No More Pain For This Villain. Chapter 95 Bloodwell.


I slowly withdrew the Shadowbane Dagger from the folds of the Astral Cloak. These few items, along with the gauntlet, had proved invaluable in the confrontation— or rather, the one-sided beating—reducing the severity of the onslaught.

I’ve noticed that the store holds many valuable items, such as the Orb of Illusion, but their limited usage and durability disappoint. The only weapon I could rely on for an extended period within Nightshade Sanctum was the Emberclad Colossus sword, which shattered when I attempted to parry Gorthan’s attack.


With a sigh, I cast a final gaze upon Ignisara. Even in death, she appeared as if in a deep slumber, her expression bearing a hint of tranquility.

"Now, I’ll proceed," I murmured. Picking up the elegant pendant resting upon her chest, I contemplated discarding it in the dark chamber, but...

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"Keep it. I’ll use it to give her a proper burial when we escape this place," Blaze interjected, his voice tinged with restraint. He had been on edge ever since the mention of dissecting her.

Carefully tucking the pendant into my pocket, I shifted my gaze back to the lifeless corpse.


I touched the blade’s tip to her chest, delicately removing the cloth that covered it. Slowly and methodically, I began to make incisions, ensuring precision to safeguard her heart from harm, carefully peeling away the flesh bit by bit.


"Done." Inside Ignisara’s lifeless corpse, her heart lay dormant—a once magnificent orb of crimson radiance. It was infused with ethereal fire, its pulsating embers fading, serving as a poignant symbol of her extinguished divinity.

"The heart is the sole part of a phoenix that remains unscathed even after death, but to see hers in this pristine state... she truly was a goddess," Blaze muttered, growing increasingly composed as seconds passed.

I grasped the heart in my hand, its texture and touch no different from that of a human heart—unchanged.

With precise cuts, I severed the veins and other connections keeping it in place, then gently pulled the heart from her chest.


"!?" My eyes widened as I witnessed the entire corpse of the phoenix goddess disintegrate into dust the moment I removed her heart.

"L-Let’s go. No time to gawk at her," Blaze urged, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.

"He’s trying to maintain a strong front," I thought, recognizing the familiar facade people adopt when they don’t want their emotions to cloud their focus.


"Agh," I crawled, clutching the heart tightly in one hand while dragging my body forward with the other. The deeper we ventured, the darker the surroundings became, enveloping us in an ominous shroud.

Soon, the distant sound of water droplets reached my ears—one solitary droplet at a time, echoing through the space. The source of the sound was not too far or too high.

"Fire," Blaze instructed, guiding me through the darkness. Instead of casting spells to create light, I utilized my mana to sustain his ethereal form, providing a guiding presence.

Blaze receded into my body, and I conjured a small flame in the palm of my hand. Yet, even with its flickering glow, the immediate surroundings remained concealed.


When I saw what lay before me, it exceeded all expectations. I had imagined an artifact of smaller scale, but...

"Holy smokes," I exclaimed, taken aback by the sight.

"This is the Bloodwell," Blaze declared, his voice reverberating in the chamber.

In front of me sprawled a vast expanse—a colossal fountain resembling a pond. Its waters, obsidian in hue, reflected an uncanny depth. A single stalactite hung from the ceiling above, each droplet it released punctuating the air with a soft tip sound as it descended, merging with the dark pool below. The atmosphere carried a palpable chill, sending shivers down my spine.

The Bloodwell stood as a testament to its name—a sacred reservoir, its purpose veiled in mystery, promising the power to alter bloodlines and reshape destinies.

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As I beheld the grandeur of the Bloodwell, I marveled at its ethereal beauty, unable to tear my gaze away from the enigmatic depths it held.

"Now, dive inside, carrying the heart. Remember........don’t swim. Let the Bloodwell work itself," Blaze instructed, emphasizing the importance of preserving the heart.

I cautiously approached the edge of the vast Bloodwell, contemplating its unconventional name. It seemed peculiar to refer to this expansive body of water as a "well" when it more closely resembled a serene and sprawling pond. Nevertheless, its true nature and purpose remained shrouded in mystery.

With a deep breath, I gathered my resolve and prepared to take the plunge. The obsidian-colored water beckoned me, its surface reflecting the dim light from the solitary stalactite above. The air around the Bloodwell was filled with an eerie chill, heightening the anticipation coursing through my veins.

"Hey, Ren!" Blaze called out to me from back, Yes he isn’t going to follow me because it’ll mess up with transformation according to her.

