No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 75 Stealing The Boat.

The prowler’s cove harbor was bathed in the ethereal glow of the two moons hanging in the sky. Their radiant light painted a tranquil scene, with calm waves gently lapping against the boats that lay still in the harbor. The silence enveloped the area, save for a few vigilant boat owners who maintained a watchful eye over their vessels.

The graceful winds danced through the air, their gentle caress creating an atmosphere that beckoned ships to venture forth from the harbor at any given moment.

Amidst this serene setting, a flicker of suspicion caught the observer’s attention. Slowly, a figure cloaked in a robe emerged, their purposeful strides directed toward a particular boat nestled in the harbor. It was not a grand vessel, but rather a modest craft likely used for small-scale transportation.

The cloaked figure, deliberately concealing their footsteps, approached the boat, only to pause abruptly upon discovering another presence already standing before it. There, perched on the nearby mooring, sat Owner Kael, a beastman with features reminiscent of a fox. The boat’s anchor was securely fastened to the mooring, but the only anomaly was that Owner Kael was sound asleep.

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Harnessing the power of mana within him, the cloaked intruder propelled himself forward, executing a silent leap to avoid any external disturbances. With utmost care, he landed gracefully on the unassuming deck of Kael’s boat.

Stepping cautiously to the boat’s edge, he leaned forward, extending his hand to touch the anchor chain that kept the vessel tethered to the mooring. A surge of power coursed through him as he ignited flames in his palm, directing their searing heat onto the metal. Gradually, the chain began to melt, creating an unnerving sizzle as molten droplets fell into the water below. With each drop, he held his breath, fearing that the noise would rouse Kael from his slumber. Yet, fortune favored him, and the fox-like beastman remained peacefully asleep.

As the bind weakened under the heat of his flames, he gingerly released the remaining portion of the chain, allowing it to slip into the water. Just as he had anticipated, the boat, now unbound, responded to the caress of the wind and began to drift away from the harbor.

Time seemed to stretch, each passing minute feeling like an eternity to the cloaked figure. However, in reality, only fifteen minutes had passed before the boat finally reached a safe distance from the harbor.

Relieved, the cloaked intruder removed his hood, revealing his face to the cool night air. Letting out a sigh, he muttered, "Well, that was tense."


Now that I had successfully boarded the boat, which I had acquired from Kael, I placed the mana crystals into the energy compartment. Instantly, a control panel materialized before the rudder, revealing a single button.

"I suppose this is the one," I mused aloud, pressing the key on the left side of the panel. Suddenly, the boat surged forward, propelled by an electrical-like force, reminiscent of a powered vehicle.

"How long is this island?" I directed my question to a specific person—Blaze, who had manifested himself out of my chest shell. He had remained unusually silent since this evening.

"Perhaps around three hundred or four hundred miles from here. We will have a clearer idea once we reach a distinct area where things start to appear different," Blaze replied. It seemed he had chosen to stay quiet to avoid addressing my inquiries directly, given his ability to read my thoughts.

According to Kael, this boat’s average speed was forty-six miles per hour, but it could be doubled by adding more mana crystals. Opting for the latter, I inserted three mana crystals at once, causing the boat to accelerate at an astonishing rate compared to before. In what felt like a matter of hours, we had already distanced ourselves a hundred miles from the shore.

Amidst the tranquil ambiance provided by the ocean waves, I decided to break the silence.

"Are you going to tell me, or do I have to probe further?" I hinted, aware that Blaze could easily delve into my thoughts and had been remaining silent precisely to avoid confronting my inquiries.

The boat continued on its predetermined course, so there was no immediate concern regarding its navigation.

"What?" Blaze responded, his tone tinged with annoyance.

"I’m referring to you. You’ve been concealing a lot, haven’t you?" I asked nonchalantly, meeting Blaze’s gaze head-on. He sighed in defeat and reluctantly acquiesced, saying, "You ask, and I will answer."

"Very well, when we first met, you mentioned that you and your brother, Klashier, were created by an unknown entity. However, you also claimed to be an abomination dragon. What does that entail?" I inquired, aware that dragons were not beings that could be simply manufactured.

Blaze fell silent for a moment, seemingly pondering how best to respond to my question. After a few minutes of contemplation, he spoke. "It is true that I was created, and it is also true that I am an abomination dragon," he declared.

