped in astonishment as he witnessed the bookshelf move, revealing a small locker hidden within the wall itself. The wall behind the bookshelf was made from different wood, much darker and full of engravings that would’ve triggered an explosion if I had injected mana into the wrong book.

"If you didn’t know about it before, then I’ll advise you to keep it a secret from Alver. There might be something important in there," I said sarcastically, my playful side showing as I tapped the bookshelf again, causing it to smoothly return to its original position.

"Ho-how did you...?" A visible question mark appeared on his face, and I couldn’t help but enjoy the satisfaction of answering some of my own questions.

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I leaned back in my chair, waiting for Clay to answer my question. He hesitated for a moment, eyeing me as if trying to gauge my intentions.

"I think you are quite weird yourself....just like Alver, that’s why I-" Clay began to say.

"Do I get an answer or not?" I interrupted him firmly, not letting him deflect the topic.

"Yeah, yeah," Clay sighed, seeming a bit exasperated with my persistence, "You are no fun for your age. No, we didn’t buy any land or property in Hestia Empire or Elishia Forest till now. I don’t know why, but Alver has never brought up the topic."

A full-fledged smile spread across my face as I received the information I needed.

"And at last, what’s the current position of Demacia Guild in the Grav Kingdom ranking?" I inquired, shifting the focus to their current progress.

Clay’s eyes darted to the side for a moment, as if he was trying to recall the exact information. "It’s 55th...," he said, his voice filled with a mix of pride and surprise, "It went up by 200 ranks in just a few months after the new Guild Master took over."

I nodded, noting the subtle twinkle in Clay’s eyes as he mentioned the improvement. His fingers drummed gently on the desk, a sign of his excitement and perhaps nervousness in my presence.

"With this, my questions end," I declared, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "If you want, you can ask me questions if you have any."

As I sat there, the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and the picture of Alver and his background became a little clearer... actually, a lot clearer. I could feel a growing sense of determination within me.


Clay rang the bell on his desk, and within a few minutes, the door swung open, and Astrid entered the room with a tray in her hand, carrying tea. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her hands trembled a bit as she placed the tray on the table.

"Haha, take it," Clay chuckled, gesturing towards the tea as he picked up the cup that Astrid placed in front of him. His movements were fluid and confident, displaying his experience and leadership.

"Why not?" I chuckled too, playing along as I picked up the cup from the tray and then placed it back on the table. I couldn’t help but notice Astrid’s curious glance at me, as if she was trying to figure out who I really was.

... silence...

"Astrid... I think that was all. You can go back," Clay said, dismissing the girl who was still looking at me while hugging the tray close. Her eyes flitted between Clay and me, her nervousness evident in the way she bit her lower lip.

"Yeah, Mrs. Astrid, it would be bad if there isn’t anyone responsible at the counter. You should go back," I added with a reassuring smile, not wanting her to be there for any awkward encounters.

Astrid hesitated for a moment before nodding, and with a small smile, she quickly left the room, her hurried steps echoing in the corridor.

As the door closed, the room seemed to settle into a comfortable silence, only the soft sound of Clay sipping his tea breaking the stillness.

The air was thick with unspoken words and tension, but I knew that Clay and I understood each other, even without saying much.

Clay’s eyes were filled with a mixture of nostalgia and determination as he spoke about his connection to Demacia Guild. His hand moved gracefully, controlling the paperweight as it floated in the air, symbolizing his years of experience and expertise.

"I still don’t know what our Guild Master has in mind or why he wants to ascend to the league of the world’s top best, but I do know that kid has a big goal, and I admire him for that," Clay continued, his voice holding a tinge of admiration and respect for Alver.

"I dedicated my life to seeking adventures and exploring everything, and one day, I joined this Guild, Demacia Guild," he continued, his words carrying the weight of his long journey. "This place itself has a history of its own, and I became a part of it. So, this Guild is closest to my heart, as if it’s my own child. I’m selfish enough to want it to grow much more than others."

His words resonated with me, and I understood the passion and love he held for the Guild. I could see that Clay wanted to ensure that Demacia Guild continued to flourish even in his absence.

"That’s why I want you to take on the responsibility of becoming the Guild Master for one of the branches," he said firmly, his gaze locking with mine. "I believe in you, Ren. I see your potential, and I know you can bring greatness to this Guild. Alver needs help from individuals like you and from my point of view you are the best choice."

’Now don’t go ahead and say the same word as if it’s patent on your name,’ looks like Blaze is back as his voice entered my mind.

"Nope" I answered, I don’t think being a Guild Master is my type of thing but I might have something on my mind.


[A/N: How’d he find the bookshelf???]

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