"Hm?" I looked back at him,his form is pretty different from the time I saw him first,

It was a fiery crimson when he manifested through that dragon bone dagger and emerged from the dimensional rift. However, over time, his appearance gradually grew darker, exuding an ominous aura. Once Curious, I asked him the reason behind this transformation. His response was simple yet cryptic.

He explained that his form is directly linked to my soul and is influenced by the energy I possess. According to him, my energy has a somewhat dark essence. I couldn’t help but disagree, considering myself to be a perfectly normal individual.

"It’s just the past, don’t let it affect you," he uttered, his words seeming unrelated to our current situation. However, I sensed a deeper meaning behind his statement, a message meant for my well-being. With a nod of understanding, I acknowledged his words.


Carefully, I began to lower myself into the depths of the Bloodwell, ensuring that the heart remained firmly grasped in my hand. As my body submerged in the enigmatic liquid, a gentle tingling sensation enveloped me, as if the essence of the Bloodwell itself was tenderly caressing my skin. It was a strange and almost otherworldly experience, leaving me both intrigued and mesmerized.

The moment my entire body submerged, a remarkable change began to take place. The water around me shimmered with a pulsating crimson glow, radiating from the depths of the Bloodwell. The ripples echoed outward, casting an enchanting dance of light upon the chamber walls.

"..."In this enchanted liquid realm, time seemed to slow down. I could sense the ancient power resonating from the Bloodwell, its energy intertwining with the beating heart I held. It was a fusion of primeval forces, the convergence of lifeblood and arcane essence.

As the heart floated gently from my hand, it was drawn towards the center of the Bloodwell. A mesmerizing spectacle unfolded before my eyes—the heart suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a swirling vortex of vibrant crimson. Wisps of ethereal fire danced around it, symbolizing the dormant power awaiting activation.

The heart absorbed the energy emanating from the Bloodwell, pulsing with newfound vitality. I could sense a profound transformation taking place within it, as if the very essence of Ignisara’s divine bloodline was being awakened.

Just when I thought it was over,

"GAghha!!" sudden jolt of agony coursed through my body, as if every fiber within me was being torn apart and forcibly wrenched outwards. A searing pain consumed me, threatening to consume my very being. I desperately gasped for air, but before I could register what was happening, something seized hold of my waist with a vice-like grip.

I immediately grabbed the floating heart, can’t lose it.


A primal scream escaped my lips as I was forcefully yanked further and further into the depths of the pond. The surroundings grew colder, an icy grip tightening around my senses. The once tranquil obsidian water now burned like molten fire upon my flesh, searing me to the core. It was as if salt was being rubbed relentlessly into an open wound, each moment more excruciating than the last.

With every passing second, the relentless pull dragged me deeper, pushing me beyond my limits. The obsidian water invaded my lungs, suffocating me, leaving me gasping for breath. My vision blurred, my body convulsed, and the boundaries between reality and nightmare merged into a maddening blur.


Suddenly, the relentless pull ceased, and I found myself abruptly meeting the solid ground at the bottom of the Bloodwell. I lay there, my body trembling and gasping for air, grateful for the respite from the torment I had just endured.

As the pain gradually subsided, exhaustion overtook me, and my consciousness began to drift away. I clung desperately to the heart, my grip weakening with each passing moment, determined to hold onto it until the very last vestiges of my awareness slipped away. But alas, my strength faltered, and with a heavy heart, I lost my grasp on the precious artifact. It slipped from my fingers and vanished into the depths, lost to me in the abyss of the Bloodwell.


"Huh?" I blinked my eyes open, slowly adjusting to the darkness that enveloped me. As I surveyed my surroundings, I realized I was standing on solid ground. With a flick of my hand, I conjured a ball of flame to illuminate my path. But to my surprise, the flames that danced before me were not my own—they were the mesmerizing Azure flames.

Guided by their ethereal glow, I pressed forward, following an instinctual pull. Time seemed to blur as I traversed through the darkness, the only source of light leading the way.

And then, there it stood before me—a house. My house. I couldn’t believe my eyes. In this desolate realm, amidst the nothingness, the two-story building stood tall and resolute. Its presence both comforted and bewildered me.

I approached the front of the house, my gaze falling upon the nameplate affixed near the entrance. It read: "The Hilton’s."

Confusion swirled within me. How could this be? What was my house doing here in this strange realm? Questions flooded my mind, and I couldn’t help but feel a mix of curiosity and trepidation as I stood before the familiar structure.

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