No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 269 First Stop-1

Chapter 269 First Stop-1

[Ren Hilton’s POV.]

Aron shot me a glare before regaining his composure and looking away, staring out of the window as if avoiding any further interaction. Erik, on the other hand, seemed utterly mortified by Blaze’s unexpected antics.

"Sorry about that," I apologized, reaching down to pick up the fallen gum box. Blaze, satisfied with his plunder, hopped back onto my shoulder.

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Erik nodded nervously, still visibly shaken. "N-no problem. It’s just a gum box."

I chuckled, trying to diffuse the tension. "Yeah, Blaze has a thing for shiny objects. Especially gum, it seems."

The driver, having witnessed the brief chaos, chimed in, "Quite the lively group, aren’t you?"

Ignoring Aron’s continued brooding, I extended the open gum box towards Erik. "Help yourself. Blaze can be a handful, but he means no harm."

Erik cautiously took a piece, avoiding eye contact. The atmosphere in the carriage lightened slightly as we resumed our journey, each lost in our own thoughts.

The landscape outside changed as we soared through the skies, leaving the academy grounds behind.

If I am correct, it might take from seven to eight days for us to reach the outskirts of Eshmera, where we’d arrive at The Nexus Institute Of Magic.

The Nexus Institute of Magic is the closest academy to Eshmera and No Man’s Land, which is why they also have the smallest number of students, as people avoid involvement with anything around the No Man’s Land.

Among the four academies from the Empire of Hestia are the Nexus Institute of Magic in Northern Hestia, Shadowcrest Institutes, Luminary College of Magic in Southwest Hestia, and Imperial Academy in Northeast Hestia.

Other notable magical institutions include Frostfall Conservatory from the Reva Kingdom, Valorian School of Sorcery from the Kingdom of Grav, and The Mystic Grove Institute from the Elishia Forest of Elves.

This Mage’s Gambit is the first to be held so near the Northern Border of No Man’s Land and is hosted by the Nexus Institute of Magic. During our journey, we might make a few stops, but overall, the trip is expected to be long.

Erik’s eagerness to break the silence continued, and he decided to delve into some casual conversation.

"So," he began, his voice a bit shaky, "where are you from? You know, before coming to the academy."

"Kingdom of Grav," I responded, keeping my answer concise.

"Oh, Grav!" Erik’s eyes widened, and a small smile appeared on his lips. "I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place. How did you end up at the Imperial Academy?"

I leaned back, considering the question. "Fate, I suppose. Circumstances led me here... and a bit of persuasion," I added, recalling the terms my parents set about a year and a half ago.

"Why ask?" I inquired.

Erik seemed satisfied with my brief answer, but his curiosity persisted. "It’s just that you seem... different from others here. Your aura or something."

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I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his observation. "Different how?"

He scratched his head, struggling to find the right words. "I don’t know. It’s like you’ve been through a lot, but you carry it differently. Like you’ve faced challenges that others haven’t... just a hunch though."

Aron, who had been silently listening, scoffed dismissively, muttering something under his breath. Choosing to ignore it, I refocused on Erik.

"I suppose everyone has their own story," I remarked, maintaining a neutral tone. "What about you? What’s your reason?"

Erik hesitated briefly before sharing, "I... I was recommended because of my studies." He stuttered, "It’s not that great of a reason-"

"Nah, that’s great... keep going," I encouraged. Being recognized for academic prowess is better than being forced into the academy under certain terms and conditions.

He glanced around, noticing Aron’s side-eye glance, but the prince said nothing.

"It was my older cousin. She’s a great mage... a wind type. She was the reason I was always so interested in magic," Erik began, sighing while adjusting his glasses. "I wasn’t... I am not strong, a two-star mage at max. I have no actual potential for growth either, if not for all that bookworm stuff. I might’ve never made it into the Academy."

"But you’re still here with us," I added, attempting to boost his confidence.

"Haha, true," he chuckled. "I couldn’t sleep last night because of how absurd it is that I am part of Mage’s Gambit... I just participated thinking that it might mean I can show my cousin how much better I’ve gotten, even if I only reached the semifinals of the selections. Now I can proudly show off to her." As he spoke, a mix of excitement and nervousness was evident in his voice, signaling that despite the initial shock, he was genuinely trying to engage in the conversation.

Erik’s excitement about Mage’s Gambit and his desire to prove himself to his cousin made our conversation flow smoothly. As we chatted, he shared more about his life in the academy.

"Being a bookworm has its perks," he admitted with a shy smile. "I’ve managed to survive by excelling in academics. People might overlook me, but I’ve made a few friends here and there."

I nodded, acknowledging the importance of diverse talents in the magical world. "You have your strengths. Not everyone needs to be a powerhouse mage." I lied.

As Erik continued, he spoke about the challenges of being adopted and the gratitude he felt toward his cousin, who had played a significant role in his life.

"She encouraged me to pursue magic and recommended me to the academy. It was her way of saying, ’You can be more than you think,’" he shared, his eyes reflecting a mix of appreciation and determination.....he does seem to appreciate this cousin of his a lot I guess.

We delved into lighter topics, discussing favorite magical subjects and hobbies. The tension that initially lingered in the carriage seemed to dissipate.... atleast for two people.


As the day and a half passed, the scenery outside the carriage changed, marking our approach to the town of Elmshade. The orange hues of the setting sun painted the sky, creating a picturesque backdrop for the bustling town.

The driver announced our arrival, and the carriage descended gracefully, landing in the heart of Elmshade. The doors creaked open, revealing the town’s charming streets adorned with quaint shops and lively markets.

"We’re here," the driver declared, and we disembarked.

...and the moment I stepped out first,my eyes met with Adam’s who was walking down the second carriage at the same moment.

He stopped as he stared at me.

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