No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 165 My Legacy?

Chapter 165 My Legacy?

"Ha!" I stretched both my arms above my head and arched my back forward slightly. I slept quite soundly last night.

Looking around, I noticed that Smokeball was still asleep. I wondered about the time. Opening the window, I could tell that there was still about an hour or so until sunrise.

The dorm’s location is set quite far back, making it hard to see the academy’s main building. I imagined that Headmaster Stormborne hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. I mean, who wouldn’t be worried upon hearing about the potential war with a neighboring country?

The first war between Elishia Forest and the Hestia Empire has begun. It’s even more complicated considering that Elishia Forest sent their daughter to study at the Hestia Empire’s most prestigious academy.

Amelia, being the go-getter she is, is determined to take Elsa, the elven princess, back to their home nation. But Elsa refuses, stating that her parents would never declare war against the Hestia Empire, especially not while she’s here.

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And then, enter Adam, who suggests, "Let’s go to Elishia Forest to resolve this matter." And as per usual, everyone agrees because they believe in the wisdom of the protagonist. Of course, this results in them getting caught by the Elishia Forest military.

The reason for the war? Well, the elder board of high elves are at odds with each other. There’s a growing friction in the political landscape, leading to the formation of two factions. One believes that the current king is too soft and can’t see that the Hestia Empire is exploiting them through underhanded methods.

Yet, the current king remains silent. I agree with that perspective. Adiel Velcrow, the current king of the Hestia Empire, is indeed a ruthless man.

1. **Resource Drain**: The Hestia Empire has been imposing heavy taxes on Elishia Forest, exploiting its abundant magical resources which include rare herbs, enchanted woods, and potent crystals. These resources are not only vital for the technological advancement and military might of the Hestia Empire, but they are also crucial to the delicate magical equilibrium and economy of Elishia Forest. This relentless drain is causing a severe disruption in the forest’s own economic and magical stability, leading to growing resentment.

2. **Territorial Encroachment**: Over the passage of years, the Hestia Empire has been gradually encroaching upon the borders of Elishia Forest. They have established settlements, mining operations, and military outposts on the outskirts of the forest, dangerously close to the sacred lands of the elves. This encroachment not only poses a threat to the natural harmony of the forest but also defiles the sacred spaces of the elven people, igniting a spark of anger and defiance among the Elishian populace.

3. **Forced Magic Trade**: Elishia Forest has been coerced into a trade agreement with the Hestia Empire that is heavily skewed in the latter’s favor. This agreement mandates the export of magical artifacts and enchanted items from Elishia Forest at significantly reduced prices. The Hestia Empire then profits immensely by selling these items at exorbitant rates in their own markets. This exploitative trade dynamic has resulted in economic stagnation and inequality within Elishia Forest, breeding resentment and bitterness among the elves.

These three pivotal factors, combined with deeply rooted political and cultural tensions, have pushed Elishia Forest to a point of no return.

A faction within the elven society, favoring a confrontational approach, believes that challenging the Hestia Empire head-on is the only way to safeguard their land, resources, and future.

"As tensions rise, alliances form, and battle lines are drawn, the stage is ominously set for an all-encompassing conflict that threatens to consume the entire region in its flames." A voice entered my mind, and I looked back to see that Smokeball was awake.

"Morning," I greeted.

"At least add ’good’ before saying ’morning’," he scoffed.

"Whatever," I looked outside and observed the sun slowly rising above the horizon, its golden glint blending with the sky.

"Was there no resistance from King Thranduil Starleaf?" He asked, having retrieved the name of the elven king from my memories.

"About him and his entire family, they are locked in the dungeon, while control lies in the hands of the High Elves board," I explained.

It’s quite amusing that the only nation on this continent, Grav, actually has a stable government. They have a king, but most of the time, they don’t interfere with their democratic system. The game developers seemed quite modern when adding that aspect.

As for the Hestia Empire, the king and the aristocratic faction nullify each other’s influence to maintain a balance, which is similar to the situation between the royal family of Elishia Forest and the High Elves board.

"Anyway, it looks like you’re quite excited for today," Blaze ones that are not easily found."

Elves board.

"Anyway, it looks like you’re quite excited for today," Blaze commented.

"Well, yes, I am interested to see what kind of beasts I’ll encounter today," I replied. "I’ve come across a variety of monsters in the Nightshade Sanctum and during my journey, but there are still rare ones that are not easily found."

In the game, the only beast that was introduced to Class A was the one showcased briefly, and that too for a short amount of time.

I turned away from the window, only to hear the distinct sound of *flap flap*. Immediately, I looked back, tracking the source of the flapping wings.

It was an azure bird, and it looked strangely familiar.


Without hesitation, I conjured a fireball and launched it at the bird. The fireball struck its target, and the bird plummeted to the ground.

"Hup," I exclaimed, jumping down from the window. I landed easily, the two-story drop.

"Ugh, what is this?" I grumbled irritably as I held the lifeless bird in my palm. It was small and mostly charred from the fireball impact.

