No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 83 The Real Princess -2

[Venda Aquarius POV]

"sigh*" I sighed, in the quiet confines of my chamber, I found myself standing before a grand mirror, its reflective surface capturing only a fraction of my true essence. It revealed the external facade I presented to the world, a mere glimpse of who I truly was inside.

The person possesses striking facial features, with a slender nose, high cheekbones, and expressive sapphire eyes that shimmer with both curiosity and wisdom. The platinum blond hair that goes Down straight to her waist.

Throughout my life, I had been incessantly reminded of my resemblance to my late mother, a fact that brought me immeasurable joy. Even though she had passed away on the day of my birth, the echoes of her existence reverberated through me. My mother was an embodiment of kindness, a beacon of compassion that illuminated the lives of those around her.

The story goes like this:

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In a cruel twist of fate, my father, Nerius Aquarius, found himself washed out to the shore, wounded and on the brink of death during a brutal war with Coralium Dominion, our sworn enemy.

It was then that a remarkable woman, Seraphina, entered his life. She tended to his wounds, nursing him back to health and saving him from the clutches of mortality.

Their encounter was not by chance, for destiny had a hand in bringing them together. Cast upon the shore, weakened and vulnerable, my father crossed paths with the love of his life. Enchanted by her grace and kindness, he knew that he had found his soulmate.

In an act of unwavering love, my father brought her into our world, defying conventions and societal expectations. They pledged their eternal commitment to each other and soon became parents to two beautiful children, my beloved step-siblings. Happiness enveloped their lives, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the realm.

However, the dam of fortune shattered when the elders of the palace, driven by their own agendas, forced my father into a heart-wrenching choice. They demanded that he remarry, solely to secure an heir for the throne. The purity of the Aquarius bloodline became their obsession, seeking a successor untainted by any trace of human heritage.

This demand, driven by misguided notions of lineage and power, shattered the serenity of our family. My father was torn between duty and love, caught in a web spun by those who valued bloodlines over happiness. The echoes of their decision still haunt our lives, a testament to the complexities and sacrifices faced by those entangled in the affairs of the royal court.

And thus, the stage was set for my mother to enter the story. She hailed from a noble lineage, her family deeply rooted in the fabric of governance. A breathtakingly beautiful pure-blooded mermaid, she possessed an allure that could enchant even the coldest hearts.

"She loved him." That’s what everyone says,she loved him more than anything in this world.

So My father, compelled by the will of the palace, took her as his wife. But their union was marred by a profound absence of love and devotion. It became painfully clear that he had married her out of duty, a mere formality to fulfill the expectations thrust upon him. His heart remained closed, untouched by the ethereal charm that radiated from my mother’s very being.

In the throes of passion, they shared an intimate moment that resulted in my conception. Yet, as I entered this world, my father’s presence was noticeably absent. He did not grace my birth with his gaze or embrace. His indifference pierced the depths of my mother’s soul, leaving her heartbroken and abandoned.

According to him, their marriage was nothing more than a charade, a union coerced upon him by external forces. He made it clear that he would never cast his gaze upon another woman than Seraphina, as if to emphasize the disdain he held for this forced arrangement.

"He never loved her as much as she did." I’ve heard the tales of her anguish filled the halls, whispers of her tearful nights spent in the chamber, mourning the heartbreak inflicted by my father’s callous words.


As an infant, I was frail and feeble, lacking the vital mana that mermaids typically possess to thrive. It was a perilous state, and I teetered on the precipice of mortality. However, my mother Aurelia Aquarius, the second queen of our esteemed Dynasty, made the ultimate sacrifice. She selflessly surrendered her life force, bestowing upon me the gift of life.

The weight of my existence, as the catalyst for my mother’s sacrifice, bears heavy upon my heart. Her selflessness knew no bounds, as she gave her life so that I could live. I am left grappling with conflicting emotions, unsure of how to reconcile being both a blessing and a burden to her memory.

With the passing of my mother and, later, my father, the responsibility for the Dynasty fell into the capable hands of the first Queen, Seraphina. True to my mother’s wishes, she assumed the role of Queen Regent, tasked with safeguarding the throne until an heir could be chosen.