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As he did, the smoke emanating from Blaze began to thicken, and his form grew larger with each passing second. Simultaneously, I felt a drain of mana from my core. Blaze drew closer to me, his pure white monolid eyes peering into mine. "I was brought into existence because they needed me, because they sought a savior. But once they were finished using me, I was cast aside," he stated, frustration seeping through his voice. His words carried a tinge of anger, revealing a side of Blaze I had never seen before.

"I never asked to be created, but they did it anyway. And when I didn’t conform to their expectations, they considered me a threat," Blaze continued. The more he spoke, the more he seemed like an entirely different entity, engaging with me in a way he never had before.

"Them? Who are you referring to?" I inquired, realizing that without specific details, his explanation would be incomplete.

"My keen, the dragons." Blaze answered, I wasn’t surprised a bit.....maybe a little.

In a realm shrouded in mystery and grandeur, there existed an enigma even Blaze, the embodiment of power, did not fully comprehend. It was the tale of a being whose creation was orchestrated by an entity whose identity remained veiled in the annals of time. This being stood as the pinnacle of might, the mightiest dragon to ever grace existence—the Abomination Dragon.

A rare breed, the Abomination Dragon came into being through the convergence of the most intricate and complex forms of mana arts, a symphony of arcane mastery unrivaled by any other. The purpose behind its creation was simple yet profound—a war loomed on the horizon, a cataclysmic clash between the majestic Phoenix and the indomitable Dragons. As the tides of battle turned against the dragons, teetering perilously close to their defeat, a savior emerged from the depths of legend—Klashier, a titan among dragons.

Klashier, with unparalleled strength and unfathomable power, became the beacon of hope for his kin. With his aid, the dragons rallied, turning the tables of war in their favor. Victory was achieved, but as the echoes of battle subsided, a disquiet began to grip the hearts of the dragons. For even though Klashier had proven himself as their champion, his fiery temperament instilled a seed of doubt, raising questions of whether he would turn against his own kind.

It was in this atmosphere of uncertainty that the concept of the Abomination Dragon emerged. Crafted by an unknown hand, this majestic creature was conceived as a testament to the dragons’ pursuit of dominance and self-preservation. A manifestation of power and strength beyond measure, the Abomination Dragon was intended to stand as a counterbalance to any threat that may arise, including the unpredictable nature of Klashier.

In the depths of time, an epoch spanning what felt like a Decamillennium, a shattering event unfolded, forever staining the pages of history. Klashier, consumed by a dark impulse, committed an unforgivable transgression—he mercilessly slew numerous dragons, defying the very essence of their majestic existence. In the wake of this profound betrayal, the collective might of the mighty beasts, including dragons, phoenixes, basilisks, and more, rose as one, fueled by a righteous fury.

But at that time his friend falkor stood up for hima and said that there was no need to kill Klashier and because of that They were satisfied by, extracting his consciousness from its mortal vessel. From the shattered remnants of his being, two entities emerged, forever bound in an intricate dance of fate—Blaze and Klashier.

Blaze, the embodiment of the sealed consciousness, became a vessel for the untamed power once possessed by Klashier. Within the sanctum of a dimensional rift, nestled deep within a silver dragon molar dagger, Blaze’s essence found refuge, sheltered from the turbulent currents of the world. Meanwhile, Klashier, now stripped of his physical form, was reduced to a mere instrument, a conduit through which his formidable powers could be harnessed.

After that he remembered nothing of the world since he was passed as a weapon a lot, that’s the story of the last and first abomination dragon.


"Hey, can I ask you something?" I sought permission because it’s important.

"How many dragons did you kill?" I am curious.

Uncertainty flashed through his eyes, and he answered, "Maybe... no, certainly half of the entire race."

"Cool." I didn’t know what to say now. The man just committed genocide like it was nothing.


Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. He looked lost for a second when I uttered the word "cool," but to my surprise, he started laughing frantically.

"Hahaha! I divulge the tale of the grandest genocide in the annals of this world, and you, my dear princess, respond with a casual ’cool.’ Truly, you are a rare specimen," he chortled, his words laden with a peculiar mix of admiration and disquiet. I dared not probe further, sensing a palpable discomfort surrounding his recollections, one that surpassed mere remorse and delved into an unknown realm.

I waited for him to cease his laughter, patiently allowing the echoes to fade into silence. Once he regained his composure, I posed a question laden with uncertainty. "Can I trust you, Smokeball?"

"You already know my answer, master," Blaze responded, his tone filled with a peculiar mixture of assurance and enigmatic confidence. This enigmatic creature was in a league of his own, a breed apart from any I had encountered before.

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