No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 326 I missed you!

Chapter 326 I missed you!


[Seven days later]

That was a lot. I blinked dumbly’s not that I didn’t expect it to be like this, but for some reason, I thought it wouldn’t be. Like one attack and the whole kingdom was on its toes.

’Yeah, those demons now have Hestia on alert,’ Blaze said beside me.

I looked out of the window of the carriage. Unlike before, these ones were bigger than the carriages we took to Eshmera, so there was a lot of space.

"We are in Solstice," said Erik. He sat near the other window with Aron opposite him. Both looked out while Erik seemed relieved, and Aron seemed conflicted.

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Everything seemed like a blur to me for the last seven days. I couldn’t actually focus on anything specific, but that’s that, I guess.

After my talk with Eldric, we were told to return the next day. Carriages were arranged at dawn for everyone, and all of the students from all academies left.

"Ha," I sighed. I didn’t want it to end without me getting Ocean Pulses. I really needed it.

’Oh yeah, that too. Why’d you need that thing?’ asked Blaze.

For a lot of reasons, but since the system actually offers elemental advancements and Ignisara’s not the only one who has thought about me going back to Nightshade Sanctum, I did think of going back to that place once I get past my in-game death.

’Oh, if I remember correctly, it’s in two months? That you die... Until then, the curse is actually going to get stronger and stronger,’ Blaze added.

Yeah, there’s that too. I still hope that if I get past that day and the curse is lifted, things would be a lot easier for me to do. But if it doesn’t work like that, then there are different things that I’d need to worry about.

"I don’t want people to hate me when there’s a whole bunch of wars going around and people are being drafted left and right," I muttered as low as I could.

"What’d you say?" asked Erik as he leaned to my side.

"Nothing," I replied. Erik turned around, but he still had that dumb smile on his face.

Why’s this guy so happy?

"Anything special happen?" I asked him.

"Hmm? Special? Oh no... Ha, I met my cousin," he revealed.

"Okay... Wait, is this the cousin whose Great Grimoire you copied?" I remember him saying that when we were in one of the taverns—Twilight Haven, I guess. He did tell me about her.

"YEAH! That’s the one. She was in Eshmera. She met me for a brief moment before leaving," he explained.

"Hmm, quite nice, I guess."

"It was, actually. I haven’t seen her since I came to the academy, so it was great. The last time I met her was at my send-off party before leaving the house." He began speaking fast, "She asked me about my school life and other stuff but said she couldn’t talk a lot as she had to go with her students too. I didn’t recognize her at all at first, but it looks like she did recognize me from the first day but didn’t speak directly. We talked, and she made sure I was safe, and then left—" Dude wasn’t stopping at all, so I cut him off.

"Oh, that’s... that’s good for you, man." I just said that and looked out of the window until, "Students?" It clicked.

"Hm?" He fixed his glasses.

"Don’t look at me like that. What’d you mean by ’her students’?" I repeated.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Do you know that professor who came with the Luminaries? She was my cousin! Sister Anna! I almost didn’t recognize her because she’s grown in strength so much that I couldn’t register or sense her mana signature, and she also had her face covered."

"That’s..." I didn’t know what to say to this, to be honest. "Good for you." So I cut the conversation off in between.

After a few minutes, we were at the gate of the Imperial Academy. Adam’s carriage was already there, and they were standing with Headmaster Stormborne. It looked like he was already waiting.

I turned and saw a swarm of students crowding inside the gate, pushing each other to take a look at us.

’Ooo, feel like a celebrity yet?’ asked Smokeball. Well, most of them are here for Adam Stales.

’Oh hell no, it can’t be... Last two rounds, you were the star. There’s no way these people are so dead-brained to be—’ He was shut down when the crowd began cheering.


See, I knew it—none of them care.

"Ren! Why are you standing there? Come here!" Professor Night’s words brought me back. I saw that everyone was already gathered near Stormborne, who was now looking at me like he wasn’t actually pleased to see me.

I stepped towards them.

I stepped towards them, feeling the weight of the stares and whispers from the crowd. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the courtyard, creating an almost surreal atmosphere. The towering spires of the Imperial Academy loomed above us, their stone facades glowing faintly in the diminishing light. Headmaster Stormborne’s intense gaze didn’t help; it felt like a tangible force pressing against me.

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"Glad you could join us, Hilton," he said, his voice tinged with impatience.

"No problem, Headmaster," I mumbled, falling into line with the others. The ground beneath my feet was hard and unyielding, a stark contrast to the cushioned interior of the carriage we had just vacated.

Stormborne didn’t respond. Instead, he addressed the group. "Now that everyone is here, we can proceed. Welcome back to the Imperial Academy. We have much to discuss in light of recent events, but first, you all need rest."