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The bird’s appearance was eerily similar to the one that frequently visited my room back in Sephra, which was a rather unsettling thought.

"Kyaaa!!" A high-pitched voice suddenly echoed, and I turned my head to see a girl in a track suit jogging by. It was the same girl who had scoffed at me during Headmaster Stormborne’s visit.

Her face turned beet red as she covered her eyes with her hands, peeking through the gaps between her fingers. I glanced down and realized that I was shirtless, which made her reaction even more amusing.

"Wh-why are you roaming around half n-naked?" she stammered, flustered. I couldn’t resist a mischievous smile.

Stepping forward, I tilted my head and teasingly asked, "Why are you looking, though? Do you like what you see?" I leaned slightly to the side, trying to get a glimpse of her expression. However, her embarrassment got the best of her as she turned and bolted away, accusing me of being a pervert.

"Ouch, that hurt," I chuckled to myself, shaking my head as I jumped back into my room. The encounter had brought an unexpected smile to my face, adding a touch of playful sweetness to the morning.

"Well, she might end up thinking about you tonight," Blaze commented, his words carrying a playful tone. I simply chuckled in response, not taking the statement too seriously. After all, the encounter was just a lighthearted exchange.

[After a few hours]

I found myself standing on the academy grounds as the instructor introduced himself to the class.

Around twenty students, myself included, stood in a semi-circle around the instructor.

The instructor, a tall and elderly man with a mop of white hair that seemed to defy gravity, stood at the front of the group. His age was evident in the deep lines etched on his face, a testament to years of experience in teaching the arcane art of beast mastery.

"Welcome to the world of beast mastery," he began, his voice carrying a blend of reverence and excitement. "Today marks the beginning of your journey to understand and connect with the creatures of this world. It’s a journey of mutual respect and symbiosis, where both you and the beasts will learn and grow together."


"Hmm?"With a sudden screeching sound, something came flying towards us and landed gracefully behind the instructor.

"This is my familiar," he announced, pride evident in his voice as he affectionately ran his hand over the creature’s back. The students, including myself, stared at the magnificent beast before us, eager to learn more about it and the day’s lesson.

"This is Buttercup," the instructor introduced with a smile, his eyes filled with affection for the magnificent creature. The griffin, named Buttercup, had a majestic presence with its powerful wings, sharp talons, and the regal combination of a lion’s body and an eagle’s head. It gazed at us with intelligent eyes, its feathers shimmering in the sunlight. The students exchanged excited glances, clearly captivated by the sight of such a mythical and awe-inspiring creature.

But all it took was a second for things to get out of hand, shattering the tranquility of the moment.


The screeching sound of wings caught everyone’s attention, and before anyone could react, the Griffin charged ahead with astonishing speed. The instructor’s confident smile faltered, his shock evident as Buttercup abruptly left his side.

"Wha!?" His exclamation was lost in the chaos that followed. Dust and dirt were kicked up as the griffin’s powerful legs propelled it forward. The students’ excited chatter turned into startled gasps as they watched the unexpected turn of events.

The griffin’s wings spread wide as it thundered toward me, its enormous form casting a shadow over the ground. Panic gripped my chest as I took a step back, instinctively cladding my hand in mana. Tension hung in the air like a thick fog, and the seconds felt like an eternity.

"Hmm?Soundless seconds passed, and my heart pounded in my chest. But to my surprise, nothing happened. The anticipated impact didn’t occur.

Through the dissipating dust, I locked eyes with the griffin. Its gaze was fixed on me, those intelligent eyes boring into mine. In that moment, it felt like something more than instinct was at play.

The tension that had filled the air was suddenly punctuated by a swift, soft sound.


Without a moment’s hesitation, the griffin’s massive body lowered itself, its powerful form bowing before me. The grand creature, which moments ago seemed like an unstoppable force, now humbled itself in a display of submission.

I blinked in surprise, my heart still racing from the intense moments that had just transpired. The griffin’s head touched the ground, and its wings spread wide like a magnificent display of respect and deference.

I slowly squatted down, my gaze meeting the griffin’s shimmering eyes. My hand extended hesitantly, and with gentle trepidation, I patted its head. The griffin’s feathers were as soft as they looked, and its response was immediate – a contented rumble emanated from its chest.

As my fingers stroked its feathers, a sense of awe washed over me. The fierce creature before me had shifted from an imposing predator to a companion, a being capable of complex emotions and actions beyond simple instincts.

Around us, the onlookers remained frozen in place, their astonishment evident on their faces. The transformation of the scene was so sudden, so unexpected, that it left everyone speechless. The griffin’s act of submission and my subsequent interaction with it were a stark reminder of the intricate relationship between humans and magical creatures in this world.

In the midst of this silence, the gentle rumbling of the griffin’s purr and the sound of my touch were the only things that filled th

e air. The training ground had witnessed a unique moment – a connection forged in the most unexpected of circumstances.

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