But there was a darkness that shrouded my life in Tritonia, where I was relegated under the watchful gaze of Queen Regent Seraphina. She employed subtle and clandestine methods to keep me under her control, manipulating court officials through bribes and spreading false rumors about my supposed connection to the deaths of the King and my mother. These machinations persisted for years, orchestrated behind the scenes, leaving a trail of suffering in their wake.

I am burdened with the title of a cursed princess, whispered with fear and trepidation throughout the kingdom. The belief is that my ascension to the throne would bring nothing but calamity and misfortune upon our once-great Dynasty.

But everything changed.

It was a night, three months ago, when my life took an extraordinary turn. In the midst of darkness, a divine revelation from our revered God, Neptune, pierced through the veil of reality and touched the depths of my being. In a fleeting moment, lasting no more than a fragile minute, everything changed.

The words spoken by the divine entity echoed in my mind, resonating with a weight that could not be dismissed. Our very world, its destiny and future, rested upon my shoulders as a princess of the mermaid race. I was called upon to bear this immense burden alongside others who had been chosen by the God himself.

The term bestowed upon me by the deity was significant, for I was deemed one of the "chosen ones." And I, in my newfound role, understood that I was not alone in this sacred task.

It was not only me who received the divine revelation from the God Neptune, but Sir Morokar as well. The revelation extended its divine touch to him, for he is no ordinary man but a Demi-God in his own right.

The weight of the divine revelation hung heavy upon my shoulders as the name "Adam" reverberated in my mind. According to the words of the God Neptune, this mysterious individual held the key to bringing peace to our tumultuous world. The divine directive instructed me to be in close proximity to him, to play a pivotal role in the unfolding of our shared destiny.

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News of this revelation spread like wildfire throughout the palace, carried by the words of Sir Morokar, the Demi-God who had also received the divine message. Seraphina, the first Queen and current regent, found herself on edge, her carefully constructed plans threatened by the possibility of my success. If I were to fulfill the prophecy and emerge triumphant, it would mean that I possessed the qualifications to ascend the throne, effectively stripping her own children of their chance to rule the Dynasty.

Driven by her fear of losing power and influence, Seraphina launched a relentless campaign to remove me from the kingdom by any means necessary. And today, on this fateful day, I have decided to let it happen. Why? Because...

"Fucking bullshit!" I exploded, my voice laced with raw anger and defiance. The divine revelation, the prophecies, the whole damn thing felt like a load of crap. Why the hell was I chosen for this? And why the fuck should I care about saving this godforsaken world or this shitty Dynasty?

Everyone in this palace, including Seraphina, is losing their damn minds over some guy named Adam. The God Neptune thinks he’s the key to bringing peace, and apparently, I’m supposed to stick close to him. Well, screw that. I don’t give a rat’s ass about some random human man I don’t even know.

Seraphina, that power-hungry bitch, is shaking in her boots because if I succeed, it means I’m qualified to take the throne. And that would mean her precious children would be out of the picture. So she’s been trying to get rid of me, using every slimy tactic she can think of. And you know what? I’m just gonna let it happen. I don’t care anymore.

This whole destiny crap is a load of fucking bullshit. I never asked for any of this. I didn’t sign up to save the world or become some damn princess. I won’t shed a tear for this wretched Dynasty or its sorry fate. Once I’m done with this mess, I’m out of here. I’ll save the world or whatever and then never look back.

I’m sick of playing by their rules, dancing to their goddamn tune. From now on, I’m forging my own path, and they can all go to hell.


(After One hour.)

The grand hall stood as a testament to opulence and power, its lavishness a stark contrast to the struggles that plagued the kingdom. Guests entered through its majestic doors, greeted by the sight of soaring ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes, each stroke of the brush glorifying tales of valor and triumph. Polished marble pillars flanked the sides, their imposing presence symbolizing the strength of the realm. Elaborate chandeliers hung from above, casting a warm, golden glow that bathed the room in an aura of regality. Tapestries lined the walls, depicting scenes from the kingdom’s history, while ornate mirrors reflected the splendor, creating an illusion of infinite grandeur.

At the heart of it all, a long banquet table stretched, adorned with the finest silverware, delicate crystal goblets, and exquisite floral arrangements. The air reverberated with the harmonious melodies of a live orchestra, their enchanting music adding to the atmosphere of elegance and celebration. It was within this realm of magnificence that the important guests of the evening gathered, including myself.

