No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 78 Nightshade Sanctum.

[An hour before]

Emerging from the depths of the underground cave known as Crystal Veil Cave, as Blaze refers to it, I find myself standing at the center of a desolate island that defies all expectations. The island is a rugged and untamed expanse, surrounded by tumultuous seas that crash against towering cliffs. Jagged rocks protrude from the churning waters, warning of the dangers that await any who dare venture too close.

As I step onto the island’s soil, I am immediately struck by the fierce and relentless weather that plagues this forsaken place. Dark storm clouds loom overhead, obscuring the sun and casting an eerie shadow upon the land. The air crackles with electricity, and I can see bolts of lightning striking the ground sporadically, illuminating the gloomy landscape in blinding flashes. Each thunderous boom resonates through the air, emphasizing the ominous nature of the island.

The terrain before me is a treacherous mix of dense foliage and gnarled trees, their twisted branches reaching out like skeletal fingers towards the brooding sky. The leaves rustle with an eerie whisper, as if carrying secrets of the island’s past. The ground beneath my feet is rugged and uneven, marked by deep crevices and hidden crevasses that threaten to swallow the unwary.

"Where’s the dungeon?" I notice his expression mirroring my own apprehension. Blaze, with a solemn gaze, gestures towards a specific direction.

Following his gaze, my eyes are drawn to a distant silhouette rising above the tangled canopy. There, amidst the turbulent storm, stands a colossal structure—The Nightshade Sanctum.

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"It’s The Nightshade Sanctum," Blaze says. "The most dangerous dungeon on the surface of this world."

"The Nightshade Sanctum, huh? Isn’t it too small to be considered a dungeon?" I ask, noting that the structure itself towers straight to the clouds but is still not big enough to hold the dungeon. The structure feels like it is falling apart bit by bit, not something that would happen to a dungeon.

Sighing, Blaze clarifies the misunderstanding, "That’s not the dungeon. It’s close to the market people of my time built above the dungeon. The dungeon itself is underground and too deep. Only the tenth floor is the farthest we were able to achieve there." Wow, building a market right above the dungeon. People of that time must have been daring to do that.

"Okay, let’s get there quickly." I start walking towards the Nightshade Sanctum.


[Third-person view]

Ren walks steadily towards the Nightshade Sanctum, his shirt torn in a few places. He gazes at the distance ahead, estimating it to be a few kilometers. The atmosphere around him is still heavy, carrying a sense of ancient stillness.

The worn terrain beneath his feet tells the story of countless footsteps that have trodden before him. He sees the remnants of a ruined city on the horizon, the dilapidated buildings and crumbling structures casting shadows against the fading light.

Ren’s pace remains steady, his steps measured and deliberate. There is no overwhelming sense of anticipation or determination, just a quiet resolve to explore what lies ahead. His torn shirt serves as a reminder of past encounters, a testament to the challenges that await him within the sanctum.

As he approaches the Nightshade Sanctum, the weathered exterior comes into view. Its decayed walls and fading symbols hint at the passage of time and the mysteries that lie within. The stillness of the surroundings is only interrupted by the occasional rustle of wind through the overgrown vegetation.


[Ren Hilton POV]

"Those ruins of the city make my heart ache, agh," Blaze grumbles. He has been repeating himself

since we crossed those ruins. Maybe some kind of ancient civilization perished, or the people left the island because of this Storm.

Walking near the tower, I look at the massive gate, but there’s no need to open it because there are plenty of gaps in the gate itself, and I can go in from there.



"Oo! This is cool," I exclaim because the moment I jump through the gates, I see something that piques my interest.


Another crunchy sound comes from beneath my feet because the whole floor is filled with bones, skulls, and most of them are human. When I say most of them, I mean there are also a few large Mana beasts.

The floor beneath me is a grotesque mosaic of bones and skulls, mostly human, interspersed with the remains of formidable Mana beasts. The air reeks of decay as I navigate the chilling Nightshade Sanctum. Each step shatters brittle remains, releasing a morbid symphony that echoes the tragic history of this haunting graveyard.

