No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 85 Cavern Of Chaos -2

My heart was pounding with each passing second. I had never imagined finding myself in such a situation before.

’Why didn’t you warn me earlier?’ I shouted in frustration,in my mind though because I couldn’t afford to make any noise right now.

’I thought you might chicken out if you knew there was a... you know, a tiny dragon,’ Blaze replied defensively. It was true, I probably would’ve backed off, but at least I could’ve come prepared!

Right now, all I had with me was my trusty sword and a third-rate armor I bought ages ago. No potions, no helpful items. Why? Because the damn system always locks me out when I’m fighting or progressing through the floor. Someone should’ve given me a heads-up so I could be ready. INFORM ME PRIOR SO THAT I CAN PREPARE SOMETHING!

’Hey, I already said I’m sorry, princess,’ Blaze retorted. ’And why are you talking like Anabelle?’ He was trying to change the topic. Typical.

Crouching behind a large rock, I slowly advanced forward, trying to stay hidden.

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’What kind of dragon is it?’ I asked through our mental connection.

’I can’t say for sure. The dungeon spawns a different one every time,’ Blaze answered nonchalantly.

’You little-’ I was about to curse, but then he interrupted.

’Hold on! Before you unleash your anger, let me tell you that it’s an elemental dragon, and it’s not that strong,’ Blaze hastily clarified. Elemental dragon?

Elemental dragons are a different breed altogether. They’re barely classified as real dragons. Here’s why: their elemental nature, their singular focus on their respective elements, and their origins in the elemental realms.

These factors set them apart from traditional dragons and have sparked many debates about their classification. But the good news was that elemental dragons were smaller and less powerful than the real deal. I had been getting worked up for nothing.

Sighing with relief, I muttered to myself, "I hope this one is an easy one to handle." Elemental dragons, barely even real dragons.


[Half an hour later.]

I’ve been wandering around like a headless chicken, searching high and low for that damn dragon, but it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack!

"How much longer is this gonna take?" I grumbled in frustration, but Blaze remained silent. I guess that means he’s clueless too.

I took a step forward, my footsteps echoing in the cavern.


"Oh no..." I accidentally stepped on a loose rock, and it made a noise. Not just any noise, mind you. It was a cracking noise, but more like a feeble crack, barely even...

"!?" Suddenly, a strange sensation filled the air, causing a shift in the atmosphere. The temperature dropped faster than a lead balloon, and the once calm surroundings turned into a bone-chilling realm.


The wind let out a spine-tingling howl, piercing through the silence and creating a freaky symphony that echoed throughout the entire floor.


I gulped down the lump in my throat, trying to swallow my nerves.

A tingling sensation crawled up my spine, a clear sign that something was off. "It’s behind me, isn’t it?" I asked, half expecting Blaze to confirm my worst fears.

"It’s... not quite here yet. It’s making its way out of the realm," Blaze muttered, sounding more anxious than usual.

I spun around, my eyes widening at the sight that greeted me. A raging storm, a full-blown whirlwind of wind and ice, swirled and churned with a vengeance, threatening to gobble up everything in its path. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized it was trying to suck me right in!

"Fuck!" I cursed, desperately searching for something to cling onto amidst the chaotic storm. And then, I spotted it—a massive stalactite hanging precariously from the cavern ceiling. Without a second thought, I lunged towards it, my hands gripping its rough surface for dear life as I braced myself against the relentless gusts.

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As the storm raged on, the whirlwind seemed to intensify, but after a few seconds, it didn’t dissipate. Instead, it condensed, becoming more focused.

From the very heart of the tempest, it emerged—the storm dragon. Its massive wings stretched wide, emanating an overwhelming aura of power and dominance. The wind howled and the ice crackled, unveiling the majestic silhouette of a dragon before my astonished eyes.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in both awe and trepidation. A mixture of fear and excitement surged through my veins, electrifying every fiber of my being.

This was no ordinary elemental dragon; it was a living embodiment of the elements themselves. The storm dragon stood tall above me, its scales shimmering with a frosty sheen, and its eyes blazing with an icy fury.