"We are most grateful for your gracious presence," Seraphina remarked, her voice dripping with the polite veneer expected of a queen. I sat besides her.

She addressed the man seated at the other end of the table, King Adiel Velcrow, a figure whose appearance embodied determination and resilience. His chiseled jawline spoke of unwavering resolve, while his piercing eyes, like bottomless pools of wisdom, held a hint of warmth beneath their regal gaze. Furrows lined his brow, etched by the weight of responsibility he bore. A well-groomed beard lent an air of distinction to his kingly visage, and the lines on his face whispered tales of a life purposefully lived. His dignified expression commanded respect and admiration, a facade carefully crafted to maintain the facade of nobility.

"We, too, find ourselves humbled by this unexpected encounter,The Hestia Empire is obliged to help when it’s asked." King Adiel responded, his words laced with a touch of sarcasm that was not lost on those attuned to the underlying political intricacies. His tone hinted at the unspoken reality that the kingdom desperately needed the aid of the Hestia Empire. While his words conveyed obligation, there was a subtle subtext that the burden of assistance should not be taken lightly. The Dynasty’s reliance on outside help was an open secret, and King Adiel skillfully reminded us of that truth, forcing it into the realm of polite conversation. After all, the preservation of power and prestige often required delicate maneuvers and carefully chosen words.

"Indeed, Your Highness," Seraphina’s calm voice resonated through the hall, her regal composure unwavering. "The favor we seek from the esteemed Hestia Empire is a simple one, a mere request to extend your benevolence."

"I am eager to hear your plea," Adiel responded, his smile masking the subtle scrutiny in his eyes, the mark of a shrewd ruler assessing the true intentions behind the request.

Seraphina placed her hand gently upon mine, a gesture that spoke volumes of her affection despite our lack of blood ties. "This, Your Majesty," she began, her voice carrying a hint of warmth and sincerity, "is my daughter, Venda. Though not bound by blood, she holds a special place in my heart, and I have come to love her as if she were my own. My humble request is for you to grant her entry into the upper world."

A heavy silence settled upon the banquet hall, the weight of the moment palpable. All eyes turned towards the exchange, anticipation hanging in the air. King Adiel, his gaze shifting between Seraphina and myself, inquired with measured curiosity, "May I be so bold as to inquire about the reason behind this request?"

With a composed demeanor befitting her station, Seraphina responded, her words carefully chosen, "It is a modest aspiration, Your Majesty. I desire for my daughter to gain an understanding of human ways, for I envision her as a future queen who shall not falter in her duty. Therefore, I humbly beseech you to take her under your guardianship, allowing her to remain hidden from the prying eyes of the world, preserving her true identity."

After a prolonged pause that seemed to stretch on for eternity, King Adiel’s composed countenance softened, and a glimmer of understanding flickered in his eyes. With measured deliberation, he spoke the words that would shape our destinies and alter the course of the Dynasty. "Consider it done."

As the sumptuous feast continued, the clinking of silverware and the hum of animated conversations filled the air. Amidst the lively ambiance, Seraphina’s voice, barely audible, reached my ears like a whisper carried on a gentle breeze.

"Don’t you worry, my dear," she murmured, her words laced with an undertone of reassurance. "I won’t let you be lost, and I will always keep an eye on you."

Her words held a mixture of concern and veiled intent, a reminder of the strings that bound me to her machinations. I remained silent, my lips sealed, my thoughts a swirling tempest of conflicting emotions. I knew the gravity of her words, the subtle command disguised as guidance.

And then, she leaned closer, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "Ah, and make sure you get super close to that boy... Adam, right? Make sure you get on his good side or otherwise." Her voice trailed off, the unspoken threat lingering in the air.

I’ll be an ally with a human body to save this shitty world, but I won’t get close to him, not to a single man on the face of this earth.

Because-’I know it’ll take a lot for me to truly love someone.’

In this grand theater of politics and alliances, the banquet unfolded, disguising hidden intentions beneath a fa?ade of cordiality and lavishness. The power plays were subtle, the stakes high, and each participant danced a carefully choreographed dance, their true motivations hidden beneath layers of polite discourse. It was within this world of superficial splendor and strategic maneuvering that the fate of the Dynasty and my own destiny converged.


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