And soon, we’re near another large door, but unlike the gate, this one has a unique structure.

Adorning the monumental door is an emblem of profound significance that captures the essence of shadows and darkness. Twin serpents writhe in an eternal embrace, their sinuous bodies entwined in a mesmerizing pattern. One serpent gleams with a silvery sheen, embodying the fading light, while the other coils in inky blackness, epitomizing the depths of shadow. Their scales blend seamlessly, culminating in a crescent moon devoid of radiance. Intricate thorns encircle the moon’s edges, and besides it, there is a large stone slate with something written all over it.

"So, what does it read?" I ask Blaze, my eyes fixed on the intricate ancient carvings. Does he know how to read?

But after a few seconds, he opens his mouth, "In a realm of shifting tides, perceptions entwined. Virtue obscured, judgments confined. The gods clash, a realm in disarray. Pray for the traitor, slay the savior, one must weigh. Cruelty masks a hidden way. Decipher the enigma, seek truth’s ray. Where paradox thrives, unravel this ancient fray," Blaze recites the ancient text, his voice filled with solemnity. It sounds like a cryptic poem, perhaps even a riddle.

"Do you know what it means?" I inquire, curiosity burning in my voice.

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"Looks like a lot has changed since I last visited," Blaze replies, his tone devoid of playfulness.

"?" I don’t know what to say, so I decide to listen.

"This slate didn’t used to be here when I was here, and the content seems to be some kind of prophecy," Blaze mutters.

"Do you know what it means?" I repeat, and he shakes his head and continues, "Then there’s no need to hang around; let’s go inside."

And just like that, I open the dungeon entrance and go inside. It’s all dark inside with nothing in sight, so I flicker a ball of fire in my palm to light up the surroundings and step forward, and--


"Huh?" I look back and see that the door has closed itself, a cliché thing that happens in a horror movie, but I won’t be scared, though.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle.

But immediately, with a sizzling sound, the whole chamber lightens up very quickly, another thing that happens in the dungeons. The fire torches on the wall automatically ignite, still fine.

The chamber has high walls and is more like a cave,

to be clear. The long beams support the roof. It might collapse if not for them being there, still fine.

"Is this the first chamber?" I ask Blaze. It’s quite spacious for it to be the first floor.

"Oh! No, it’s just a trial room. Wait, the trial will be dispatched soon. If you can pass the test, then we can proceed," Blaze laughs it off.

"What if I can’t or I fail?" I question.

Blaze looks at me and gives a toothy-ass smile, and I confirm, I’ll die if I fail, but it’s still fine.

"Hey, look, it’s dispatched!" Blaze chimes, and I look. I witness my target materializing from thin air, still fine.

"It’s the guardian, my favorite. It brings back memories," Blaze has an attack of nostalgia.

Clad in obsidian, imposing armor, the Guardian cuts an imposing figure on the battlefield. Towering over his opponents, his muscular frame exudes power and strength. His helmet features a fierce, angular design, with glowing red eyes that burn with an intensity that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. The sharp, jagged edges of his armor reflect his predatory nature, while his mighty sword gleams with a deadly aura.



System Note.

The Fifth Elusive Trial Begins.

Best wishes to the host!


"Elusive trial and... fifth?" I am lost for a second, but when it finally kicks in, my face goes pale..... aren’t they supposed to be only four of those what is this fifth one?

"It’s not fine at all. I might die!!!"

"Oh don’t worry, you are at least a four-star warrior, right, Princess?" Blaze has that innocent smile adorning his face. I would like to tear that smile off if I survive this.

I push the Mana throughout my whole body and take the position, getting a great hold on the ground and forming a straight palm in front and a fist near my waist. Going a little lower, I whisper, "I’ll turn this whole dungeon upside down."

"Dream on, Princess~" Blaze says. I’ll kill him once I am done. I promise.


[A/N:Welcome to the Nightshade Sanctum My Friends!]

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