Suddenly, Blaze materialized beside me, his voice filled with concern. "Princess, you never did what I asked, did you?" he said, his worry evident in his tone. That was a new side of him.

"What?" I replied, keeping a wary eye on the dragon as it continued to grow in size. Why was it getting bigger?

"You never checked your bad luck stat again. You should have asked the system about it, because..." Blaze paused for a moment, then continued, " always, you’re screwed." His words hung in the air, leaving me with a sinking feeling.

Before I could process his warning, the dragon let out a mighty roar, unleashing a shockwave that reverberated throughout the entire floor.

"Shit!" I cursed as an invisible force slammed into my abdomen, sending me hurtling through the air. I crashed into the rough wall of the cavern, the impact feeling like my entire body was being crushed. Blood rose to my throat, threatening to make me vomit.

As the storm gradually subsided and the elemental energies converged, the dragon stood before me in all its magnificence. It was a sight that both captivated me and sent shivers down my spine.

The storm dragon possessed a regal stature, towering above me with its massive wings spread wide. Its scales glistened with a frosty hue, reflecting the remnants of the tempest it had emerged from. Its sleek and sinuous body bore intricate patterns that seemed to mimic the swirling winds and frozen landscapes.

Its eyes, an intense glacial blue, held an ancient wisdom and an undeniable aura of power. It felt as though the dragon’s gaze could penetrate deep into my soul, unraveling the very essence of my being.

Each of its clawed feet was adorned with long, sharp talons, perfectly designed for grasping and tearing apart its adversaries. Razor-sharp fangs protruded from its jaws, promising a devastating bite capable of crushing bones with ease.

Its expansive wings, majestic and adorned with icy crystals, sparkled and reflected the light with a mesmerizing glow. With a single flap, the dragon could summon gusts of freezing winds that could turn anything in its path into ice.

The creature emanated a frigid power and untamed energy, its presence commanding both respect and awe. It embodied the elemental forces it controlled, a living manifestation of the storm itself.

Gasping for breath, I struggled to regain my composure after the brutal impact. Pain seared through my body, a reminder of the dragon’s overwhelming might. Blood trickled from the corner of my mouth,

"ouch!"With trembling hands, I pushed myself off the wall, my gaze fixated on the colossal storm dragon that now fully materialized before me. Its size was awe-inspiring, surpassing all my expectations.

Towering in front of me, it seemed to fill the entire cavern, its wingspan stretching out as far as the eye could see.

"That’s not just any elemental dragon, Princess, it’s something... beyond -" I exclaimed, my jaw dropping in disbelief. This creature was on a whole new level, and it wasn’t part of the game’s script.

"Princess, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think it’s time to bid our farewells. This thing is way out of our league," Blaze warned, his voice tinged with worry.

"What is it now? Why do these things always happen to me?" I grumbled, frustration bubbling up inside me. First, the dreaded Serpenthian Abbyssalor, and now this... I didn’t even have a clue what this creature was, but one thing was certain—it was no ordinary elemental dragon.

"It’s a Crystalwing Sentinel," Blaze declared, his tone filled with both awe and concern. I gazed ahead, taking in the majestic form of the creature. The name somehow made sense, considering the shimmering crystals adorning its wings and the imposing aura it emanated.

Sentinel fixed its gaze upon me,


Every detail of the dragon’s appearance was etched into my memory. Its scales shimmered like a frozen mosaic, reflecting the ethereal light in the underground chamber. The determination etched on its face was fierce, with sharp horns curving outward, displaying dominance. Its eyes blazed with icy fury, sending a chilling sensation down my spine. This creature was no ordinary being; it embodied the force of nature itself.

The dragon’s wings, grand and majestic, swept through the air with a powerful whoosh. Feathers of ice and frost adorn each wingtip, adding an elegant touch to its formidable presence. The gusts generated by its wings sent shivers through the cavern, a reminder of the immense power it possessed.

In one swift motion, the dragon reared its head back, drawing in a deep breath. I braced myself, knowing that what would follow would be utterly devastating. And then, with a thunderous roar.


[Fifteen minutes later.]

"Wh-why" I am baffled by the sudden turn of the events now.

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