No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 67 Dreadclaw Part-2

Dreadclaw is a notorious bandit group that has been plaguing the region for years. Composed of ruthless and cunning individuals, they are known for their brazen acts of robbery, pillaging, and violence.


As the menacing proclamation of "Dreadclaw" echoed through the night, adrenaline surged through my veins, dispelling any remnants of drowsiness. I swiftly pushed Anabelle away, gently rousing her from her slumber.

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"Anabelle, wake up! We’re under attack," I urgently whispered, shaking her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open, still groggy from sleep, but soon widened with alarm as she registered the urgency in my voice.

"What? Dreadclaw? Here?" Anabelle exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. She quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes to clear away any remnants of sleep.

I turned my attention to the others in the carriage, alerting them of the impending danger. "Zark, prepare your magic. Anabelle, get ready to use your wind spells. Henry, Ali, be on guard. Barbara, strengthen your body with mana and be ready for a brawl."

Each member of the group sprang out of the carriage and took the positions.

I stood at the forefront, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and interest. The bandits before us, known as the Dreadclaw, were a motley crew of rogues and misfits. They bore the marks of a life steeped in lawlessness, their tattered and mismatched attire blending seamlessly with the shadows of the dense forest.

The leader of the Dreadclaw, stood at the helm, his wiry frame exuding an air of confidence and malevolence. His eyes glinted with a twisted hunger for power, and his grin revealed a mouthful of yellowed teeth, adding to his menacing aura. Behind him, the bandits fanned out, each one displaying varying degrees of skill and ruthlessness.


Flames danced in my hands, the heat of my magic warming my palms and fueling my determination. I took a deep breath, centering myself amidst the chaos unfolding around me.

"Stay close and watch each other’s backs!" Henry called out to his companions, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through the veins. We formed a tight-knit circle, our weapons at the ready and our spells prepared to unleash devastation upon our foes.

With a flash of movement, the battle commenced. I launched a fiery barrage, sending firebolts streaking through the air, each one finding its mark with deadly precision. The crackling flames engulfed the bandits, causing them to cry out in pain as their clothes caught fire.


The enigmatic sorcerer of this group, Zark. chanted incantations that resonated with arcane power.

Henry and Ali, two steadfast swordsmen, engaged the bandits in close combat, their blades flashing with deadly precision. Their years of training and battle-hardened skills were evident as they parried and countered the bandits’ attacks, their strikes swift and lethal.

Barbara, the brawler, channeled her mana, enhancing her strength and endurance. With a roar, she charged into the midst of the bandits, her fists glowing with raw power. Each blow she delivered was like a thunderous earthquake, sending shockwaves through the air and shattering bones.

’and Anabelle....huh Anabelle?’ unlike others Anabelle stood close to the carriage, visibly shaking. It’s not easy to let go of past trauma.

"Ana! Keep Leila safe and don’t come here, we’d cover for you." I said, there’s no point in getting her involved here if she is scared.

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Amidst this chaos, I focused on my fire magic,weaving spells.

I could see that we were outnumbered. The bandits swarmed around us, their numbers seemingly endless. They were a motley crew, clad in tattered garments and adorned with crude weapons. Some wielded swords and daggers, while others brandished bows and arrows. Among them, I could spot at least twenty bandits, each exuding a menacing aura.

Despite their ragtag appearance, these bandits were amateurs. Many of them displayed proficiency in different schools of magic, adding an extra layer of danger to their attacks. The wind mages darted with incredible speed and launched razor-sharp gusts, attempting to slice through our defenses. The fire mages conjured blazing infernos, engulfing the battlefield in searing flames. The earth mages summoned massive boulders and jagged rocks, hurling them at us with tremendous force. And the water mages manipulated the nearby streams and created powerful water spouts to drown us in their elemental fury.

Henry and Ali, engaged multiple opponents, their blades weaving a deadly dance as they swiftly dispatched their foes.Barbara, unleashed devastating punches and kicks, her mana-infused strikes shattering bones and sending bandits flying.

I concentrate on my fire spells. I unleashed torrents of fireballs, engulfing groups of bandits in explosive infernos. The crackling flames illuminated the battlefield, casting an eerie glow on the chaos that unfolded around us.

I have to use the spells wisely or I’ll be out of mana,in this group I am the only one who is a two star mage, otherwise everyone is above three stars and Zark is the only one at five stars.

but these bandits have a three star mage age at Max the only thing that is the issue is that they are in a mob.


As the chaos unfolded around me, my attention honed in on a figure that leaped in front of me with a menacing glint in his eyes. It was one of the bandits, armed with a sharp sword and a malicious intent. Without hesitation, he propelled himself forward with a burst of speed, closing the distance between us in an instant.

Instinctively, I reacted, my body moving on pure reflex. I swiftly shifted my weight, leaping backward to create distance between us. The bandit’s sword swished through the air, narrowly missing me as I evaded his vicious strike. The metallic clash of our weapons echoed through the air, a testament to the intensity of our confrontation.I still have the sword that Ali gave me as a spare.

Knowing that I had to retaliate, I focused my concentration and channeled my magical energy. With a swift motion of my hand, I conjured a firebolt, its fiery essence crackling with power. I launched the projectile towards my adversary, fully expecting it to connect. However, to my surprise, the bandit’s agility proved formidable as he deftly dodged the searing flames, narrowly evading their destructive path.

Undeterred, I recalibrated my strategy. Sensing an opportunity, I channeled mana into my lower body, empowering my legs with a surge of energy. With a burst of speed, I lunged forward, delivering a powerful kick towards the bandit’s midsection. But he was no novice in combat. Reacting swiftly, he brought his mana-clad sword in the path of my attack, parrying my blow with a resounding clash.

The force of the impact reverberated through my body, threatening to throw me off balance. I quickly recalibrated, shifting my weight to maintain my stability. The bandit’s sword, infused with his own magical prowess, stood as an impenetrable barrier, preventing my strike from finding its mark. It was a critical moment that demanded split-second decision-making. Instinctively, I halted my attack, realizing that to continue would have put my own limb in jeopardy.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as the intensity of the battle reached its zenith. The dance of steel and fire continued, each move calculated and precise.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the urgency in Henry’s voice broke through the clamor. "Make sure we don’t kill them," he shouted, his words echoing in our ears. Confusion flickered across my face as I turned to look at him, searching for an explanation. His gaze was fixed on something, a particular direction that piqued his concern. I strained to follow his line of sight, attempting to decipher the reason for his unusual request, but before I could comprehend his intentions, a sudden impact reverberated through my body.

The force of a bandit’s punch connected with brutal precision, striking my jaw with a jolt of pain. Helplessly, I was sent hurtling through the air, akin to a lifeless puppet flung aside with disdain. As I tumbled, my mind raced to process the abrupt turn of events. Henry’s plea for restraint now seemed incongruous, lost in the pandemonium of the skirmish. It was becoming evident that our desperate struggle had devolved into an unrestrained clash, where the preservation of life took a backseat to survival.

Casting off the daze that threatened to cloud my senses, I regained my footing with a surge of determination. Blood trickled from my split lip, Gritting my teeth, I wiped away the blood staining my chin, a symbol of the price I had paid for underestimating the stakes and looking aside of this encounter. In this moment the notion of holding back, as Henry had suggested, felt increasingly distant and impractical.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I locked eyes with my assailant, "I’m afraid I can’t make that promise, Henry," I muttered under my breath.


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