His voice echoed off the stone walls, reverberating in the hushed silence of the assembled students. He gave a swift speech and told everyone to leave for their rooms. The crowd kept piling up, students from different classes mingling and chatting, creating a low hum of conversation. Adam’s classmates surrounded him, a protective circle of eager faces, while everyone else milled about, trying to find their bearings.

I looked around and saw Aron and I were the only ones standing alone. Aron’s usual stoic expression was replaced with something more contemplative. Nearby, Cecelia was talking animatedly with Adam. Aron was staring at her, but unlike his usual self, he just turned and left on his own, his shoulders slumped slightly.

Erik’s classmates were the first to let go of him, allowing him to walk towards me.

"That was intense," Erik said, still grinning. "But it’s good to be back, right?"

"Yeah," I replied, noticing a faint smudge on his shirt. "You should wash that—Mr. Popular." I teased, pointing at the lipstick print on his collar. It could’ve been a mistake or intentional—

who knows.

"Mr. Popular... T-that... How’d this happen?" His face turned red as he looked around, his eyes darting nervously. In the corner of my eye, I saw a brunette girl smiling. Her eyes were locked on Erik as she winked, waving her palm before leaving, giggling to herself.

I bumped my elbow to him. "Oh, to be popular. I aspire to be like you one day."

Erik was frozen with a red face and shaking legs. I just patted his back and kept walking.


"Haa, I knew it," I said as I felt a little weight on my back. Someone had just pounced on me. Usually, I would’ve slammed anyone on the ground, but I didn’t because I knew who it was.

"I missed you!" said the familiar voice.

"You did, huh... Wish I could say the same though." I chuckled.

’I’ll leave,’ and with that, Smokeball went away.

I slowly turned my back, the thin hands still wrapped around my waist. I caught a glimpse of familiar grey-silver hair and a pair of wolf ears.

"I’m back, Raven."

"Welcome back." She welcomed me as she pulled her face away. Did she just take a sniff, or am I just tripping?


[Third Person View.]

On the corner of the academy grounds, another silver-headed girl stood, her eyes devoid of any soul as she stared at the scene unfolding before her. She was just a few feet away, her presence almost ghostly. When she heard that the team was back, she had immediately run out of the training grounds, eager to greet the one person she was craving to see. But now, seeing him hugging another girl, her heart sank.

Mary gritted her teeth, her jaw clenched tightly. The lively chatter and laughter around her seemed distant and muffled, as if she were in a bubble of silence.

"Mary!" Adam’s voice broke through the haze as he ran towards her. Without hesitation, he took her in his arms and swung her around. "How are you!?" His enthusiasm was palpable, but he couldn’t sense that Mary’s eyes reflected no image of him, her mind clouded with a mix of longing and despair.

The vibrant surroundings of the academy ground, usually a comforting sight, felt oppressive to Mary. The towering trees, their leaves rustling gently in the wind, seemed to mock her with their serenity. The stone pathways, usually so solid and grounding, felt like they might crumble beneath her feet. The contrast between the cheerful atmosphere and her inner turmoil was almost unbearable.

"Mary?" Adam’s voice was softer now, tinged with concern. He set her down gently, his hands lingering on her shoulders. "Are you okay?"

Mary forced a smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "I’m fine, Adam. Just... tired."

Adam frowned, clearly unconvinced. "You sure? You look like you’ve seen a ghost."

She shook her head, trying to dispel the darkness creeping into her thoughts. "I’m sure. It’s just been a long week."

As Adam continued to speak, his words became a distant hum. Mary’s gaze drifted back to Ren, who was still engaged in conversation with Raven. The sight of them together felt like a knife twisting in her chest, each laugh and shared glance adding to her pain.

Adam noticed her distraction and followed her gaze. His expression softened as he realized what was happening. "Mary, come on. Let’s go talk somewhere quieter."

She nodded absently, allowing him to lead her away from the crowd. They walked towards a secluded garden area, the foliage providing a semblance of privacy. The soft scent of blooming flowers mingled with the earthy aroma of the soil, creating a tranquil atmosphere that contrasted sharply with Mary’s tumultuous emotions.

Adam sat her down on a bench, his expression serious. "Mary, you can talk to me. What’s going on?"

She took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. "It’s just... everything’s changing so fast, Adam. And sometimes, I feel like I’m being left behind."

Adam’s eyes softened with understanding. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You’re not alone, Mary. We’re all in this together, and I’m here for you."

Mary looked down at their joined hands, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, Adam. That means a lot."

She said that but her mind said otherwise.

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